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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.





You gotta be kidding after all the crap that has come out of Trump's mouth. He changes positions more often than there are hours in the day.

No, Trump is the same as he was yesterday, but Harris keeps becoming more Trump like the closer the election gets, because she's a fake who can't be trusted to do anything she says.

BTW I use an inductive current meter all the time.
Have to say red your automatic contrarianism is obvious. Earlier when you knee jerk responded that Jared kushner getting 2 billion from the saudis sounded like fake news. Here's how the heuristic works. You hear or read something. Does it criticize trump or Republicans? Must be fake news. Does it give trump a fluff job or say something bad about democrats or immigrants etc? Must be true.

It's common, virtually every member of cult 45 I meet is like that. They don' value impiricism, only narratives and attaining power.

I often say that "f*** you, got mine" is Conservatism in a nutshell. Was reminded again of this yesterday when discussing car insurance with my boss. He complained to me "dont you hate knowing that you are paying for someone else's accident?" When conservatives get cancer and their heath insurance foots most of the bill though they're grateful and I wonder if it ever occurs to them that it's other people's money helping them. I swear most conservatives would rather pay $500 a month to a private health insurer than $450 a month in taxes for single payer if it means that someone with no job also benefits. Ever see the "who is america" skit with Sacha interviewing Bernie Sanders while posing as the wheelchair bound conservative "Billy Wayne Rudduck"? There was the line where he tells Bernie something like, "I'd rather be analy raped than give one more dime to the treasury"🤣

Conservatives must construct a strawman of what leftists are and believe to argue against. You're tilting at windmills. If you add up all the leftists I personally know, and all the leftist commentators I watch (which is a lot of them), and every comment from a leftist I've ever read in any thread on the subject, and every liberal or leftist politician who wants or proposes legislation making misgendering someone a hate crime or arrestable offense, wanna know what the total number of times I've seen this is? Zilch. Zero. Nada. Never. Show me legislation proposing this and I'll condemn it. Your right to be bigoted to trans people is and should remain protected speech.

Many confederate statues were erected after reconstruction or shortly after segregation ended as an eff you from racists. Some leftist want them torn down. I don't feel strongly one way or the other, I'd leave it up to the community and it would depend on the context and arguements posed. I think many share that belief. Even if every leftist supported it though, it's still not violence against people.

Tales of cities being burned down and businesses destroyed are greatly exaggerated, and in some cases it was discovered that the perps were right wingers doing a false flag acting as agent provocateurs. In the debate, Trump said Minneapolis was burned down. I think a quick look at Google maps will tell you all you need to know about how true that is

Vitually everything conservatives believe is either false, misrepresented, or greatly exaggerated. Students identifying as cats and pooping in litter boxes in schools? Totally made up. Veterans being kicked out of a hotel they were housed in to make room for illegal immigrants? Complete fabrication. There are too many examples to cite. Even if one Hatian ate a single cat, conservatives would act like it's a huge problem, and widespread. I challenge you to find even one case of someone 17 years old or younger getting their penis cut off. Conservatives took talk of trans healthcare for minors which entails hormone therapy usually or mastectomy at the most, and act like it means that 5 year olds are getting their dicks chopped off.

Meanwhile, I can scarcely get through a comment section on a conservative group post without seeing remarks about how they just can't wait for a civil war so they can gun down people they think are democrats. Around 1/4 to 1/3 of the MAGAs I meet are sympathetic to the idea of shooting border crossers, including members of my own family and many coworkers.(I live in Lauren boeberts former district)

Remeber how the nazis made up outlandish claims about the degree of control the jews had over them and how victimized they were by the jews, even when the connections were non-existant or tenuous at best? Then these were used as reasons to dehumanized them and eventually exterminate them. Not every nazi was a death camp guard putting zyklon b into the gas chamber though. Many german citizens were not aware of the full extent of the holocaust. One need not be willing to commit violence to be a fascist. One need only to be sympathetic, or all to often, simply look the other way.

