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NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING about earthly climate change is a threat to life on this planet !
There is a long heating and cooling cycle and humans may have some small impact, but it is NOT a serious condition requiring electric battle tanks towing a fucking battery, or diapers on cows or driverless cars that we can't own but call up when needed and only get when allowed.

There is no end to how much control governments will extort in the name of an existential threat...... it's not a threat, not in your last 50 years and not in the next 50 years.

From the web:

As alarmists clamor to impose draconian government restrictions on entire populations in order to combat “climate change,” despite some startling, stubborn contradictory facts, including:

  • CO2 has not caused temperatures or sea levels to rise beyond historical rates.
  • Severe storms have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1970—neither have heat waves nor droughts.
  • Global change is not harming coral reefs.
  • Any increases in CO2 concentrations across huge time spans (there have been a few) haven’t preceded rising global temperatures; they’ve followed them by about six to eight hundred years—just the opposite of alarmist claims.
  • Alarmist climate scientists have hidden their raw temperature data and deleted emails—then undermined the peer-review system to squelch debate.
In sum, despite all the hot talk—and outright duplicity—there is no “climate crisis” resulting from human activities and no such threat on the horizon.
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If someone thinks changing climate in history does not impact life on earth, well there are a few extinction events they are ignorant of. Also yes, something like half or more of coral reefs have bleached and died.

This guy has many good videos tearing to shreds bunk climate claims by conservatives

NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING about earthly climate change is a threat to life on this planet !
There is a long heating and cooling cycle and humans may have some small impact, but it is NOT a serious condition requiring electric battle tanks towing a fucking battery, or diapers on cows or driverless cars that we can't own but call up when needed and only get when allowed.

There is no end to how much control governments will extort in the name of an existential threat...... it's not a threat, not in your last 50 years and not in the next 50 years.

From the web:

As alarmists clamor to impose draconian government restrictions on entire populations in order to combat “climate change,” despite some startling, stubborn contradictory facts, including:

  • CO2 has not caused temperatures or sea levels to rise beyond historical rates.
  • Severe storms have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1970—neither have heat waves nor droughts.
  • Global change is not harming coral reefs.
  • Any increases in CO2 concentrations across huge time spans (there have been a few) haven’t preceded rising global temperatures; they’ve followed them by about six to eight hundred years—just the opposite of alarmist claims.
  • Alarmist climate scientists have hidden their raw temperature data and deleted emails—then undermined the peer-review system to squelch debate.
In sum, despite all the hot talk—and outright duplicity—there is no “climate crisis” resulting from human activities and no such threat on the horizon.

Nonsense! There has been global warming and it has lead us to massive forest fires, greater massive hurricanes, drought, and loss of ability to grow food. This is our new reality and if nothing is done it will get worse for all of us.
I've watched a shit ton of videos and come to the conclusion that climate change is not an issue that we need to be doing anything about, nor can we do anything that would make any appreciable difference, now pollution we can work to control and we need to as it has a real impact on health, but our daily temp range is controlled via HVAC, not diapers on cows or eating crickets and there is no threat to life on this planet due to climate change.

Scientist pushing climate change theory have a vested financial interest.
I've watched a shit ton of videos and come to the conclusion that climate change is not an issue that we need to be doing anything about, nor can we do anything that would make any appreciable difference, now pollution we can work to control and we need to as it has a real impact on health, but our daily temp range is controlled via HVAC, not diapers on cows or eating crickets and there is no threat to life on this planet due to climate change.

Scientist pushing climate change theory have a vested financial interest.
Ah yes. Bust be "big solar panel industry" funding all these climate scientists eh? But surely the oil companies funding the climate change denial have no vested interest right? Reminds me of this video

After all's been said and done, the options are a convicted felon 34 times, a person who has be adjudicated a rapist and a tax cheat against a reasonable and honorable man who has done his best his best to work for the American people.
Absolute nonsense paul, Trump is the only reasonable choice and your Trump hate and slander won't keep Trump from being reelected.
The democrats falsehoods are just political mud slinging, things Trump has said in jest or taken out of context and turned into political attacks, it's a false narrative, but when your candidate is Biden, lies are all you have left.

DEI just like affirmative action is racism, less qualified people are given jobs based on race/gender, service/product quality suffers and prices are driven up........ another reason I'm voting for Trump.

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Affirmative action is still a good option. This is not racism unless you believe Blacks have not been held down for many decades. White people have never been held back. That's just nonsense. Trump is as racist as he's always been. Back in the 1970s when he put a "C" on applications for rent to show that they were "colored people." Trump is the worst of all options in 2024.
Blacks are not held down today, it's time to stop the racist/sexist DEI policy and let business hire the most qualified person regardless of race/gender, otherwise it is racism/sexism, you can't have it both ways, if it's racist to discriminate against hiring a black person based on race then it's racist to discriminate against hiring a white person based on race...... the idea that we all owe something and must now be refused a position for being white is racism/discrimination.
In the NY Times today:

" Throughout the first three days of the Republican National Convention, officials have highlighted a surge in what they call 'migrant crime'. President Biden 'has welcomed into our country rapists, murderers, even terrorists, and the price we have paid has been deadly', Gov Greg Abbott of Texas claimed last night. The day before, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said, ' Every day, Americans are dying' in crimes committed by migrants. Donald Trump has made similar remarks on the campaign trail.

But, there is no migrant crime surge.

In fact, U. S. rates of crime and immigration have moved in opposite directions in recent years. After illegal immigration plummeted in 2020, the murder rate rose. And after illegal immigration rose in 2021 and 2022, murder rates plateaued and then fell.

Over a longer period, there is no relationship between immigration and crime trends. The number of foreign-born Americans has increased for decades, while the murder rates have gone up and down at different times.

Yes, some have committed violent crimes. There are more than 45 million immigrants in the U. S., and invariably some of them - just like people of any other group - will do bad things. Similarly, thousands of native-born Americans commit violent crimes in any given week.

Trump and other Republicans have suggested that immigrants are especially likely to be criminals. They point to a few anecdotes. But, the data shows the opposite: Immigrants ae less likely to commit crimes. There are genuine issues with the border and illegal immigration, but crime is not one of them.

If more immigration led to more crime, you would expect that that crime rates would spike along with immigration flow, locally and nationally. The statistics would show that migrant were disproportionately likely to commit criminal or violent acts. The opposite is true.

New York, Chicago and Denver had an influx of immigrants over the past couple of years. Over that same time period murder rates fell. Similarly, border counties in Texas have lower crime rates than other counties there."
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Yup, immigrants actually commit crimes at a lower rate than native born citizens. Republicans hate or deny this fact. For many of them, it's simply racism. They want a white ethno state and often a theocracy too
