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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

History repeats itself.
We go from living in bondage to gaining spiritual faith out of need.
Spiritual faith gives people great courage to fight for their Freedom.

View attachment 78234

Apathy has allowed liberals to poison the minds of children in our schools, to promote socialism.
Socialism will lead to bondage.

There's also been the falling away from the church and the destruction of the nuclear family, loss of morality... all a result of apathy.

The difference this time will be technology, when socialism becomes bondage, the fight will be longer and harder to regain liberty.

Of course you blame liberals for all the world's ills. You are MAGA.

We are in the beginnings of mass automation, labor demand will fall in the years ahead and unless the US becomes the world leaders in technology development, then we will be forced into socialism, sadly we have atrophied while China and other nations with a stronger work ethic have been gaining ground, most of our genius students are foreign born, just read some bleeding edge laser technology research and see all the foreign names.

No I am in part blaming the loss of religion that once gave the youth a plan, hold down a job and raise a family, grow strong moral children into good men and women ready to be the worlds best at all that we do as America used to control 90% of the worlds wealth, alas we have exported so much wealth via. political greed.

We have stuck our thumb in the eye of every developing nation to spread capitalism and now we are falling behind.
Because we lost our moral compass.
If everyone went to church on Sunday we would have a lot more unity, instead we are a very divided nation with both sides becoming more radical, I fear bloodshed could be in our future if we keep spreading hate and lies while trying to control each other, legislate our own brand of morality and attack the norms of the other side.
We are in the beginnings of mass automation, labor demand will fall in the years ahead and unless the US becomes the world leaders in technology development, then we will be forced into socialism, sadly we have atrophied while China and other nations with a stronger work ethic have been gaining ground, most of our genius students are foreign born, just read some bleeding edge laser technology research and see all the foreign names.

No I am in part blaming the loss of religion that once gave the youth a plan, hold down a job and raise a family, grow strong moral children into good men and women ready to be the worlds best at all that we do as America used to control 90% of the worlds wealth, alas we have exported so much wealth via. political greed.

We have stuck our thumb in the eye of every developing nation to spread capitalism and now we are falling behind.
Because we lost our moral compass.

Religion has less to do with giving people a life than ethics do. One can be ethical and still be atheist. I know I am. Religion is an opioid for people who can't tell the difference.
So you want ethics to be dictated by the state, rather than taught by the church....... sounds like something out of project 2025 or whatever it is.

The difference is with the church you can say, no thanks, and go about your business, but with the State, you must obey, or else force will be brought upon you.

I've never seen the church in America send out cops to exert force and put anyone in a cage.
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False dichotomy there red. But even if it weren't, yes I'd rather the state dictate ethics, at least the state is real and in theory accountable, unlike religious dogma.

As a former coin collector, I can tell you that "in God we trust" wasn't added to the coins or to the pledge of allegiance until the early 1950s
Sorry, you are wrong about that.

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Oh good we're dragging religion into this.
Separation of Church and State is a fundamental pillar to modern governance. *Your* beliefs shouldn't influence policy that affects everyone else, full stop. Believe what you want to believe, IDGAF, but the moment you try to dictate how I or anyone else should live based off *your* belief system thats when we're gonna have a problem.

I've always thought having "in god we trust" was a foolish thing to put on currency. Its pretty exclusionist wording on a country's currency that's not supposed to show favoritism to any particular belief system.
I agree, so don't push your DEI or climate religion on me, don't circumvent my constitutional rights because kids today want to kill their classmates, pretty much live and let live works for me.

Freedom for everyone.

Kill your baby in your womb, fine with me, it's your baby.

Want to ban my gun NO! 2nd amendment says NO!

Want to take drugs until you turn blue, fine with me.

All we need is less government, less laws, less mandates from church or state.

But that's not what you really want now is it, you want me to abide by your religion/beliefs, but you don't want to hear about mine.
What is this about ?
Are you saying I can't give my opinion that DEI is racism without being accused of .... something N word ??? what ???

Excluding a more qualified person from being hired because of their race is racism, what if all basketball teams had to hire a population equivalent percentage of white players, would that be fair ? No it would not and neither is excluding anybody else based on race/gender.
Bruh if pointing out the actual racism that DEI promotes is like saying the 'N-word' I am basically over here singing DMX and that one Kanye song in my day-to-day life. lol
Oh good we're dragging religion into this.
Separation of Church and State is a fundamental pillar to modern governance. *Your* beliefs shouldn't influence policy that affects everyone else, full stop. Believe what you want to believe, IDGAF, but the moment you try to dictate how I or anyone else should live based off *your* belief system thats when we're gonna have a problem.

I've always thought having "in god we trust" was a foolish thing to put on currency. Its pretty exclusionist wording on a country's currency that's not supposed to show favoritism to any particular belief system.
'In God we Trust was added to currency during the Eisenhower Administration due to communism being public enemy number one and communism itself being godless, worshipping the leader or the state rather than god.. I'm absolutely all for it in this context. We should strive to be better and more ethical than the communists in our daily lives as well as on the world stage.
Big storm here, power is out, had to hook up my inverter to power internet.
Do you work from home or does the *need* to reply to Paul just call for emergency equipment? Lmao

I miss the storms we had in the south.. I moved from Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago and WOW the weather and environment is on easy-mode up here.
We have a lot of outages here, lots of big old trees come down in the storms.