I'd like to think mass scale violence from MAGA after they take power is unlikely but I can't say I think it's impossible. While I do believe that if it happened, a significant number of them would stop supporting it and oppose it, I also believe that many of these would dismiss initial reports of this violence as fake news and would have to see it first hand before they'd mutinyFB_IMG_1610152584488.jpg1_Rq8iOgtAG2Q0UYBnwexUIQ@2x.jpegFB_IMG_1635200838730.jpg
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No, Trump is the same as he was yesterday, but Harris keeps becoming more Trump like the closer the election gets, because she's a fake who can't be trusted to do anything she says.

BTW I use an inductive current meter all the time.

I have one as well. Trump changed his mind three times in less than 24 hours about the referendum in Florida about abortion. He was against it, then he was for it just beore he was against it again. That DJT for ya.
@paul1598419: Ok so Trump changed his mind and public opinion likely had an impact on it...... so what, it's not the same as being a diversity hire who ran and was soundly rejected, then insta revived to replace her boss, who had to have an image fabricated for her that evolves and contradicts itself constantly.


@Shakenawake: Somehow when I 1st read it I thought you said Trump got 2 Billion dollars...... I should take screenshots I suppose because later as I was responding I looked again and saw it said Jared Kushner.
Any chance you changed what you 1st wrote ?

Why would maga's commit mass violence after they won ?

More likely Conservatives would be compelled to take a stand against tyranny after Harris won and impleented the Great Reset if able, then later if violent leftist engage said conservatives as they protest marched, there could be civil unrest, could evolve into a Marshall law scenario ?

Militant socialist liberals could hold " mostly peaceful protests " like BLM/ANTIFA did when they burned, looted and destroyed.... that could leed to violent civil unrest if government refused to step in.

But I don't see maga's commit violence and against who if they had won ?
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@Paul: Ok so Trump changed his mind and public opinion likely had an impact on it...... so what, it's not the same as being a diversity hire who ran and was soundly rejeced, then insta revived to replace her boss, who had to have an image fabricated for her that evolves and contridicts itself constantly.


@Wake-n-Bake....Err...I mean Shankeawake: Somehow when I 1st read it I thought you said Trump got 2 Billion dollars...... I should take screenshots I suppose because later as I was responding I looked again and saw it said Jared Kushner.
Any chance you changed what you 1st wrote ?

Why would maga's commit mass violence after they won ?

More likely Conservatives would be compelled to take a stand against tyranny after Harris won and impleented the Great Reset if able, then later if violent leftist engage said conservatives as they protest marched, there could be civil unrest, could evolve into a Marshall law senario ?

Militant socialist liberals could hold " mostly peaceful protests " like BLM/ANTIFA did when they burned, looted and destroyed.... that could leed to violent civil unrest if government refused to step in.

But I don't see maga's commit violence and against who if they had won ?

Trump flip flops. That is the point. Also, if Trump loses we have all seen what happens next. January 6th was because he incited a riot at the Capitol.
I don't think Donald has ever flip flopped honestly.
In a way, I agree. once you understand that his motive is gaining power, avoiding consequences, and enriching himself and his rich buddies,everything he does becomes predictable. On issues he is said to have flip flopped on, I don't think his personal belief has changed much, he just says what he thinks will make the most people or his current audience like him the most in the moment. I remeber on 60 minutes in 2015 when he said he'd do single payer Healthcare and that the government would pay for it. I didn't believe him, and don't think he meant it. There was a tonight show once back in the day where he related a story of a friend who visited the UK and got injured while there and had to go to the hospital, where he received virtually free care. Trump called this a "great system" and opined that we could have one here too. Imagine that, non citizens receiving Healthcare for free on that nation's dime. Guess it's only a great system when trump's rich friends, who could afford it anyways, are the beneficiaries

@RED. No I did say Jared Kushner. I try to not make errors like that. The people maga can get violent against would be immigrants, mostly non white ones from "shit-hole countries", trans people, "demonrats" anyone with political views to the left of hunting the homeless for sport, Muslims.

