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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Harris didn't even show up to the FOX hosted debate and she refused several others, the only debate Harris would do is the rigged one that she lost anyway.

That was just a debate that Trump wanted as he felt he would have some advantage there. Harris showed up to the one agreed to by both sides.

Serious question for those who think 2020 election was stolen by Biden. Trump filed like 60 court cases and lost all or they were thrown out for not having standing which is even worse despite what trump says.

Here's the thing though, lots of those judges were appointed by him. If he can't even appoint judges who will "stand up for the truth" and agree with his stolen election claims, why would you ever trust him to "drain the swamp" or do anything about the "deep state" whoever they are?
Serious question for those who think 2020 election was stolen by Biden. Trump filed like 60 court cases and lost all or they were thrown out for not having standing which is even worse despite what trump says.

Here's the thing though, lots of those judges were appointed by him. If he can't even appoint judges who will "stand up for the truth" and agree with his stolen election claims, why would you ever trust him to "drain the swamp" or do anything about the "deep state" whoever they are?
I dont know if it was stolen or not but I was thinking that maybe a single judge wouldn't be able to do anything about it because they are too big to fail or something like that. Who knows. In this world anything is possible.
Serious question for those who think 2020 election was stolen by Biden. Trump filed like 60 court cases and lost all or they were thrown out for not having standing which is even worse despite what trump says.

Here's the thing though, lots of those judges were appointed by him. If he can't even appoint judges who will "stand up for the truth" and agree with his stolen election claims, why would you ever trust him to "drain the swamp" or do anything about the "deep state" whoever they are?

One thing does not equate to the other.

Also Trump, once elected and sworn in, will appoint an AG who will uphold the law and help drain the swamp.


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One thing does not equate to the other.
Please explain. If it's the deep state that doesn't want him to be president.. also I've literally heard cult 45 members claim those judges are part of the deep State so you're just being evasive I think because you have no truth on your side and no good answer to that.

also, Charlie kirk thinks gay people should be stoned to death. Think I'm a liar?
No, just because Trump appointed judges doesn't mean they have to grant him standing. also covid was used as an excuse however that factors in, maybe some emergency powers act ???
No, just because Trump appointed judges doesn't mean they have to grant him standing. also covid was used as an excuse however that factors in, maybe some emergency powers act ???

Trump lost all those cases, not because of standing, but because he had no evidence of anything that would have overturned the election in 2020. I expect he will also claim the same this year.
You're right, they don't have to grant him standing just because he appointed them, especially when he has no evidence.

You're still dodging though, as YOU believe he has evidence. Why would he appoint a judge who wont look at his "evidence"?

Best case scenario for you, he is too incompetent to appoint people sufficiently sychophantic to him, sorry sorry, I mean, "who are true patriots and love our country, freedom and the constitution"

Worst case, the election wasn't stolen and the judges threw out his cases because he's a lying fraud.

(its the worst case)
Trump lost all those cases, not because of standing, but because he had no evidence of anything that would have overturned the election in 2020. I expect he will also claim the same this year.
No, the cases were not lost, the cases weren't heard because of standing.
Right, which is even worse. Do you even know what it means for a case to not have standing? Clearly not1000010586.jpg
You're right, they don't have to grant him standing just because he appointed them, especially when he has no evidence.

You're still dodging though, as YOU believe he has evidence. Why would he appoint a judge who wont look at his "evidence".

Best case scenario for you, he is too incompetent to appoint people sufficiently sychophantic to him, sorry sorry, I mean, "who are true patriots and love our country, freedom and the constitution"

Worst case, the election wasn't stolen and the judges threw out his cases because he's a lying fraud.

(its the worst case)
No, democrats took advantage of covid being declared an emergency and made changes to state voting laws without a vote, the fact they got away with it doesn't make it right, if not for those voting law changes, Trump would have won and we never got to hear if all the changes were needed or not because that would be questioning covid precautions which could cost lives..... so although emergency powers allowed the changes without a vote.... were all the changes really necessary ? We never had those trials and what if any of the changes were found to be unjust..... the election needed to stay finished, for the sake of the nation, so Trump was told he didn't have standing..... how that worked out behind closed doors I don't know.

p.s. There's no covid this time. 1726201121095.png
It's like the unstoppable object vs the immovable object
No, democrats took advantage of covid being declared an emergency and made changes to state voting laws without a vote, the fact they got away with it doesn't make it right, if not for those voting law changes, Trump would have won and we never got to hear if all the changes were needed or not because that would be questioning covid precautions which could cost lives..... so although emergency powers allowed the changes without a vote.... were all the changes really necessary ? We never had those trials and what if any of the changes were found to be unjust..... the election needed to stay finished, for the sake of the nation, so Trump was told he didn't have standing..... how that worked out behind closed doors I don't know.

p.s. There's no covid this time. View attachment 78620
I know of no cases thrown out for this reason, but even if one or more were, it wasn't the only reason for his cases being thrown out.
Maybe, maybe not, doesn't matter now.
Trump would have won if not for the mass mailing out of ballots and ballot requests, drop boxes, ballot harvesting being allowed where before it wasn't, ect.....
Harris won't have these advantages.

Also the FBI announcing Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation had an impact.

Twitter now X was still highly censored, there was a lot of censorship and shadow banning, there have been hearings on capital hill and you know the writing is on the wall when the big tech liberals are admitting the FBI told them to do it.
