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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

J. D. Vance is also in favor of a national ban on abortion with no allowances for rape or incest saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

To be clear, prayer has always been allowed in schools, it just shouldn't be lead by faculty. Republicans have such a victim complex though, they'll make up stuff and pretend their kids aren't allowed to pray in school anymore, all while supporting politicians who would force other people's kids to pray in school.

Red doesn't support the 1st amendment or else he wouldn't support trump and Republicans. Theyre the ones forcing the bible to be taught in school. Theyre the ones forcing the 10 commandments in class rooms. theyre the ones who want to imprison people who burn the flag.

His emporer god king deliberately sows distrust in the media so that his supporters will not believe anything negative about him. (Not that the media needs any help making people not trust them) trump's motive however is just to make his supporters disbelieve any negative story about him. He demands complete loyalty, is thin skinned, and will not abide anything other than fawning praise and adulation

"I said, 'You know, this is getting tired. Why are you doing it over and over? It's boring and it's time to end that. You know, you've won ... why do you keep hammering at this?'" Stahl recalled.

"And he said: 'You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.'"

Like an abusive spouse, he seeks to sever any connection with information about him that he does not control or influence heavily. He seeks nothing short of control of your thoughts about him. Hence he labels people who disagree with him as having TDS, but he will not often counter the narrative he dislikes with facts, for reasons that are obvious to anyone who doesn't have his fallace lodged in their esophagus


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Republicans are also saying now that Trump was the first to give Ukraine weapons. What they seem to have forgotten is that those weapons were locked in western Ukraine while Trump tried to get Zelenskyy to say there was an investigation against Biden...his political rival at the time.
I don't think the bible or any religious dogma should be taught in school other than a scientific explanation of the different religions, but not teaching of scripture,

Burning the US flag pisses me off, but I do support free speech........ so if someone burns a flag with Obama's face on it in public... that's free speech and not a hate crime ? How about a rainbow flag ?

If a church group burns their own rainbow flags in public at a gay rights parade, that's free speech.... right ?

I suppose I do support peoples rights to burn all these flags in public.... but I think people are assholes to do it.
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Republicans are also saying now that Trump was the first to give Ukraine weapons. What they seem to have forgotten is that those weapons were locked in western Ukraine while Trump tried to get Zelenskyy to say there was an investigation against Biden...his political rival at the time.
That's because the Obama DOJ wouldn't investigate the Bidens for their influence peddling in Ukraine, Trump was seeking justice.

That's because the Obama DOJ wouldn't investigate the Bidens for their influence peddling in Ukraine, Trump was seeking justice.

It has been shown that there was no reason to investigate Joseph Biden. His son Hunter has been convicted by this DOJ. Trump wants to stop all his trials from happening. THAT is why he's running. That and the power it will give him.

This morning Peter Navarro was in prison. Tonight he's speaking at the RNC. :LOL:
Yup so trump and other Republicans are in opposition to your claimed love of free speech, yet you support them anyway, not to mention their war crimes, regular crimes etc etc, all In the hopes that your $12 can of tuna goes back down to $8. Right?
It been reported today that Thomas Matthew Crooks had searched for photos of both Biden and Trump, as well as the DNC and Trump's Rally schedules. He had no ideological themes and didn't seem to be political at all. This was all briefed to Congress today.
Yup so trump and other Republicans are in opposition to your claimed love of free speech, yet you support them anyway, not to mention their war crimes, regular crimes etc etc, all In the hopes that your $12 can of tuna goes back down to $8. Right?

NO !

I vote for who ever I believe will be the strongest supporter of our Second Amendment Rights. PERIOD !
Nothing is more important to me because..... well I hate to mention Hitler, but that shit simply isn't going to happen here as long as we are armed and it's not the only case of rogue tyrannical government becoming a clear and present danger to it's citizens. We are already wage slaves taxed to death and beyond then we lose what's left to inflation if we aren't fiscally shrewd....... If we lose the right to defend our own lives, we wage slaves will be little more than glorified farm animals.

Biden could slobber all over himself while eating Bald eagle burgers and .... whatever disgusting sin, if Biden was trustworthy and promised to pass no new gun laws I would vote for Biden regardless of everything else because Trump screwed up on RedFlag laws and his bump stock ban ( recently nullified ).

That said there are many other reasons I like Republicans and some reasons I don't, same for Democrats.....I think Republicans war on drugs has gone too far, marijuana shouldn't be illegal and nobody in chronic pain should ever have to go without ample medication, it bothers me that Trump had the DEA instructing pharmacist to second guess doctors.

I won't list it all, but I do think Freedom has to be for everyone, women should have every right when it comes to decisions regarding their own bodies as should all Americans, but the moment that infant's finger/toe touches .... anything attached to American soil, we have a new American with all it's rights.

Did you know as part of Biden's infrastructure bill,now law, all new cars by 2026 must have driver monitoring software that can shut down the car ?
It's under the guise of stopping intoxicated/aggressive drivers, but you know it's just a small step to have a kill switch in every cop car.

