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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

How are historical attempted assassinations in any way relevant to the current situation? Apples to oranges. Was the secret service even a thing during Roosevelt times?

She was asked to step down because of the clear understaffing and mismanagement of available resources which legitimately killed an innocent man and wounded three others including former President Trump. She was asked to leave by many in Congress because I think we're all sick of seeing the best person for the job passed over and DEI endangering the lives of people everywhere by giving jobs to people who aren't qualified for them, can't physically or mentally handle them. Half of Trump's security detail that day looked to be middle aged and unfit women. Yikes.

Can we at least all agree that the better scenario would've been the shooter being apprehend beforehand and getting the mental health care he clearly needed, the people in the stands not sustaining life threatening injuries and one killed? I personally would've preferred that. The secret service failed so horrifically it's suspicious and yeah the DEI director was asked by many to step down.

Yeah, the Secret Service has been a thing since Lincoln was assassinated. Are you thick? Of course it would have been better if Crooks had been apprehended before hand. But, these heads of the Service that failed in the past were never asked to leave. These are facts.

DEI is just a racist thing that Trump and his supporters believe is relevant. It's not.

Cackling Kookoo isn't going to be our next President, it's not happening paul.... I know you hate Trump, but you better figure out how to deal with it, your dreams of no 2nd Trump term died with the failed assassination.
Cackling Kookoo isn't going to be our next President, it's not happening paul.... I know you hate Trump, but you better figure out how to deal with it, your dreams of no 2nd Trump term dies with the failed assassination.

Just you watch and see. Trump has only his base with people like you. He will need a lot more than that to win. His vision for America is staying out of prison. :ROFLMAO:
Keep telling yourself that paul, just like you were ohh sooo sure that Hillary would win, you just knew she had it in the bag..... WRONG.
Biden only " won " because of " fortifications " dems made exploiting covid. Trump will win against Cackling Harris.
Not everyone who isn't a Trump " base " will vote for Cackling Kookoo, many middle voters will go with Trump because they are not all full of Trump hate like you are.
Yeah, the Secret Service has been a thing since Lincoln was assassinated. Are you thick? Of course it would have been better if Crooks had been apprehended before hand. But, these heads of the Service that failed in the past were never asked to leave. These are facts.

DEI is just a racist thing that Trump and his supporters believe is relevant. It's not.
My fiancee says I'm thicc so I guess I could also be thick. \•~•/
Keep telling yourself that paul, just like you were ohh sooo sure that Hillary would win, you just knew she had it in the bag..... WRONG.
Biden only " won " because of " fortifications " dems made exploiting covid. Trump will win against Cackling Harris.
Not everyone who isn't a Trump " base " will vote for Cackling Kookoo, many middle voters will go with Trump because they are not all full of Trump hate like you are.

Trump has no vision for America. People love Kamala Harris. I will love telling you, again, that Trump lost. I hope you guys try to run him in 2028. He cannot win with just his base and he isn't even trying to get anyone else. He is the only old fart in this race. I find all of this hilarious!
We will see if you know what everyone else in the country is thinking and how they feel....or not.

My bet is all the middle ground voters that were surprised when they saw just how bad off Biden was in the debate, had any remaining doubts removed when he stepped down after the failed Trump assassination, something that will also bring voters back to Trump, because the only vision the Biden admin. has had was lying about everything and blaming Trump, fomenting Trump hate until someone attempted killing him.

Then the world saw Trumps true spirit when he braved unknown danger ( after having been shot ) to let his supporters know he was alright..... someone like Kamala would have hidden under a heap of agents until inside the armored car and far down the road thinking only of herself.

Biden stepping down and being replaced with Cackling Kookoo Harris won't deter the hard line dem base, but the middle ground voters..... don't kidd yourself paul, Biden stepping down after a failed Trump assassination is bad news for the dem agenda and it's inane vision of putting diapers on cows...... hell I can hardly afford a steak as it is in this awful Biden economy and a Cackling Moron Harris sure isn't going to make things any better, but Trump will !
We will see if you know what everyone else in the country is thinking and how they feel....or not.

My bet is all the middle ground voters that were surprised when they saw just how bad off Biden was in the debate, had any remaining doubts removed when he stepped down after the failed Trump assassination, something that will also bring voters back to Trump, because the only vision the Biden admin. has had was lying about everything and blaming Trump, fomenting Trump hate until someone attempted killing him.

Then the world saw Trumps true spirit when he braved unknown danger ( after having been shot ) to let his supporters know he was alright..... someone like Kamala would have hidden under a heap of agents until inside the armored car and far down the road thinking only of herself.

Biden stepping down and being replaced with Cackling Kookoo Harris won't deter the hard line dem base, but the middle ground voters..... don't kidd yourself paul, Biden stepping down after a failed Trump assassination is bad news for the dem agenda and it's inane vision of putting diapers on cows...... hell I can hardly afford a steak as it is in this awful Biden economy and a Cackling Moron Harris sure isn't going to make things any better, but Trump will !

