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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Sep 20, 2013
You don't know what you're talking about.
You said Biden would beat Trump in the debate, you even said " I can't wait. "
Now you say Biden will win 2024.
Again and again you show that you don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, Democrats have always worried. It's the Democratic curse. That proves nothing. Democrats never find the perfect candidate, but Trump is truly a gift. Running him from prison in 2028 would be great!
Sep 20, 2013
In a decision that will add more time to the trials that Trump faces the SCOTUS ruled along party lines that presidents have "absolute" immunity for acts that are within his scope as president and sent it to the lower court to work it out. Sonia Sotomayor read her dissent for 25 minutes at this last of the court's rulings in this term.
Sep 20, 2013
The SCOTUS decision today is just one of many precedents that this court has removed. There was Dobbs in 2022, then Chevron and now Nixon. They have basically said that everything Trump did has immunity. Biden was so flabbergasted by this latest ruling that he made a point to call them out for it. No court in the past century has removed so many precedents as this court has done. It is understandable why this court has the lowest approval rating since they started keeping track of that.
Jul 10, 2015
“If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution,” Thomas wrote. “A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”

Game over dems, you cheating bastards.

Goodbye chevron deference too.


When Trump is reelected then I hope all the criminals who sought to shred our Constitution will be held legally accountable.
Sep 20, 2013
“If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution,” Thomas wrote. “A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.”

Game over dems, you cheating bastards.

Goodbye chevron deference too.


When Trump is reelected then I hope all the criminals who sought to shred our Constitution will be held legally accountable.

Chevron gave the experts in government the ability to keep the public from harm like the FDA, FCC, EPA, el al. This had a 40 year precedent. Now, it is left to any federal judge to determine what is best. That is nonsense. This court has removed so very many precedents that they have the lowest approval rating in history. Thomas was hinting to the Cannon court that he would be amenable to ruling that special counsels are unconstitutional. That is larcenous. There have been many special counsels over many decades that have investigated many persons. If there was no crime, then you are as bad as Thomas saying that Cannon could rule that they are illegitimate as you would prosecute people who have committed no crime. This ruling would have left Nixon off the hook if it were in place in 1974. Nixon was so bad he had to get pardoned by Ford. Trump is worse than that.
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Sep 20, 2013
Chevron let alphabet agencies make law by reinterpreting regulations that carry the weight of law..... totally unconstitutional and not their job to in effect make law without the people's vote to do so.

Special councils can exist still today, but not illegally like democrats did to go after a political opponent.

IDGAF how unpopular the court is in your opinion, elections have consequences and the court has ruled in line with our Constitution as they are supposed to, not rule by feelings or based on political hype.

No they haven't. They have ruled exactly how Trump would want them to rule. He is only out for himself and the approval rating of the court is not made up. It is just what it is. No one went after Donald Trump. If he hadn't committed crimes he would not be prosecuted. He is already a felon and you guys are running him again. That's nuts! What ever happened to the party of law and order?
Jul 10, 2015
Chevron let alphabet agencies make law by reinterpreting regulations that carry the weight of law..... totally unconstitutional and not their job to in effect make law without the people's vote to do so.

Special councils can exist still today, but not illegally like democrats did to go after a political opponent.
Special council Jack Smith was not legally appointed, it requires congress to make a law to create an office of special council, but the Biden admin. didn't want republicans to have their voice on the matter, Jack Smith's office is illegal, expect Judge Cannon to dismiss.

Do you understand, Presidents can appoint people to serve in offices, but Presidents can't create offices and Merrick Garland stands to be impeached as well for illegally appointing Jack Smith without congress creating an office of special council to be filled.

IDGAF how unpopular the court is in your opinion, elections have consequences and the court has ruled in line with our Constitution as they are supposed to, not rule by feelings or based on political hype.
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Sep 20, 2013
Chevron let alphabet agencies make law by reinterpreting regulations that carry the weight of law..... totally unconstitutional and not their job to in effect make law without the people's vote to do so.

Special councils can exist still today, but not illegally like democrats did to go after a political opponent.
Special council Jack Smith was not legally appointed, it requires congress to make a law to create an office of special council, but the Biden admin. didn't want republicans to have their voice on the matter, Jack Smith's office is illegal, expect Judge Cannon to dismiss.

Do you understand, Presidents can appoint people to serve in offices, but Presidents can't create offices and Merrick Garland stands to be impeached as well for illegally appointing Jack Smith without congress.

IDGAF how unpopular the court is in your opinion, elections have consequences and the court has ruled in line with our Constitution as they are supposed to, not rule by feelings or based on political hype.

Moving your original post to here doesn't make anything you are say now new. No, special counsels have been appointed before, so your argument makes no sense here. There doesn't need to be a new law every time a special counsel is appointed. Good luck with impeaching Merrick Garland. You're gonna need it. Republicans have been trying to do that since they got that razor thin majority in the House. Remember that Red Wave? What happened there? :LOL:
Jul 10, 2015
Your kangaroo court that "convicted " Trump is just that, in time that conviction will be removed.

Your political lawfare is over, it's been shut down and yes you need an office of special council before appointing someone special council.

Judge Cannon doesn't want to be disbarred, Jack Smith can't go forward without Cannon showing the SCOTUS how he was legally appointed.... he wasn't..... it's over.
Oct 24, 2009
I wonder how long until Biden gives immediate honorary citizenship to the ~20mil illegals now swarming our nation?

Then there's no possibility of a Republican candidate winning ever again.. you just added 10% to the total number of possible voters, most of which are programmed to think Biden = god of freebies.

Just hypothesizing, since the end goal here seems to be rapid destruction of the West/USA by means of r*pefugee invasion.
Jul 10, 2015
Biden would be immune from criminal prosecution, but the court would rule against the 20M honorary citizenship as there is a standing legal process.
Sep 20, 2013
Your kangaroo court that "convicted " Trump is just that, in time that conviction will be removed.

Your political lawfare is over, it's been shut down and yes you need an office of special council before appointing someone special council.

Judge Cannon doesn't want to be disbarred, Jack Smith can't go forward without Cannon showing the SCOTUS how he was legally appointed.... he wasn't..... it's over.

Yeah, I know you believe that, but that doesn't make it true. Trump was tried and convicted in a state court and he is not immune from that. He will be sentenced next week and I'm looking forward to that. Hope he gets time.
Sep 20, 2013
I don't give a sh1t about Jeffry Epstein. Why would you think that any of us care? Also there haven't been 20 million immigrants coming into the U.S. That is just Trump lies which everyone has seen so often that it isn't all that special now. Trump will lose in November and I cannot wait until I get to rub it in.

You know that lawyers on both side of the aisle have said this ruling today was astonishing. Nobody saw this coming.
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Jul 10, 2015
BS paul, I told you Presidents have to be immune while in office, otherwise they would be powerless to do
their duty without fear or reprisal which would make a President too easily manipulated, this is not a new concept.

Trump will be president in 2025 and you know it, you might as well stop lying to yourself now and find a way to live with it, because Trump is coming back, he's coming back paul and there's not enough lies you can tell to stop him now.
