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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Good, Trump doesn't need to debate Cackle Harris, but if he does he should get a fair shake, if dems want a chance they should be willing to debate anywhere.

There's no good way to spin this. Trump is afraid. He was expecting to run against Biden and now he's not. This is wonderful! :LOL:

So goodbye yellow backed Trump where the dogs of the GOP howl
You can't get back in the white house you can't even get close
Back to the Florida where you came from
And we're all holding our nose
Oh we finally decided our future lies beyond the yellow backed Trump
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Y'know how they say the left can't meme? Paul drives the point home sometimes lol.

Maybe Kalamazoo will be a better opponent for Trump, she does have an impressive record although she seems to have trouble in front of cameras. I personally think we still aren't ready for a woman to be president. Remember, when given the choice democrats elected a black man over a woman, and then another old white man before the first woman. Seems like forcing the issue this late in the game isn't gonna help matters. I do love hearing Hitllary and her supporters whining about how it was her turn though.
Y'know how they say the left can't meme? Paul drives the point home sometimes lol.

Maybe Kalamazoo will be a better opponent for Trump, she does have an impressive record although she seems to have trouble in front of cameras. I personally think we still aren't ready for a woman to be president. Remember, when given the choice democrats elected a black man over a woman, and then another old white man before the first woman. Seems like forcing the issue this late in the game isn't gonna help matters. I do love hearing Hitllary and her supporters whining about how it was her turn though.

We shall see. Personally I love our chances. I believe Kamala Harris will beat Trump hands down. The excitement I've seen from my party just today is infectious. I think it will be a landslide for Harris.
The democrat party is fractured over this, even Obama refused to endorse Cackling Kamala Harris yet as does AOC and she brings up an interesting point about if it's even legal in some States to take Biden off the ticket at this late date, this will be interesting..... speaking of interesting the money raised for Biden can be transferred to Harris but not anyone else..... I bet some dems will try to say Harris has had a lot of support when really it's just the Biden campaign funds being reallocated to her campaign lol.

What a disaster this is for the hard core democrats, Trump will defeat Cackle by a wide margin.

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You know that Democrats are still punishing themselves over last night's debate. But, in fact it got the least number of viewers since the turn of the century. There is no way that Joe Biden isn't our candidate.

No way you say.........LOLLLoolOLolllooLLool🤪🤪😝😅🤪🤪🤪
The democrat party is fractured over this, even Obama refused to endorse Cackling Kamala Harris yet as does AOC and she brings up an interesting point about if it's even legal in some States to take Biden off the ticket at this late date, this will be interesting..... speaking of interesting the money raised for Biden can be transferred to Harris but not anyone else..... I bet some dems will try to say Harris has had a lot of support when really it's just the Biden campaign funds being reallocated to her campaign lol.

What a disaster this is for the hard core democrats, Trump will defeat Cackle by a wide margin.

Since you guys insist on running Trump for yet a third time, we will win again. Please run him in 2028! we love it every time you do. :ROFLMAO:

Yesterday was the largest day in donations to the Harris campaign earning over $50 million in that day alone from small donors.
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I saw a hilarious segment on fox News with a candidate I formerly supported, Tulsi being asked about Kamala. Jesse waters I think it was. Anyway, they played a clip from when Tulsi was cosplaying as a progressive and her savage takedown of Kamala during one of the primary debates. Hilarious to watch them play that clip of tulsi attacking Kamala FROM THE LEFT on issues that republicans would agree with Kamala on, and try to play it off like they think it reflects poorly on kamala, when really it just goes to show what a grifter and two faced sell out tulsi is.

I'm hoping that at some point a reporter asks J D Vance what made him say that Trump was America's Hitler at one point. Obviously he has submitted to power and probably a check as well. Watching him squirm from that question, trying to pretend he was wrong then to say it and why he said it but was wrong somehow would be a hoot.
The Harris campaign has now gotten more than $80 million in donations since Biden removed himself from this race.
Yeah, I heard Fox News used this as if it proved anything. That was just nonsense. Harris did not keep anyone past their sentences as that is up to someone else. Most of that is pure crap. But, good luck with that old fart you're running. You are sure gonna need it.
Is anyone else suspicious that we still haven't seen the gun, ballistics, etc from the attempted assassination?

Historically we've had a lot more information after more than a week.
Here's one of the best reasons to dislike Kamala. Republicans won't like it though as it also implicates Steve mnuchin, who trump made treasury secretary. Oh and would you look at that, mnuchin had dealings with Republicans favorite boogeyman man, George soros. So much for draining the swamp huh? I'm sure Republicans will ignore or rationalize that

Kamala Harris raised the most money in the 24 hours since Biden endorsed her at $81 million. That dwarfs Trump's $53 million that he raised after being convicted in NY.

Sixty percent were first time donors and another 43,000 made their donations recurring.
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