Both parties have pros and cons, we should demand more from all our government employees/reps, but until we do,I vote 2A!

p.s. There is a massive amount of disinformation and propaganda and both sides are dirty, climate change is a means to control people, not a serious threat to life on this planet.
NO !

I vote for who ever I believe will be the strongest supporter of our Second Amendment Rights. PERIOD !
Nothing is more important to me because..... well I hate to mention Hitler, but that shit simply isn't going to happen here as long as we are armed and it's not the only case of rogue tyrannical government becoming a clear and present danger to it's citizens. We are already wage slaves taxed to death and beyond then we lose what's left to inflation if we aren't fiscally shrewd....... If we lose the right to defend our own lives, we wage slaves will be little more than glorified farm animals.

Biden could slobber all over himself while eating Bald eagle burgers and .... whatever disgusting sin, if Biden was trustworthy and promised to pass no new gun laws I would vote for Biden regardless of everything else because Trump screwed up on RedFlag laws and his bump stock ban ( recently nullified ).

That said there are many other reasons I like Republicans and some reasons I don't, same for Democrats.....I think Republicans war on drugs has gone too far, marijuana shouldn't be illegal and nobody in chronic pain should ever have to go without ample medication, it bothers me that Trump had the DEA instructing pharmacist to second guess doctors.

I won't list it all, but I do think Freedom has to be for everyone, women should have every right when it comes to decisions regarding their own bodies as should all Americans, but the moment that infant's finger/toe touches .... anything attached to American soil, we have a new American with all it's rights.

Did you know as part of Biden's infrastructure bill,now law, all new cars by 2026 must have driver monitoring software that can shut down the car ?
It's under the guise of stopping intoxicated/aggressive drivers, but you know it's just a small step to have a kill switch in every cop car.

Both parties have pros and cons, we should demand more from all our government employees/reps, but until we do,I vote 2A!

p.s. There is a massive amount of disinformation and propaganda and both sides are dirty, climate change is a means to control people, not a serious threat to life on this planet.

Climate change is a threat! One only needs to see rising temperatures, hurricanes, massive forest fires, drought and famine to see this. Everything seems to be a conspiracy to you. You fit nicely with Trump.

Peter Navarro just spoke and he was ever the victim that Trump claims to be. What a clown!
Climate change is bullshit, severe weather is nothing new, climate change simply replaces religion for liberals and gives government a problem to " fix " ( see Hegelian dialectic ) but we will have to give up some rights and freedom.... to save the planet of course..... it's all about controlling people in a changing world, automation/robotics is going to change the demand for labor, we will have to change as well, maybe we will need to become more socialist, but by God we will be socialist with guns and individual rights, not a colony or Borg to be dictated to by our masters.
Climate change is bullshit, severe weather is nothing new, climate change simply replaces religion for liberals and gives government a problem to " fix " ( see Hegelian dialectic ) but we will have to give up some rights and freedom.... to save the planet of course..... it's all about controlling people in a changing world, automation/robotics is going to change the demand for labor, we will have to change as well, maybe we will need to become more socialist, but by God we will be socialist with guns and individual rights, not a colony or Borg to be dictated to by our masters.

More than 50 years ago when I was in college, professors were talking about global warming and how bad it would get in the future. It has nothing to do with politics, but to you that isn't possible. Everything is about your ability to own and carry guns.
More than 50 years ago when I was in college, professors were talking about global warming and how bad it would get in the future. It has nothing to do with politics, but to you that isn't possible. Everything is about your ability to own and carry guns.

In another 50 years they may still be talking about it, or the next control vehicle to frighten the masses into submission.
Funny how it was global cooling, then global warming, then just climate change..... 50 years, thanks for proving my point BTW.

Why did scientists think the world was experiencing global cooling between the 1940's and 1970's. Pollution was blocking sunlight. Pollution was trapping heat in the atmosphere. Winters were the longest and coldest since the last ice age.

There is a natural heating and cooling cycle, it will long outlive us and our ridiculous theory exploited to control people.

They claim a 1 degree average temp change over 100 years now, but struggle to prove it.....it's nothing but a ploy to control people.
In another 50 years they may still be talking about it, or the next control vehicle to frighten the masses into submission.
Funny how it was global cooling, then global warming, then just climate change..... 50 years, thanks for proving my point BTW.

Why did scientists think the world was experiencing global cooling between the 1940's and 1970's. Pollution was blocking sunlight. Pollution was trapping heat in the atmosphere. Winters were the longest and coldest since the last ice age.

They claim a 1 degree average temp change over 100 years now, but struggle to prove it.....it's nothing but a ploy to control people.

That wasn't true at all. There ahs never been a theory of global cooling. You are confusing weather with climate. They are not the same things at all. There has been more than 1* C in the past hundred years. That has occurred just in the past fifty years.
