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In the Washington Post today is another story about the people in our government. This time it is bout the National Cemetery Administration who also administer the Alington Cemetery. A few years ago they brought back the remains of Robert L. Ferris who died in a B-17 on D Day after being identified all these years later by the DNA of a niece who never met him.

The NCA maitains all the graves, makes sure all the fallen are easily found by anyone, makes certain all the roads are pothole free, the flower beds are weeded, the flags are flying and the cemetery is imacutate. Ronald E. Walters is the adminisrator of the NCA who with his 2300 colleagues bury and maintain the Cemetery every day. They bury more than 140,000 veterans and their family members every year and look after amost 4 million graves from the Revolutionary War to the Afghanitan and Iraq wars.

The work that Walters and his colleagues does would be admiralable no matter who well he did it, but it turns out that they don't just do it better than any other cemetery, but are considered the best government agency, bar none. Seven consecutive times, the NCA has received the highest rating of any entity, public or private by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Developed at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, the ACSI has been the gold standard for measuring consumer experiences for the past 30 years; its satisfaction scores from 0 to 100, with Costco pulling a whopping 85, Apple a respectable 83, McDoonalds a middling 71, and Facebook an underwhelming 69. The ACSI score for govenment agencies averages 68. But, the most recent score for the NCA was 97.

This is a real pic, this is the POTUS

Yeah, honestly there is so much misinformation flying around these days, when I first saw that picture I wrongly assumed it was manipulated or AI it was so ridiculous. Wasn't until some more reputable X accounts starting posting it that I knew it was real.

In the video it was like he was drugged out or drunk, just totally out of it.
Biden's presence of mind is shocking and he is still the acting President, America is in a bad way on account of the entire Biden administration that has been an abject failure.
None of the Biden administration has any business moving forward including Biden's useless diversity hire VP who dismal performance as border czar, has left us with a historically disastrous border crisis that we will be cleaning up for years to come.
Kamala's pitifully inadequate performance overseeing our Southern border is proof that she is incapable of even a fraction of the responsibility needed to oversee a nation.
Biden's presence of mind is shocking and he is still the acting President, America is in a bad way on account of the entire Biden administration that has been an abject failure.
None of the Biden administration has any business moving forward including Biden's useless diversity hire VP who dismal performance as border czar, has left us with a historically disastrous border crisis that we will be cleaning up for years to come.
Kamala's pitifully inadequate performance overseeing our Southern border is proof that she is incapable of even a fraction of the responsibility needed to oversee a nation.

Biden's fine. I would be concerned about Trump's horrible performance at the debate with Harris. No one was ever "border Czar." These are just GOP talking points. Trump is incoherent all of the time and he is still pushing all sorts of conspiracy theories. Gotta love Laura Loomer. :LOL:
Trump has done the job before and Trump gave us a Great economy and strong foreign policy, but Kamala is a fake who has failed her responsibility.

Trump has done the job before and Trump gave us a Great economy and strong foreign policy, but Kamala is a fake who has failed her responsibility.

Trump gave us a shit economy. Look how he failed at covid. Miserable! He is still aggrieved and bitching about his many prosecutions. He's running to stay out of prison. Who wants that?

Not onlty that, but Trump killed a very conserative bill that would have bought moe border agents and more money to ICE. He killled it because he doesn't want to solve problems. He only cares about himself.
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@paul1598419 Is everything you say total bullshit...... ok 95%



Yeah, you guys always have an excuse for Trump. He is always the persecuted one. He is aggrieved over everything. He lost that debate so badly and it was entirely his own fault. All he had to do was stop falling into Harris' traps. But, that ain't Trump. :ROFLMAO:
Just watched Bill Maher. He said, "There's one night a year I can never sleep, and that's the night before the Country Music Awards." I must admit I hate country music too. He then said, "There's a new melding of country with rap...called CRAP." Couldn't agree more.
lol Country rap.

Reminds me of when someone played some hardcore gangsta rap really loudly at SELEM and it caused an argon laser to rattle off a nearby table, fall to the ground and break.
According to this graph people of color should spend more time at the range.. er. Something. Not sure what these numbers are saying to me.

The only people who hate country are godless liberal ninnies and hood rats lol. (I used to hate it unconditionally when I was a liberal child as well!)
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