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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Biden enjoyed a $27 million after the debate while Trump got $8 million. People were mostly addled by Trump's lies than anything else.

I'm voting for Trump and he's going to save the country.

Do you want to join the winning team ?
Choose your poison as you like. I am a committed supporter of democracy. But I'm not convinced that betting your life and the future of the world on a narcissistic child with an atom bomb is the optimal winning strategy.

In Germany there was a "hero" like him some 100 years ago who went out to "Make Germany Great Again". And he met a zillion idiots that too wanted to "join the winning team".

Well, in the end it was not.

Unfortunately as a foreigner, I'm not allowed to vote for any of your candidates. But if you cannot "elect the best", than you can still try to "keep the devil out".

At least you should vote according your convictions, however twisted they might be, not "join the winning team", otherwise you could end up like the lemmings. Or the Germans.

Yeah, and Trump lied so often people couldn't get that through their their heads either.
I'm afraid that arguments don't help against religious blindness. And it IS something "religious". Facts, or the lack of them, don't count in this context.
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Choose your poison as you like. I am a committed supporter of democracy. But I'm not convinced that betting your life and the future of the world on a narcissistic child with an atom bomb is the optimal winning strategy.

In Germany there was a "hero" like him some 100 years ago who went out to "Make Germany Great Again". And he met a zillion idiots that too wanted to "join the winning team".

Well, in the end it was not.

Unfortunately as a foreigner, I'm not allowed to vote for any of your candidates. But if you cannot "elect the best", than you can still try to "keep the devil out".

At least you should vote according your convictions, however twisted they might be, not "join the winning team", otherwise you could end up like the lemmings. Or the Germans.

I'm afraid that arguments don't help against religious blindness. And it IS something "religious". Facts, or the lack of them, don't count in this context.

I understand your concerns, but Trump is the medicine to help cure our corrupt government sickness, well he is the beginning of a long process to correct the many issues because the status quo of picking a beltway insider R or D has failed again and again, but Trump is a businessman and a beltway outsider who also wants to cure our governments sickness and this time he has a good chance of making a dent, that's why the dug in deep state is so afraid of him.
I understand your concerns, but Trump is the medicine to help cure our corrupt government sickness,
No you obviously don't. If mister pussy-grabber is the "solution" to anything, then I want the problem back.

He will not "cure" anything. He will wreck everything and then blame his predecessors and "the others" about it. He will request "more time" and "yet more power" to "enforce the Holy Kingdom of HIS regency". It's always the same track. No wonder, if you look whom he calls "friends". Do you really want "a strong man" like Putin or Kim Jong Un ruling your country?

Yes, the US government is "infested with people that treat you bad". Which government is not? And DT is their king.

What kind of problems do you think YOU have, that can be cured by electing this asocial kid on steroids for president?

There are always people who are unable to convince their ego to accept that they ever could be WRONG in anything. If they find themselves to be the minority, then it MUST be a conspiration against them. They scream, kick and thrash about. The're whining that "they" have cheated - must have cheated - as they can't be wrong.

There is at least one asshole in every school who bullies the younger and weaker. Usually supported by a handful of truants that can't tell a straight sentence, but feel "strong" when gathered together to do the "real work".

Have you ever wondered what happens to them when they get older? Get them a gun and see them in jail sooner or later. Get them a billion dollar and they are grabbing for the world. They don't care a dime for YOUR problems. They just need a bunch of supporters that blindly follow their commands. People who don't think by themselves, just believe HIS words. Tell them tales about faith and pride, name an "enemy" that obviously is responsible to their misery. Fantasies, about how HE is saving you, grinding those wormy bugs with his heel.

And beware if they are getting even older, finding their "male attraction" fading far enough that not even money can buy them fellowship.

We have the Putins, the Orbans, the Berlusconis, ... and finally we have Trump. Not even his own party wants this guy commanding the nation. Not AGAIN!
Trump is still the consummate victim. He's always being attacked by somebody and he says he's taking these attacks for his supporters. Retribution is not a way forward. And blaming immigrants for taking jobs away from minorities is nonsense. Most people don't want Trump back.
Most people don't want Trump back.
Should be an easy decision then, right? GO VOTING!

