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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Have your safe space filled with a fresh supply of crying towels paul, cause you're sure gonna need em. :ROFLMAO:😂😝😜🤪

Ohh she hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell..... cause the crap she spews has such an awful smell..... your president is a lame duck..... he really was a total smuck..... now with Kamala you're just out of luck..... cause she hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell.
Looks like Cackles biggest campaign contribution was swiped from the Biden reelection fund to the tune of 91 Million dollars.
Even of it's allowed, it's not like people contributed this 91 Million to Cackle in her effort to defeat Trump.

After all of this, whoever's candidate ends up losing should have to cosplay as Sailor Moon and post the pictures on the forum. :ROFLMAO:
Looks like Cackles biggest campaign contribution was swiped from the Biden reelection fund to the tune of 91 Million dollars.
Even of it's allowed, it's not like people contributed this 91 Million to Cackle in her effort to defeat Trump.

Harris, because she is Biden's Vice president gets to take over his campaign contributions. However she also got $100 million in donations from grassroot donors too.

Here's a little ditty that I just came up with seeing you try to meme. It is done to Neil Young's "Southern Man." Here's his refrain.

Sothern man better keep your head
Don't forget what your good book said
Southern change gonna come at last
Now your crosses are burning fast
Southern man


MAGA man get your head out your ass
Pick your nose, belch and pass some gas
You know MAGA will rise and then
Fat loud white guys in style again
MAGA man ;)
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Economy great under Trump? Lol. Just keep saying it over and over, maybe that'll somehow make it true.

Kamala is pretty disliked, but I think many average uninformed voters who think Trump was kinda extreme but who also thought biden was too old and would prefer a fascist leader who's brain seems to mostly work to an old guy who can't complete a sentence will now switch back.

DEI. Conservative's new euphemism when they mean the "n" word or would be sexist. Saw Charlie kirk say he would feel uncomfortable if he got on a plane and the pilot was black.

Have to wonder if Red believes trump the few times he has lied now and claimed to not have knowledge of project 2025. Is he lying now, or was he lying previously when he spoke of knowing the people involved very well and them having the vision for his admin? Can't be both. You must admit trump lied or I guess you could just compartmentalize and ignore the cognitive dissonance like trumpers normally do. Trump has you trained so well to disarm your minds defenses and let in any amount of falsehood he desires.

It's pretty obvious to me that he is lying when he says he doesn't know anything about project 2025. He knows many of their plans like banning all abortions, banning pornography, banning contraception etc are unpopular and he must pretend to be less extreme when speaking to the whole nation while owning those extreme positions when he is in front of those few who do support them. Begs the question, what does he really care about and what is he loyal to? Power, and himself. That's about it.

With abortion, it's a wonder that republicans think people can not see through their "leave it to the states" BS. If they really believed abortion was murder, well, who would really argue that murder should be legal in some states if they decide it should be? No one. It is a tactic to try and pretend like things aren't regressing and try to boil the frog slowly so it doesn't realize the danger posed by a fascist theocratic ethno state until it is too late.

I hope dems really hammer trump for his age now. That'll be hilarious. Wonder how many more golden moments we will get from trump in the coming months. My personal favorite so far was his quote, "Saudi arabia and Russia will re be do auaagghhhhhhh"

Kamala has a very annoying laugh. So does tucker carlson though and MAGAts love him so they'll just have to deal

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DEI. Conservative's new euphemism when they mean the "n" word or would be sexist.

What is this about ?
Are you saying I can't give my opinion that DEI is racism without being accused of .... something N word ??? what ???

Excluding a more qualified person from being hired because of their race is racism, what if all basketball teams had to hire a population equivalent percentage of white players, would that be fair ? No it would not and neither is excluding anybody else based on race/gender.
Blaming DEI for all you don't like IS racist. Most people see this. It's only you MAGAs that don't.
Who's blaming DEI for " all " that I don't like ?
I said DEI as used in hiring practices is racism.

When a company must turn away a more qualified applicant based on race, that is racism.
Who's blaming DEI for " all " that I don't like ?
I said DEI as used in hiring practices is racism.

When a company must turn away a more qualified applicant based on race, that is racism.

Republicans have also said the Kamala Harris was a DEI hire. That is just nonsense. She has earned everything she has gotten. Companies don't have to pass over more qualified applicants as there are many minority candidates that are equally qualified.
Sounds like you liberals want to tell everyone else what to do.
You want to legislate morality as you see it.
You want to violate our Constitution if you think there's a good reason to.
You want to dictate how we must live to abide with your climate religion.
