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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Paranoid Paul lol. Just shows how divided the nation is, unable to trust a mod who isn't liberal. Smh.

I'd be down if the prize was getti.. I mean having to dress up like astolfo. lol

I don't think doing this with real money is a good idea, even if it's not technically gambling. I don't want to risk causing an issue for the forum, even if it's a small chance. I don't know all the rules about gambling, contests, and raffles but we have had issues with this kind of thing multiple times in the past even with not for profit raffles.

Just make it so the loser has to wear that cute Astolfo maid costume I posted a few pages back while carrying the winning party's flag. :LOL:

So what's the deal? It started out as $1000. Now it's $500? Maybe we can't do it at all? Let me know.
The problem I see is if Kamala wins, Red will claim the election was stolen/rigged. There is no scenario where Kamala wins and Trump and his sychophants do not cry foul.

Someone mentioned safe spaces a while back, insinuating that liberals and leftists are weak men who can not deal with reality.

I'd like to argue that in many ways, it is conservatives who are the snowflakes who can not handle reality and are working to create safe spaces for them so their beliefs stay unchallenged and they don't have to think critically and can continue in their comforting hatred.

The examples are concerning schools and children learning about biology. Here's an example where "mom's for liberty", AKA klanned karenhood, want to stop kids from learning about seahorses, because it is the males who carry the eggs and give birth. Wouldn't want kids to learn that and turn trans, as we all know it's a choice, not intrinsic, so we can hate it and label it degenerate.

Another similar example was concerning clownish, which are hermaphrodites and can change sex

Then of course there was the book about the true story of two male penguins who raised a chick together. If i recall yhe penguins werent even gay, their mates had died and they were just helping eachother. How very perverse and degenerate am i right? Can't have that:

These are only a small handful of examples, I could go on

So when you are so insecure and ignorant about the nuances and complexity of biology and gender and prefer to cling to your irrelevant bronze age dogma, and you feel the need to try to restrict not only what objective reality your kids learn about but also what other parent's kids learn about, I ask you: who is the real snowflake in need of a safe space?
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The problem I see is if Kamala wins, Red will claim the election was stolen/rigged. There is no scenario where Kamala wins and Trump and his sychophants do not cry foul.

Someone mentioned safe spaces a while back, insinuating that liberals and leftists are weak men who can not deal with reality.

I'd like to argue that in many ways, it is conservatives who are the snowflakes who can not handle reality and are working to create safe spaces for them so their beliefs stay unchallenged and they don't have to think critically and can continue in their comforting hatred.

The eamples are concerning schools and children learning about biology. Here's an example where mom's for liberty, AKA planned karenhood, want to stop kids from learning about seahorses, because it is the males who carry the eggs and give birth. Wouldn't want kids to learn that and turn trans, as we all know it's a choice, not intrinsic, so we can hate it and label it degenerate.

Another similar example was concerning clownish, which are hermaphrodites and can change sex

Then of course there was the book about the true story of two male penguins who raised a chick together. If i recall yhe penguins werent even gay, their mates had died and they were just helping eachother. How very perverse and degenerate am i right? Can't have that:

These are only a small handful of examples, I could go on

So when you are so insecure and ignorant about the nuances and complexity of biology and gender and prefer to cling to your irrelevant bronze age dogma, and you feel the need to try to restrict not only what objective reality your kids learn about but also what other parent's kids learn about, I ask you: who is the real snowflake in need of a safe space?

Yeah, it occured to me that Trump supporters would claim the election was stolen or rigged. That was why I wanted someone else to hold any monies bet. Not sure if that can go through now. There was a documentary, maybe on CNN or another network, that was about the author of banned books going to South Dakota to give out free banned books there. It was about an hour long if anyone would like to search for it.
There will be no gambling on this forum. The more further you guys go the more closer this thread and subsection is getting to extinction. Also I have no political affiliation. I don't want to hear anyone apply one to me again.
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Teaching students about biology/sex is a good thing, I have never been against it.

I am against teaching racist identity politics intended to make students feel vulnerable ( A Teachers words ) and compel them to virtue signal.
I am against teaching students that America is racist and needs to be torn down and re-imagined as a socialist utopia.
This is a form of Marxism and it's intentionally destructive, some of you who have been indoctrinated can't see the forest past the trees, because you have bought into the easy answers, the truth is our free enterprise system ( capitalism ) had made us the greatest nation on Earth, that and our Constitution, our Freedom, Liberty and our right to worship as we see fit.

Kamala Harris is the further destruction of America as we know it and it's not a good thing, people would not live better in a semi socialist American debacle, all we would have is less Freedom and a lesser quality of life.

Trump is the return to a sound economy that lifts everyone's quality of life, the return to sound foreign policy that keeps us safe and alive.

Not all change is good and ill defined " new change " is a fools gamble destine for failure, choose wisely.
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Teaching students about biology/sex is a good thing, I have never been against it.

I am against teaching racist identity politics intended to make students feel vulnerable ( A Teachers words ) and compel them to virtue signal.
I am against teaching students that America is racist and needs to be torn down and re-imagined as a socialist utopia.
This is a form of Marxism and it's intentionally destructive, some of you who have been indoctrinated can't see the forest past the trees, because you have bought into the easy answers, the truth is our free enterprise system ( capitalism ) had made us the greatest nation on Earth, that and our Constitution, our Freedom, Liberty and our right to worship as we see fit.

Kamala Harris is the further destruction of America as we know it and it's not a good thing, people would not live better in a semi socialist American debacle, all we would have is less Freedom and a lesser quality of life.

Trump is the return to a sound economy that lifts everyone's quality of life, the return to sound foreign policy that keeps us safe and alive.

