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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Great, I think I will have my universal income checks direct deposited....... or is it really too soon too make those plans ?

No paul, Trump never promised UI......

Well if we did get stuck with that cackling screwball, we would all get universal healthcare.... right ?
No paul, Trump never promised UI......

Well if we did get stuck with that cackling screwball, we would all get universal healthcare.... right ?

I suppse it could happen. Not something I've ever needed, as when I was working I always had insurance. Now that I'm retired I have Medicare.

I think Harris would do it like Biden did getting the rates on drugs decreased by negotiating as a large faction. My insulin went way down when Biden did that.
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That deal was smoke and mirrors, democrats got the safer communities act and a fake drug prices deal they could tout, republicans saved their wealthy pharma contributors with that fake drug prices deal, everybody got fucked.

That deal only reduced the prices on 10 drugs and only after a period of time, all they have to do is change the names, right now drug prices are up across the board with the exception of insulin which was jacked way up by a guy ( Martin Shkreli ) who bought the rights to jack up the prices and get rich.

Martin Shkreli (/ˈʃkrɛli/; born March 17, 1983) is an American investor and businessman. He was convicted of financial crimes for which he was sentenced to seven years in federal prison, being released on parole after roughly six and a half years in 2022, and was fined over 70 million dollars.

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So much of what we are told concerning politics are lies, but in this rare case both parties did take action.

Both parties politicians take big contributions from big pharma who has on average 3 lobbyist for every member of congress.
They come up with temporary fixes intended to expire so they can say " we fixed drug prices " but in reality their wealthy contributors don't lose money, we the people pay and pay.

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That deal was smoke and mirrors, democrats got the safer communities act and a fake drug prices deal they could tout, republicans saved their wealthy pharma contributors with that fake drug prices deal, everybody got fucked.

That deal only reduced the prices on 10 drugs and only after a period of time, all they have to do is change the names, right now drug prices are up across the board with the exception of insulin which was jacked way up by a guy ( Martin Shkreli ) who bought the rights to jack up the prices and get rich.

Martin Shkreli (/ˈʃkrɛli/; born March 17, 1983) is an American investor and businessman. He was convicted of financial crimes for which he was sentenced to seven years in federal prison, being released on parole after roughly six and a half years in 2022, and was fined over 70 million dollars.

All I can tell is that for years my insyulin for 90 days was $165. Now, it's just $11.20. And my out of pocket is capped at $2000 a year. That is way better than it was.
And my drug prices have increased, 2 of my meds that were just under 100.00 a month are now over 160.00 a month and my pharmacy showed me where their costs for the meds went up. Fact is all these drug prices are too dam high and the value of our dollar is shrinking.

Your medicare covered insulin is NOT representative of what everyone else pays for pharmacy meds..... hell even my visine eye drops have gone up at wal-mart this year, everything has gone up under Biden/Harris except your medicare covered insulin.... let me guess, you have part D ?
Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson of North Carolina said he was a Black Nazi on a porn siite. Many Republicans are hoping he will drop out, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.
And my drug prices have increased, 2 of my meds that were just under 100.00 a month are now over 160.00 a month and my pharmacy showed me where their costs for the meds went up. Fact is all these drug prices are too dam high and the value of our dollar is shrinking.

Your medicare covered insulin is NOT representative of what everyone else pays for pharmacy meds..... hell even my visine eye drops have gone up at wal-mart this year, everything has gone up under Biden/Harris except your medicare covered insulin.... let me guess, you have part D ?

Actually, all my meds have a cap of $4.50 each for a month's or a 90 days supply. I get my insulin in 90 days supplies. Many of my drugs now come in 90 day's supplies.
Well bully for you paul, not everyone is a senior on medicare...... hey why not make medicare for all ??? Never going to happen, remember all those lobbyist and wealthy big pharma donors.

Government wants to keep their legacy medicare costs down, so big pharma gets to have their way with the rest of us and make those big profits, our bought and paid for politicians won't give us medicare for all, not without a big pharma payoff, lets face it, our system is corrupt and R's and D's take turns scratching each others backs between election cycles.