Yeah I'm all for stopping people from burning and looting in most scenarios that I can imagine. When protests are peaceful and the police initiate violence, people get fed up and fight back, but cops are hard targets. to the extent that the looters and burners were leftists, I think this was probably the motive most of the time. I also think many were apolitical opportunists though, taking advantage of the chaos. Given the exploitative nature of capitalism and violence from the state, such acts are sort of inevitable. My opinion is that if youre gonna burn down a store, at least burn a wal mart and not some mom and pop place. If you think violence against property is never ok, I'd ask what your opinion is of the Boston tea party.
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In a way, I agree. once you understand that his motive is gaining power, avoiding consequences, and enriching himself and his rich buddies,everything he does becomes predictable. On issues he is said to have flip flopped on, I don't think his personal belief has changed much, he just says what he thinks will make the most people or his current audience like him the most in the moment. I remeber on 60 minutes in 2015 when he said he'd do single payer Healthcare and that the government would pay for it. I didn't believe him, and don't think he meant it. There was a tonight show once back in the day where he related a story of a friend who visited the UK and got injured while there and had to go to the hospital, where he received virtually free care. Trump called this a "great system" and opined that we could have one here too. Imagine that, non citizens receiving Healthcare for free on that nation's dime. Guess it's only a great system when trump's rich friends, who could afford it anyways, are the beneficiaries

@RED. No I did say Jared Kushner. I try to not make errors like that. The people maga can get violent against would be immigrants, mostly non white ones from "shit-hole countries", trans people, "demonrats" anyone with political views to the left of hunting the homeless for sport, Muslims.

Yeah I'm all for stopping people from burning and looting in most scenarios that I can imagine. When protests are peaceful and the police initiate violence, people get fed up and fight back, but cops are hard targets. to the extent that the looters and burners were leftists, I think this was probably the motive most of the time. I also think many were apolitical opportunists though, taking advantage of the chaos. Given the exploitative nature of capitalism and violence from the state, such acts are sort of inevitable. My opinion is that if youre gonna burn down a store, at least burn a wal mart and not some mom and pop place. If you think violence against property is never ok, I'd ask what your opinion is of the Boston tea party.

Cops are not hard targets if people were to use their gray matter and not their adrenaline soaked caveman instinct, it's ridiculous to destroy your own city and businesses while marching...... if cops are unjustly killing your people then why not get your numbers together and march around the offending police station, a few hundred truckloads of sand and sandbags as well as a few dozen pieces of heavy equipment ( could be rented ) to deal with bearcats, rooks and the alike if needed and your 100,000 - 500,000 could come armed just to drive the point home.

Better yet and to avoid being charged after the fact, why not contact your congress critters and demand action, form non profit orgs. to take legal action and sue the bastards..... but that's not as much fun and you can't run your agenda on lies..... fact is not every cop vs. black man encounter is a racist abuse of rights, most of the time force is only used when the suspect fails to comply, but any abuse of power should be dealt with and people in a position of authority should be held to a higher standard, not a lesser one and penalties for color of law crimes should be extra harsh as the one we hear about may represent dozens more that we never will hear about.

That said many of the BLM protests were over encounters that were not genuine abuses of power, some of these people had it coming, brought it on themselves and forced the cops hand, others were truly unjust/racist...... but the leftist agenda had to make political hay out of any white cop on black suspect encounter, add to that the BLM founders were Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi who had a financial interest in making political hay out of every encounter in order to embezzle more of the non profit orgs. funds.

Who was the mayor who said... if they want to loot and burn, let them loot and burn ?
Just as bad as protesters who take the violent route 1st, yet the Mayor was never charged after the fact.
Rules for thee but not for me, another reason I will not support Harris who has already expressed her willingness to violate her oath she hasn't even sworn to yet and hopefully never will.
Democrats talk about the rule of law but have no intent of being held accountable for their actions, they even make bills and pass laws knowing they will not pass Constitutional muster in court later, this is criminal, this is color of law crime of the highest order.