Not all change is good and ill defined " new change " is a fools gamble destine for failure, choose wisely.

Your spin is hilarious! Kamala Harris is not a socialist and book banning, especially for high school juniors and seniors does them no good at all. Republicans in very red states have already done book burns. Many are simply not that controversial, but that doesn't matter. Trump has never been the sound antything. He has always been a criminal and a liar.
Harris is the most extreme far left socialist...... hell her father was a Marxist and you know the apple never falls far from the tree.
I don't think Republicans would burn any books of intellectual or scientific value, only smut, stories about people defecating on their intimate partners faces don't belong in our school libraries.

You paul are a liar, therefore your calling anyone else a liar is worthless as what you say can't be trusted.
Actually all politicians are liars, your singling one out as if it's special further demonstrates your dishonesty.
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There's a difference between a safe space to protect your feelings and people just being interested in the truth rather than swallowing propaganda daily.

Harris is the most extreme far left socialist...... hell her father was a Marxist and you know the apple never falls far from the tree.
I don't think Republicans would burn any books of intellectual or scientific value, only smut, stories about people defalcating on their intimate partners face face don't belong in our school libraries.

You paul are a liar, therefore your calling anyone else a liar is worthless as what you say can't be trusted.
Actually all politicians are liars, your singling one out as if it's special further demonstrates your dishonesty.

Trump is a demonstrably evil lying SOB. He takes it all to new hights never seen before. Trump is and always has only been out for hinmself. He cares not at all about this country or, worse, its values. Harris is the only choice this year. All the Republicas for Harris have made that clear.
"Republicans for Harris" lol. You mean like The Cheney family? Romney? The rino neocon republicans that literally are the swamp? Of course they're against the guy tryna drain said swamp.

Also no matter who wins it would be funny to close this section down on election night. I do want a place to put fire memes but still..
Trump is a demonstrably evil lying SOB. He takes it all to new hights never seen before. Trump is and always has only been out for hinmself. He cares not at all about this country or, worse, its values. Harris is the only choice this year. All the Republicas for Harris have made that clear.

You have regurgitated the leftist false narrative, you're a good leftist lemming paul, but you're also wrong..... as usual.

Trump is a bit of an ego monster at times and he doesn't always measure his words, but Trump is also brave, loving and surprisingly cleaver at times, Trump cares about America and the American citizens which is evident by the way Trump puts Americans 1st..... unlike democrats who put illegal aliens ahead of poor Americans, especially black Americans who have expressed insult at the democrat policy on illegal immigration...... even legal immigrants are dissatisfied with democrat illegal immigrant policy.

You paul are consumed with hate for President Trump and you hate the good things he says, so you push this ultimate liar theory of yours to sooth your wounded soul every time Trump drops some undeniable truths you can't deal with.

Trump is the only reasonable choice, the far left socialist, Marxist cackling Harris would be a disaster, we need Trump, otherwise we will all suffer.
You have regurgitated the leftist false narrative, you're a good leftist lemming paul, but you're also wrong..... as usual.

Trump is a bit of an ego monster at times and he doesn't always measure his words, but Trump is also brave, loving and surprisingly cleaver at times, Trump cares about America and the American citizens which is evident by the way Trump puts Americans 1st..... unlike democrats who put illegal aliens ahead of poor Americans, especially black Americans who have expressed insult at the democrat policy on illegal immigration...... even legal immigrants are dissatisfied with democrat illegal immigrant policy.

You paul are consumed with hate for President Trump and you hate the good things he says, so you push this ultimate liar theory of yours to sooth your wounded soul every time Trump drops some undeniable truths you can't deal with.

Trump is the only reasonable choice, the far left socialist, Marxist cackling Harris would be a disaster, we need Trump, otherwise we will all suffer.

America first is another way of saying xenophobia. Of course Trump is against immigrants. He said he would deport 15 to 20 million of them if he got elected. That would crash our economy. Trump is a criminal and a liar.
Harris would crash our economy, Harris is the greatest threat to our quality of life we have encountered in a long time, she is a threat to our national security and the cabal of globalist trash in her orbit could do lasting damage, the recession they create would be followed by an implementation of quasi socialism and a drastically reduced standard of living, add to that the foreign affairs disasters a Harris administration could usher in and we could see war and a lasting depression.

Granted much would depend of the balance of power in congress, but if we saw a democrat trifecta, it could result in not only war and depression, but lasting civil unrest as well, we simply can't afford another 4 years with even less leadership than Biden, we know how well our economy and foreign affairs were handled under Trump, we need Trump again.
Harris would crash our economy, Harris is the greatest threat to our quality of life we have encountered in a long time, she is a threat to our national security and the cabal of globalist trash in her orbit could do lasting damage, the recession they create would be followed by an implementation of quasi socialism and a drastically reduced standard of living, add to that the foreign affairs disasters a Harris administration could usher in and we could see war and a lasting depression.

Granted much would depend of the balance of power in congress, but if we saw a democrat trifecta, it could result in not only war and depression, but lasting civil unrest as well, we simply can't afford another 4 years with even less leadership than Biden, we know how well our economy and foreign affairs were handled under Trump, we need Trump again.

Man, the right-ring crap just pours out of you. Harris is a moderate just like Biden. Trump plans on giving even greater tax breaks to the wealthy. That cost us $8 trillion last time he was in office. Our foreign affairs under Trump were the worst they'd ever been. He would take us out of NATO and America First would do that.
There's been another mass shooting. This time in London, KY near I 75. Many peope there were shot and the suspect hasn't been caught. Got to love all these guns.
