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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Trump got the 2nd most votes in history...... more votes than Obama...... think about that and know Harris won't win.


Sorry, weren't you the one b1tching and moaning about a judge's daughter getting money corrupting that judge, but you think Jared kushner getting that much has nothing to do with trump? You're unbelievable my dude.

Anyway, I've got bad news for you as Trump also takes money directly from the Saudis, both as president in violation of the emoluments clause and currently for living golf tournaments.

Let me pull a red here:

Yeah it was hunter's laptop not Biden's thanks for proving my point🤣🤣🤣🤣

That's you lol

Man thank goodness for double standards. Without them, cult 45 would have none at all
Sorry, weren't you the one b1tching and moaning about a judge's daughter getting money corrupting that judge, but you think Jared kushner getting that much has nothing to do with trump? You're unbelievable my dude.

Anyway, I've got bad news for you as Trump also takes money directly from the Saudis, both as president in violation of the emoluments clause and currently for living golf tournaments.

Let me pull a red here:

Yeah it was hunter's laptop not Biden's thanks for proving my point🤣🤣🤣🤣

That's you lol

Man thank goodness for double standards. Without them, cult 45 would have none at all

I don't know how many times I have to say it, but here it is 1 more time, all politicians are liars and thieves, that said I like Trump over Harris.
Watched that Tucker carlson interview with the nazi apologist Daryl Cooper. When he spoke of the nazis executing their prisoners out of mercy because they'd starve anyways, it gave me an idea.

When Trump rounds up all these illegals, (who are poisoning the blood of our nation which is totally not fascist rhetoric apperantly) maybe the merciful thing to do would be to just execute them. After all, theyre all criminals from countries that said they'd execute them if they came back right? So many countries have such barbaric practices. Sparing them the pointless journey and agonizing death is the merciful thing to do. Trump did say it would be a bloody affair after all.

Did I tell you guys about my MAGA boss who told me he'd like to go to the border with his AR-10 ( thats a 308 caliber version of an AR 15 for any liberals) and shoot illegals as they cross?

Remind me again how MAGAs are not ultra nationalists wanting to enforce rigid hierarchy on lesser people they've scapegoated in order to restore a mythic past and greatness again? Didn't one of you say recently that trans people were weakening our masculinity? Have any of you studied fascist regimes, like, EVER?

A fighter who loses a fight immediately wants a rematch huh? So I guess that's why Trump immediately wanted another debate with Joe Biden after theirs right, because Biden so clearly won? Keep coping and seething, your man is a coward. Y'all must be so dizzy from the constant spinning
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Ideas can be good..... or not.

Really, you think killing people if you don't have too is ever the right answer ?

I have a new optic on my PSA gen3 AR-10 ( Great quality at a Great price ) that I need to sight in..... I'm thinking soon..... I will be shooting paper targets.

Militant leftist who want to lock people up for misgendering someone, force people to take woke purity tests for employment, aggressively work to be the victim on a daily basis so they can virtue signal in public, tear down historic statutes, deface monuments, buildings, ect...

Trump may be in possession of a large measure of ego, but he's no coward.
Harris DID NOT SHOW UP at the FOX debate, she refused every other debate except the rigged one we just saw, so I don't blame Trump for not giving Harris another because she needs it, Trump doesn't.
I don't know how many times I have to say it, but here it is 1 more time, all politicians are liars and thieves, that said I like Trump over Harris.

The trouble with that is Trump has taken lying to a whole new standard. His lies are also meant to divide our country. He can never be trusted.
Ideas can be good..... or not.

Really, you think killing people if you don't have too is ever the right answer ?

I have a new optic on my PSA gen3 AR-10 ( Great quality at a Great price ) that I need to sight in..... I'm thinking soon..... I will be shooting paper targets.

Militant leftist who want to lock people up for misgendering someone, force people to take woke purity tests for employment, aggressively work to be the victim on a daily basis so they can virtue signal in public, tear down historic statutes, deface monuments, buildings, ect...

Trump may be in possession of a large measure of ego, but he's no coward.
Harris DID NOT SHOW UP at the FOX debate, she refused every other debate except the rigged one we just saw, so I don't blame Trump for not giving Harris another because she needs it, Trump doesn't.

:LOL: No one on the left wants to lock anyone up except ciminals. Trump is the agrieved one in this election. He has always been the victim here. By historic statues I guess you mean Confederate ones. They should have all come down decades ago. Trump is a coward as he lost the only debate he had with Harris and won't commit to another one. That's okay as people all know that now.
No Harris the coward for only doing the 1 rigged debate which she lost.

Trump is the real change candidate, Harris is just more of the same old shit we've been trapped under for the last 3.5 years.
No Harris the coward for only doing the 1 rigged debate which she lost.

Trump is the real change candidate, Harris is just more of the same old shit we've been trapped under for the last 3.5 years.

Yeah, you've said all this before. Trump is still pushing division in this country. He and Laura Loomer are behind the LEGAL Haitian immigrant story in Ohio. These people were asked to come to Springfield to work as they had a need for workers there. Now they are being persecuted, all for a political gain. That is dispicable.
Cherry pick a counter example, typical democrat liar/gaslighter.

Mostly people want the flood of illegal immigrants to stop/leave.

The problem with you and Trump's argument here is the Haitian immigrants are LEGAL! But, does that stop him from targeting them? Of course not. The city of Springfield asked them to come as they had a shortage of workers. Now, they are being persecuted by, probably Trump supporters there. You guys are all the same.
Harris is the failed border czar, we have a massive illegal immigrant problem and the worst of the backlash has only just begun, we will be cleaning up the Biden/Harris border disaster for years to come, decades if Trump doesn't win, but that's unlikely, still it's a big mess.
Harris is the failed border czar, we have a massive illegal immigrant problem and the worst of the backlash has only just begun, we will be cleaning up the Biden/Harris border disaster for years to come, decades if Trump doesn't win, but that's unlikely, still it's a big mess.

Keep telling yourself Trump will win. Delusion fits you. Why does Trump continue to disparage Haitian immigrants in Sp;ringfield? The whole city had to shut down yesterday because of bomb threats there. Probably Trump supporters. This is what Trump's rhetoric gets all of us.
Trump was shot, almost killed because of the constant stream of democrat Trump hate, you democrats don't have any solid ground to stand on and point a finger at anyone, yet you do and it's a dirty finger that's been up your backside, because you are full of shit and you love to sling it at the wall to see if any will stick.

Biden/Harris created an illegal immigrant disaster and there are gangs taking over apartment buildings while illegal immigrants commit street crime hopping from crime scene to crime scene on stolen scooters, only God knows what's next and none of it is Trumps fault, but Trump will clean up the mess your democrats made.
Trump was shot, almost killed because of the constant stream of democrat Trump hate, you democrats don't have any solid ground to stand on and point a finger at anyone, yet you do and it's a dirty finger that's been up your backside, because you are full of shit and you love to sling it at the wall to see if any will stick.

Biden/Harris created an illegal immigrant disaster and there are gangs taking over apartment buildings while illegal immigrants commit street crime hopping from crime scene to crime scene on stolen scooters, only God knows what's next and none of it is Trumps fault, but Trump will clean up the mess your democrats made.

Trump was shot by a disturbed 20 year old guy who also looked to shoot Biden. It had nothing at all to do with Democrats. And, you know that. Yeah, that take over of the apartment building in Aurora, Colorado has been completely debunked. These are more lies that Trump tells. I still can't believe you guys decided to run him again.