If you think that just because an assassin failed to kill Trump that that's all you need to win. That is nonsense as Trump only cares about himself. Everyone by now knows that. His vision for America is to stay out of prison. That's it. BTW, the word you were looking for is kid. Only one D in it. Harris has set new records in people who want to campaign for her and the money she's raised in just 48 hours. Biden did what he thought was best for the country. Trump has NEVER done that.
You are wrong paul, just like you were wrong when I said Biden would be replaced and you said Biden IS the dem candidate !

Trump left a life of fabulous luxury to serve his country because he saw a serious need and Trump gave us a GREAT economy, Biden has given us little more than lies.

America was respected under Trump, under Biden we are a laughing stock and Kookoo Kamala....... give me a break, not everyone in the middle sees things like you do.

You keep saying Trump only has his base, wrong, both will have their base, the middle voters will decide the election and they don't all think like you or me, that said Biden always had the best chance against Trump..... but Kamala..... nope, Kamala is a selfish moron, a selfish cackling moron.
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You are wrong paul, just like you were wrong when I said Biden would be replaced and you said Biden IS the dem candidate !

Trump left a life of fabulous luxury to serve his country because he saw a serious need and Trump gave us a GREAT economy, Biden has given us little more than lies.

America was respected under Trump, under Biden we are a laughing stock and Kookoo Kamala....... give me a break, not everyone in the middle sees things like you do.

You keep saying Trump only has his base, wrong, both will have their base, the middle voters will decide the election and they don't all think like you or me, that said Biden always had the best chance against Trump..... but Kamala..... nope, Kamala is a selfish moron, a selfish cackling moron.

Yeah, I know that's what you believe, but Trump has no way forward. People everywhere are joining Kamala Harris to donate and campaign for her. What has Trump got? He doesn't have that kind of infrastructure and doesn't care to. He is only about himself. Even YOU should know that by now.

If you're a Trump supporter and this change doesn't worry you, you are fooling yourself.
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You're delusional, Trump has significant support...... 450M as of June....... no way forward ?? Are you just making stuff up again paul ? God you are desperate aren't you.

A piece of advise paul, when you try to BS everyone else it only makes you look bad, but when you BS yourself...... you're going to need counseling when Trump wins..... which means you're going to need counseling. lol
You're delusional, Trump has significant support...... no way forward ?? Are you just making stuff up again paul ? God you are desperate aren't you.

A piece of advise paul, when you try to BS everyone else it only makes you look bad, but when you BS yourself...... you're going to need counseling when Trump wins..... which means you're going to need counseling. lol

The only response to that is :ROFLMAO:

Watch as the polls show that Harris gains a substantial lead. I will love telling you I told you so.
Kamala has always been a ( no chance ) in the polling stats against Trump, so now that she's actually running you think they will skew the polling to make her look viable.... yea, that's why polls don't really count for much.

Kamala Cackling Kookoo Harris..... you know you're screwed. lol😂🤣😝😜🤪

I feel a song coming on.....
Ohh you haven't got a snowballs chance in hell...... and the shit you spew is really starting to smell...... your crazy kook is a lame duck...... and your departing man was a total smuck...... ohh, you haven't got a snowballs chance in hellllll.
Kamala has always been a ( no chance ) in the polling stats against Trump, so now that she's actually running you think they will skew the polling to make her look viable.... yea, that's why polls don't really count for much.

Kamala Cackling Kookoo Harris..... you know you're screwed. lol😂🤣😝😜🤪

I feel a song coming on.....
Ohh you haven't got a snowballs chance in hell...... and the shit you spew is really starting to smell...... your crazy kook is a lame duck...... and your departing man was a total smuck...... ohh, you haven't got a snowballs chance in hellllll.

Yeah, don't try to do memes. You are no good at it. The polls are changing and even you should know that. Watch as Harris polls higher than Trump in the weeks to come.
Not in any creditable polls, sure some California campus polling a handful of cherry picked students, but not in a real national poll with people from every area in numbers weighted to match the voting population, in that case Trump will be way out front, just like he always was in the polls against Kamala as a ( If it was Trump vs Harris ) while Biden was running.

When the poll takers point was ( Hey don't ever try this ) then they were honest about a Trump vs. Harris race, the results were always Trump DOMINATING !

I remember you quoting polls every day saying Hillary will win...... didn't happen did it ??
Not in any creditable polls, sure some California campus polling a handful of cherry picked students, but not in a real national poll with people from every area in numbers weighted to match the voting population, in that case Trump will be way out front, just like he always was in the polls against Kamala as a ( If it was Trump vs Harris ) while Biden was running.

When the poll takers point was ( Hey don't ever try this ) then they were honest about a Trump vs. Harris race, the results were always Trump DOMINATING !

I remember you quoting polls every day saying Hillary will win...... didn't happen did it ??

Yeah Hillary did win the popular vote. Too bad we don't go by that, but Trump is a disaster. He won't win and if any Trump supporters can't see that then you guys are fooling yourselves.
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