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Cops are not hard targets if people were to use their gray matter and not their adrenaline soaked caveman instinct, it's ridiculous to destroy your own city and businesses while marching...... if cops are unjustly killing your people then why not get your numbers together and march around the offending police station, a few hundred truckloads of sand and sandbags as well as a few dozen pieces of heavy equipment ( could be rented ) to deal with bearcats, rooks and the alike if needed and your 100,000 - 500,000 could come armed just to drive the point home.

Better yet and to avoid being charged after the fact, why not contact your congress critters and demand action, form non profit orgs. to take legal action and sue the bastards..... but that's not as much fun and you can't run your agenda on lies..... fact is not every cop vs. black man encounter is a racist abuse of rights, most of the time force is only used when the suspect fails to comply, but any abuse of power should be dealt with and people in a position of authority should be held to a higher standard, not a lesser one and penalties for color of law crimes should be extra harsh as the one we hear about may represent dozens more that we never will hear about.

That said many of the BLM protests were over encounters that were not genuine abuses of power, some of these people had it coming, brought it on themselves and forced the cops hand, others were truly unjust/racist...... but the leftist agenda had to make political hay out of any white cop on black suspect encounter, add to that the BLM founders were Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi who had a financial interest in making political hay out of every encounter in order to embezzle more of the non profit orgs. funds.

Who was the mayor who said... if they want to loot and burn, let them loot and burn ?
Just as bad as protesters who take the violent route 1st, yet the Mayor was never charged after the fact.
Rules for thee but not for me, another reason I will not support Harris who has already expressed her willingness to violate her oath she hasn't even sworn to yet and hopefully never will.

I watched the mayor of Spingfield, Ohio say that Trump's claim that Haitian immigrants eating pets is just false.
Who gives a flying flip paul, doesn't mean people weren't eating pets, this is election season, Democrat Mayors are going to democrat/lie.

There are democrat Governors and State congresspersons who intentionally pass unconstitutional laws and Harris is cut from the same jib, she's a Marxist and a destroyer of safe government who has no respect for our Constitution, who shouldn't even be running as the people voted in Biden.

Of course Harris isn't going to win, so it really doesn't matter.

Who gives a flying flip paul, doesn't mean people weren't eating pets, this is election season, Democrat Mayors are going to democrat/lie.

There are democrat Governors and State congresspersons who intentionally pass unconstitutional laws and Harris is cut from the same jib, she's a Marxist and a destroyer of safe government who has no respect for our Constitution, who shouldn't even be running as the people voted in Biden.

Of course Harris isn't going to win, so it really doesn't matter.

The only part on the Constitution you care about is the 2nd Amendment. That has been obvious for years. I don't know exactly why you care if there are UBCs, but maybe you can't buy a gun any other way. If not, I hope this gets resolved soon. Gun nuts are all over this country.
I have no problem passing a background check.
I also care deeply about our 1st amendment, I have even stood up for our freedom of speech in this very forum.
I actually care very much about our entire bill of rights, but yes the 1st and 2nd are the most important as they enable all the rest.

Look I get it, Trump is an ego maniac, a megalomaniac and doesn't always measure his words, but he is an American who loves America, your far left democrats hate America, to them it's white racist America and needs to be torn down and re imagined..... that makes your woke democrats the biggest megalomaniacs of all.... sneaky lying megalomaniacs who along with their wealthy globalist supporters wish to control everything, everyone, globally and they will take us to war if they can hold power.

I don't want to see America become another Europe, I'm not alone either, no matter who wins the election millions of Americans will fight for our rights, but if it's Harris instead of Trump, then I fear the fight will be harder and cost more.
This is not to say Trump is perfect, he's not, but Trump is better than the radical change far left Harris.
