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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You are a broken record of BS paul.

Biden/Harris COULD HAVE PREVENTED THE 2022 INVASION, by negotiating when Putin was amassing troops, but they wanted this war to effect regime change in Russia, to get back at Putin for supporting Trump.

Harris will lose ! Get ready to deal with it.

LOOK MORE WAR, China could invade Taiwan next and Iran is building nukes because Biden/Harris are useless.

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You are a broken record of BS paul.
Biden/Harris COULD HAVE PREVENTED THE 2022 INVASION, by negotiating when Putin was amassing troops, but they wanted this war.
Harris will lose ! Get ready to deal with it.

Yes, you have said that before. I hope you get help with your Trump Devotion Syndrome. You need help...desperately!
JD Vance is going to eviscerate Walz, can't wait to see it.

Yeah, you should watch this. It is the America First campaign as started in the 1930s and continuing now under Trump Vance.

Move it forward to +34:36. This is strange.
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I couldn't watch but parts of it, it's just mainstream media propaganda...... disturbing.... that said listening to Vance .... he's correct in what he's saying, too bad the liberal host is twisting it out of context.
No he's talking about the liberal brainwashing in our schools/colleges, he's talking about rooting out the disease of extremist liberal militancy.

I support Freedom for everyone, until they start trying to take something away from me...... I think everyone would do well to calm it down and find our common ground, we really don't want a civil war, but politics is pushing division because they think it benefits them, both parties have become more aggressive, I don't know what the answer is..... actually if we still had religion in America like we did in the 40-50's then we would not be as divided as we are now.

Fact is life is getting harder financially for many people, the USA used to control 90% of the worlds wealth, today it's less than 50% IINM.... that means our standard of living is less than it used to be which adds to the anger, but Harris is not the answer, taxing and squandering will make it worse, but Trump will bring business back to America by cutting tax for made in America industries and taxing imports, I just heard Trump speaking to that effect, he has a solid plan to revive made in America and to build a strong economy, this is the right answer.

All the great things we want to achieve revolve around a strong US economy. Our future will be built on a strong US economy, or else we will become more 3rd world, a socialist has been nation watching all the innovation take place in China.
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No he's talking about the liberal brainwashing in our schools/colleges, he's talking about rooting out the disease of extremist liberal militancy.
You should watch the whole thing. The answer he has is democracy is bad and dictatorship is better.
I support Freedom for everyone, until they start trying to take something away from me...... I think everyone would do well to calm it down and find our common ground, we really don't want a civil war, but politics is pushing division because they think it benefits them, both parties have become more aggressive, I don't know what the answer is..... actually if we still had religion in America like we did in the 40-50's then we would not be as divided as we are now.
No one is trying to take anything away from you. Trump is pushing division. That is his signature political style. He is the one who can never get back in office.
Fact is life is getting harder financially for many people, the USA used to control 90% of the worlds wealth, today it's less than 50% IINM.... that means our standard of living is less than it used to be which adds to the anger, but Harris is not the answer, taxing and squandering will make it worse, but Trump will bring business back to America by cutting tax for made in America industries and taxing imports, I just heard Trump speaking to that effect, he has a solid plan to revive made in America and to build a strong economy, this is the right answer.
Harris wants to adjust the rate that billionaires are taxed at. That is a good thing. They pay far less than even the lowest of the middle class.
All the great things we want to achieve revolve around a strong US economy. Our future will be built on a strong US economy, or else we will become more 3rd world, a socialist has been nation watching all the innovation take place in China.
That's nonsense. We are nowhere near becoming a third world country. In fact, we have the best economy in the world.
You should watch the whole thing. The answer he has is democracy is bad and dictatorship is better.

No one is trying to take anything away from you. Trump is pushing division. That is his signature political style. He is the one who can never get back in office.

Harris wants to adjust the rate that billionaires are taxed at. That is a good thing. They pay far less than even the lowest of the middle class.

That's nonsense. We are nowhere near becoming a third world country. In fact, we have the best economy in the world.

Yes they are trying to take something away, starting with our 1st and 2nd amendments ..... news flash, they will not get them !

BULLSHIT, Billionaires won't pay any more with Harris in office, that's a campaign lie. The wealthy and politicians are connected at the hip..... about at the wallet line.

I didn't say we were about to become a 3rd world country, I'm disappointed you have no better foresight that that, I attempted to convey that that's the direction we will be heading in with a tax and squander socialist extremist democrat pair like Harris/Walz in office..... China is already advancing by leaps and bounds, we would fall further and further behind if we were to embrace American socialism..... as it is 90% of our genius scholarships are foreign born, because our schools suck ! American socialism would suck the bugdget out of everything else, there are not enough billionares to tax and pay for it all, were already in too much debt. .... it will take a lot of work or a really big war to reset things.... looks like were headed in the direction of the big war..... hope we survive it.
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All the great things we want to achieve revolve around a strong US economy. Our future will be built on a strong US economy, or else we will become more 3rd world, a socialist has been nation watching all the innovation take place in China.
WTFAYTA?! Here is the quote where you said we would be a third world country.

Also, today the Dow managed to hit another high. That, after Donald Trump said that under Biden the stock market would crash. :LOL:

Donald Trump is an orange turd. I souldn't say that as it's an insult to turds.
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or else we will become a more 3rd world

That said 4 years of Harris/Walz could do a significant amount of damage, especially if Harris got us into a nuclear war.

Oh man, I just thought of something.... you're pretty old huh paul, like 70's or 80's right..... this could be your last election, if Trump wins, which he will, you could have to look at Trump on TV, as POTUS, running the country..... for the rest of your life..... wow.
Glad to hear that red is OK with people on X sharing personal info about hunter biden while banning people who shared info about JD vance, even after they tried to redact it. Once again, if it were not for double standards, conservatives would have none at all.

After the multiple times I have pointed out the myriad objective ways trump is anti first amendment, I think we can safely disregard red and any other conservative any time they pretend to care about it. Hollow words, special pleading.

Schools aren't centers of liberal indoctrination, but education in general tends to make one less conservative, as the conservative world view is grounded in fallacy, myth, and falsehood. Republicans go to great effort to keep their base ignorant, Trump does love the poorly educated and said so. Conservative simply think that reality has a liberal bias, which is why they do things like start up the laughable conservative version of stuff like conservapedia to "compete" with Wikipedia, or their own echo chamber like "truth social" (could trump have picked a more orwellian name? BTW, Orwell was a socialist, you shouldn't try to appropriate his ideas like theyre conservative, they arent) since they think Facebook censors them even though it actually frequently bends over backwards to appease them while censoring many leftists like copwatch
