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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

That is total BS paul, Obama's Iran deal gave Iran funding to conduct terrorism, hell Obama gave Iran an airplane packed so full of cash we had to send our foreign currency reserves as well because we didn't have enough US currency on hand and a golden 10 year pathway to the bomb, 10 years is nothing.

Obama did NOT put America 1st, Trump will put America 1st.


That is total BS paul, Obama's Iran deal gave Iran funding to conduct terrorism, hell Obama gave Iran an airplane packed so full of cash we had to send our foreign currency reserves as well because we didn't have enough US currency on hand and a golden 10 year pathway to the bomb, 10 years is nothing.

Obama did NOT put America 1st, Trump will put America 1st.

That money already belonged to Iran. Its return was part of the deal that Obama gave back to get them to comply. That America first crap is just xenophobic Trumpism for keeping us out of the rest of the world. He will take us out on NATO and allow the Russians to do whatever they please. Trump is the greatest threat we've ever seen.

Trump walking away from Obama's deal with Iran is the stupidest thing he could have done. Anything that they have done to acquire nuclear weapons can be laid at Trump's feet.
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Total bullshit paul, that money was held back from Iran since the 1970's and Obama's Iran deal was garbage, Obama sold America down the river, weaponized the IRS against his political opposition and violated his oath of office with his Fast and Furious scandal, Obama is still acting through Biden today....... NO 4th term for Obama !

So you want the new world order, a global government, no way, Americans will NOT be dictated to by foreign governments who don't respect our Constitution, you liberals are the threat to American democracy, liberty and Freedom.
Total bullshit paul, that money was held back from Iran since the 1970's and Obama's Iran deal was garbage, Obama sold America down the river, weaponized the IRS against his political opposition and violated his oath of office with his Fast and Furious scandal, Obama is still acting through Biden today....... NO 4th term for Obama !

So you want the new world order, a global government, no way, Americans will NOT be dictated to by foreign governments who don't respect our Constitution, you liberals are the threat to American democracy, liberty and Freedom.

Well, since 1979 anyway. That is hardly 1970. It was Iran's money all along and Obama got a deal that Trump just walked away from getting NOTHING in return for doing so. Anyone who calls that smart is likely mentally deficient themselves.
Dems are usually the ones screaming about how the US should stop being the world police and railing against the war hawks who are typically conservatives.. yet if Trump wants to avoid WW3 or stop playing world security guard it's suddenly racist, xenophobic, and scary nationalism. This makes me laugh.

Also yes Obama was largely giving back Iran's own money that we seized - however that's pretty close to just sending our money to them since every dollar they have is gonna go towards making Americans and the West as a whole less safe and secure.
Dems are usually the ones screaming about how the US should stop being the world police and railing against the war hawks who are typically conservatives.. yet if Trump wants to avoid WW3 or stop playing world security guard it's suddenly racist, xenophobic, and scary nationalism. This makes me laugh.

Also yes Obama was largely giving back Iran's own money that we seized - however that's pretty close to just sending our money to them since every dollar they have is gonna go towards making Americans and the West as a whole less safe and secure.

Yeah, like all of Trump's supporters your allegiance is baked in. Unfortunately for Trump he needs more than MAGAs to win election. I truly don't see that happening. Most voters hate the guy.
My allegiance isn't baked into anyone honestly. If Dems would run a candidate with a brain and a message besides 'not Trump' I'd consider voting the other way. It's the virulent hate spewing from the left that makes me respect Trump more. If the literal swamp says 'anyone but this guy!!?!' - Trump must be doing something right.
My allegiance isn't baked into anyone honestly. If Dems would run a candidate with a brain and a message besides 'not Trump' I'd consider voting the other way. It's the virulent hate spewing from the left that makes me respect Trump more. If the literal swamp says 'anyone but this guy!!?!' - Trump must be doing something right.

The guy is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and tax cheat. He faces far more felonies as he has been indicted in several jurisdictions. You have a very low standards for what you expect from the leader of the free world.
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My allegiance isn't baked into anyone honestly. If Dems would run a candidate with a brain and a message besides 'not Trump' I'd consider voting the other way. It's the virulent hate spewing from the left that makes me respect Trump more. If the literal swamp says 'anyone but this guy!!?!' - Trump must be doing something right.

Exactly ! If the deep state is this frightened of Trump, then we dam well need him !
The guy is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and tax cheat. He faces far more felonies as he has been indicted in several jurisdictions. You have a very low standards for what you expect from the leader of the free world.

Trump's not a murdering criminal like that horrible bitch Hillary and he's not a pedophile like old brain dead sniffy Joe, Trump's takes the slings and arrows for us all and we all know how the liberal courts have been weaponized against him...... again demonstrating the clear and present danger you radical dems have become.
Liberal democrats are the threat to democracy and your actions prove it.
The guy is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and tax cheat. He faces far more felonies as he has been indicted in several jurisdictions. You have a very low standards for what you expect from the leader of the free world.

My standard is low indeed, just not quite low enough to support a corpse.
Trump's not a murdering criminal like that horrible bitch Hillary and he's not a pedophile like old brain dead sniffy Joe, Trump's takes the slings and arrows for us all and we all know how the liberal courts have been weaponized against him...... again demonstrating the clear and present danger you radical dems have become.
Liberal democrats are the threat to democracy and your actions prove it.

The courts are not liberal. They just allow for the process to prosecute indicted persons. If the jury finds them innocent of hangs and the prosecution doesn't refile, they walk. That is the rule of law in this country. Trump is just a criminal. How many times are you gonna run him? Can't say that I mind it as he is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats.

Trump's "deep state" is just anyone who doesn't approve of this criminal Donald Trump.
President Biden has just decided to leave the 2024 campaign. Hope Kamala Harris gets the chance to run against the Donald. I love the idea of the prosecutor running against the convicted felon. She's also 19 years younger that Trump.
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