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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

In a word among many words....... NO.
KooKoo Kackling Kamala will not be POTUS

((( ALSO )))
Woke Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle, who insisted on DEI hiring has resigned after the one of the worst Secret Service failures.
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I saw someone say to vote for Kamala just because of how much it would piss off Hillary and honestly thats a pretty solid argument XD
LOL.... I would almost agree with that.... but no, Hillary lives in her own hell with the worst enemy possible..... herself.
That said I just don't see KooKoo Kackle Kamala being our 1st female President, especially in the wake of the Biden debacle where she failed so dramatically as border czar, I don't see moderate voters who will be a big factor voting for Kackle.
In a word among many words....... NO.
KooKoo Kackling Kamala will not be POTUS

((( ALSO )))
Woke Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle, who insisted on DEI hiring has resigned after the one of the worst Secret Service failures.

Yeah, watch as that woman beats Trump in November. Actually, they are saying on social media sites that Harris looks like she would be fun to hang out with. No one says that about Trump. :LOL:

That racist blaming DEI for everything you don't like is another reason Trump will lose. He has no policies. Just grievances. That is not the plan for the future people want to hear.
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DEI is racism/sexism, that's not the plan for the future that people want to hear.

Fun to hang out with..... is that the criteria by which your sector chooses a leader who will influence world policy ?:unsure:

Look at it this way, Trump gave us a GREAT economy, Biden gave us lies about the economy that anyone who buys groceries can plainly see is a lie.

Trump will beat Kackle, if dems don't run someone else before it's over.;)
Vote for the DEI candidate they said, your race isn't being systematically blamed for everything bad in history and exterminated they said, vote for the DEI candidate to right all the wrongs western civilization has committed! Huzzah!
DEI is racism/sexism, that's not the plan for the future that people want to hear.

Fun to hang out with..... is that the criteria by which your sector chooses a leader who will influence world policy ?:unsure:

Look at it this way, Trump gave us a GREAT economy, Biden gave us lies about the economy that anyone who buys groceries can plainly see is a lie.

Trump will beat Kackle, if dems don't run someone else before it's over.;)

No, what you said about Harris' laugh won't work. She is pulling away from Trump BECAUSE he only has grievances and no policies. Harris doesn't think the country is in terrible shape. That is what Trump ALWAYS says. It didn't work for Carter in 1980 and it won't work for Trump today. THAT is why he will lose.
Vote for the DEI candidate they said, your race isn't being systematically blamed for everything bad in history and exterminated they said, vote for the DEI candidate to right all the wrongs western civilization has committed! Huzzah!

DEI had nothing to do with Harris becoming Vice President and it won't have anything to do with her winning in November. She earned everything she's ever gotten.
Paul do you just shill for whoever is currently the public face of the democrat party? I think if they jumped off a cliff you'd be following closely and happily behind. If they started publicly killing democracy or even dissidents you'd still be their biggest cheerleader. Just following orders amiright?
There may have been more to the attempted assassination of President Trump.
I don't think it's a co-incidence that Biden has dropped out right after this failed attempted assassination.

There may have been a to the attempted assassination of President Trump.
I don't think it's a co-incidence that Biden has dropped out right after this attempted assassination.

Harris has a vision for America. You can't see it because you are so far up Trump's ass. She will win in November because of her vision. Watch and learn.

You likely don't know this, but Franklin Roosevelt was shot at several times and the head of the Secret Service wasn't asked to leave. In the mid 70s Ford was shot at twice and the head of the SS didn't leave. Even when Reagan was shot he was still in charge and wasn't asked to leave.
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That kackling moron hasn't a reasonable thought in her head, Trump has solid policy, Biden has failed policy and come 2025 you paul will have nothing but grievances about every step Trump takes.
Steep roof my ass. They said the roof was too steep for secret service to post up there, BS !

Harris has a vision for America. You can't see it because you are so far up Trump's ass. She will win in November because of her vision. Watch and learn.

You likely don't know this, but Franklin Roosevelt was shot at several times and the head of the Secret Service wasn't asked to leave. In the mid 70s Ford was shot at twice and the head of the SS didn't leave. Even when Reagan was shot he was still in charge and wasn't asked to leave.

Read my comments that you missed.
I don't care if Kackle Harris is having visions, she's not fit to serve and any reasonable voter can see it.
How are historical attempted assassinations in any way relevant to the current situation? Apples to oranges. Was the secret service even a thing during Roosevelt times?

She was asked to step down because of the clear understaffing and mismanagement of available resources which legitimately killed an innocent man and wounded three others including former President Trump. She was asked to leave by many in Congress because I think we're all sick of seeing the best person for the job passed over and DEI endangering the lives of people everywhere by giving jobs to people who aren't qualified for them, can't physically or mentally handle them. Half of Trump's security detail that day looked to be middle aged and unfit women. Yikes.

Can we at least all agree that the better scenario would've been the shooter being apprehend beforehand and getting the mental health care he clearly needed, the people in the stands not sustaining life threatening injuries and one killed? I personally would've preferred that. The secret service failed so horrifically it's suspicious and yeah the DEI director was asked by many to step down.
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