Everyone wo does not make his own mark, will get what others choose in his name. And one day someone will decide to remove that option altogether, as it is obviously not needed anymore...
I have voted in every primary and election since 1976. I'm and have been a registered Democrat. Couldn't vote Republican since Nixon. And he was a choirboy compared to Trump.
@ Smallfreak..... You have the right idea but the wrong enemy, it's democrats who are attacking our rights, censoring us on social media, creating a ministry of truth, weaponizing our alphabet agencies against their political opposition including half the American people and attacking the foundation of our freedoms ((( OUR CONSTITUTION ))).

Now is Trump perfect... NO !
Trump had a learning curve and as a businessman he always wanted to make a deal which you can't do with the peoples rights.
That said Trump was attacked from the start and is still under attack today.

One HUGE problem is the blatant and ever present dishonesty in everything political..... the fact is both sides are liars, cheats and thieves, we are all simply choosing the side that we HOPE/THINK best represents our issues..... so we are a divided nation and that is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT !

We should be outraged by the worst overreaches by both sides, but today it's so bad that we all ignore the evils of " our side " while pointing a finger at the other.

You liberals hold your green religion above much else, you have been tricked into believing a 1 degree average temp change over 100 years is an existential threat to all life on our planet.....BULLSHIT !

I believe in Freedom for everyone, freedom for women to kill anything living inside their own bodies, freedom of speech, freedom to defend our very lives, freedom to make our own personal choices be they good or bad for us...... but democrats want to control everything, hell all politicians want power and control, we need something better than a democrat or a republican, we need an independent who puts our Constitution first and foremost as it was always intended to be.

We should have it all, all the Freedom and all the security of national healthcare and basic needs protection and if government wasn't so unbelievably wasteful we could have it, but politicians steal, squander and power broker with our collective efforts ( our taxes ) and we accept it because we are choosing which group of thieves we think will do us right.

So spare me all the bullshit, the entire system is rotten to the core, we are all ignoring the real problem while we play their game.... that said I fear Republicans less than I fear democrats because Republicans better support our Bill of Rights and the concept of smaller government.

p.s. As for peddling fear and identity politics, your racist democrat candidate is no better than anyone else.

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Trump is no businessman. He filed bankruptcy six times and sold his debt to investors stupid enough to believe he was smart. He only wants to play the victim and to keep himself out of prison. How can anyone believe the guy who said, "I didn't have sex with a porn star" won the debate? That's just foolish. Most Americans don't want Trump back in the White House.
I believe in Freedom for everyone
Me too. But I do understand, that the freedom of one ends where the freedom of someone else begins.That's called "civilization". A lesson that a lot of you people have not learned yet.

If you really think that your luck depends on an infantil clown - go ahead, elect him. Every democratic country gets the government it deserves.
I'm very aware that one mans freedom ends where another mans freedom begins, but that doesn't mean we should ban smoking just because I don't like the smell of smoke when in an establishment that allows it.

It doesn't mean someones inane fears and sensitive feelings should be allowed to unconstitutionally legislate away my Constitutional rights.

That said I know Trump is an ego maniac and can be insensitive at times, but Trump is the lesser of two evils.


@ paul
Pelosi is responsible for 1/6, just like she herself said.


@ paul
Pelosi is responsible for 1/6, just like she herself said.

That is the kind of nonsense that Trump pushes. Everyone heard him call for his supporters to come to the Capital saying it would be "wild" and the country was at stake. No matter how he tries to deflect this he said those things and then did nothing for hours to try to stop it. He is facing federal charges for his role in doing so. He will end up a convict many times over before all is said and done.
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Biden will not serve a 2nd term, dems may try to run Mochella or Newscumb, but Biden is done.
Biden will not serve a 2nd term, dems may try to run Mochella or Newscumb, but Biden is done.

I'm sure you think so, but he's not. He won in 2020 and he'll win in 2024. In fact I hope Trump lives a long life and you guys run him again. He's the biggest gift you ever gave Democrats. Maybe he can run from prison next time.
