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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I've had 7 Covid vaccines and absolutely no side effects. I also have never gotten Covid.

Democrats used covid as an excuse to illegally change State voting laws without a vote and the courts would not give Trumps lawsuits standing because of covid.
Ballot boxes were set up and stuffed with harvested ballots and people who would not have voted got mail out ballots and ballot request forms that activist harvested votes from.

Also the FBI announcing that Hunter Bidens laptop was Russian dis information was a lie, that swayed voters.

That is nonsense. There were very few ballots that were fraudulent. Not nearly enough to swing a single state.
I didn't say fraudulent ballots, I said State laws were illegally changed to allow mass mail outs, drop boxes and ballot harvesting and dems got away with it on account of covid, the courts wouldn't give Trumps lawsuits " standing " for said illegal State voting law changes without a vote also on account of covid.

It's not including more people in the vote when people who wouldn't have voted got mail outs anyway and activists harvested ballots, that's basically buying votes by hiring activists to ballot harvest, which was illegal in many States.

Biden got more votes than Obama, more votes than any President in our history...... yea, dems used covid to steal the election.
Republicans are asking if you are better today than you were four years ago. Well, four years ago today Covid-19 was killing people everywhere and many had to go to food banks to get something to eat. Republicans have very short memories.
Covid mostly killed elderly, turns out many elderly died with covid and not from covid..... example a man with cancer dies from a tumor causing a pulmonary embolism, however he also had covid at the time, records show a covid related death,

Covid stats were greatly massaged this way, this is why mostly old people died from.... no with covid.

Shutting down the country was not necessity, just look at Sweeden..... but dems had to kill Trumps economy, so we got covid shut downs, everyone should be furious and Fauci should be in Prison.
I didn't say fraudulent ballots, I said State laws were illegally changed to allow mass mail outs, drop boxes and ballot harvesting and dems got away with it on account of covid, the courts wouldn't give Trumps lawsuits " standing " for said illegal State voting law changes without a vote also on account of covid.

It's not including more people in the vote when people who wouldn't have voted got mail outs anyway and activists harvested ballots, that's basically buying votes by hiring activists to ballot harvest, which was illegal in many States.

Biden got more votes than Obama, more votes than any President in our history...... yea, dems used covid to steal the election.

So, your problem was the wrong people got to vote? The ones who defeated the Donald? I always though the vote was our most important right. I guess you guys only like it when you win. Several states only vote by mail. Mine is one of those states.
You just ignored everything I said and created your own lie paul, but lies are all you have when your candidate is Biden.
Covid mostly killed elderly, turns out many elderly died with covid and not from covid..... example a man with cancer dies from a tumor causing a pulmonary embolism, however he also had covid at the time, records show a covid related death,

Covid stats were greatly massaged this way, this is why mostly old people died from.... no with covid.

Shutting down the country was not necessity, just look at Sweeden..... but dems had to kill Trumps economy, so we got covid shut downs, everyone should be furious and Fauci should be in Prison.

Trump called it a national emergency! You don't remember that either? Show me your stats that people who were terminal died of Covid-19 en masse.
Wow! What a rambling mess Trump's speech was tonight. Longest speech in modern history. But, he also holds the record for the second longest and third longest in 2016 and 2020. He couldn't remain on script for long and even started taking about Hannibal Lecter. :ROFLMAO:

He also referenced "crazy Nancy Pelosi" reciting a stolen election. He called for the firing of the president of the United Auto Workers and the invasion at the southern border along with the "China virus."
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Oh goodness Hitler was also known for incredibly long winded speeches that got peoples' attention.. that must mean Trump is literally Hitler. :O
Oh goodness Hitler was also known for incredibly long winded speeches that got peoples' attention.. that must mean Trump is literally Hitler. :O

Many authoritarians have made these long speeches. Trump is in good company. Trump also said that he would put tariffs on everything. That will cost Americans a whole lotta money. Trump also said that he will end the tax preferences that Biden has given to workers. He is planning on "trickle down economics."
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The Washington Post fact checked Trump's speech last night:

"The biggest tax cuts ever." False. Trump's tax cut was the eighth in the past 100 years.

"The biggest regulation cuts ever." No, the deregulation of the airlines, rail and trucking industries during Jimmy Carter is the greatest.

"They [Democrats] used Covid to cheat [in the election] and [we're] never going to let that happen again." No fraud was ever proven.

"Now Iran is close to having a nuclear weapon." Trump pulled out of the deal that was designed to prevent that from happening.

"We had the greatest economy in the world." False, by any measure.

"Under this administration, groceries are up 57%, gas is 60% to 70% higher, mortgage rates have quadrupled." These are all exaggerated.

"We have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country." False. The U.S. ranks tenth in proven reserves.

"I got rid of NAFTA, the worst trade deal ever made, and replaced it with the USMCA, which is, they say, the best trade deal ever made." USMCA was a modest updating of the North American Trade Agreement.

There's more, but you get the picture.
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Even if Trump sometimes embellishes the facts at least he knows what he's talking about, but you can't believe anything Biden says, Biden can't even read someone else's thoughts from the prompter without drifting into incoherent dementia babble, lets face the fact that Biden is not mentally fit to serve another term, Biden wasn't fit to serve this last term.

God bless President Donald Trump, a man who was living the good life yet he rose to the challenge to save America, a man who is fighting for all Americans, fighting for our Freedom, a man who will not back down because he has the heart of a lion, who cares how big his ego may be, his heart is bigger !

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How is giving billions of dollars as well as nuclear reactors and enrichment technology supposed to keep Iran from having a bomb again? Democrats have historically, dating back to Clinton, had a policy of appeasement and given Iran a helping hand with their nuclear program all while the Islamic extremist nation chants death to America and death to the West in their streets.

I'm genuinely confused how funding Iran is going to help prevent them getting a bomb. They just bombed US forces as well as Saudi Arabian and Israeli sovereign territory in the past few years alone.. they kill innocent people and push the worst, most virulent hate of anyone who isn't their brand of extremist conservative islamist. Kinda like "gays for Palestine" - democrat policies are ignorant of reality.
Even if Trump sometimes embellishes the facts at least he knows what he's talking about, but you can't believe anything Biden says, Biden can't even read someone else's thoughts from the prompter without drifting into incoherent dementia babble, lets face the fact that Biden is not mentally fit to serve another term, Biden wasn't fit to serve this last term.

God bless President Donald Trump, a man who was living the good life yet he rose to the challenge to save America, a man who is fighting for all Americans, fighting for our Freedom, a man who will not back down because he has the heart of a lion, who cares how big his ego may be, his heart is bigger !


:ROFLMAO: That's just nonsense. Trump gave the most rambling speech last night and couldn't even stay with HIS teleprompter. Yeah, he had a script, but couldn't even do that. Now, Iran is closer to a nuclear weapon BECAUSE Donald Trump exited the nuclear deal that would have restricted them from doing so. That was a deal that President Obama made to keep them at least ten years from even starting development. Trump is an orange turd.
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