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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

It's one thing to teach per-pubesent students about male and female gender and how human reproduction works and that some people are not just male or female...... but to teach there are 52 genders and you can choose to be any one of them or choose to be a furry or someone who's attracted to masturbating upon inanimate objects, like the person who married their car...... it's as if teachers want to overshadow the traditional male/female roles, to make the natural male/female pair bonding seem like only something a small fraction of people choose.
Young people are impressionable, so it's one thing to inform but quite another to diminish the male/female pair bonding that produces offspring.

Paying taxes builds roads, fire stations, military bases........ so a system of socialism that pays for so much more, such as universal income, universal medical, universal housing....... will require a lot more of our income will be collected as taxes and our medical and housing choices will become more limited, not everyone wants to be a worker bee living in a hive, some of us would rather be independent, would rather be free.

p.s. From each according to their ability and too each according to their needs sounds good on the surface, but in reality this system lacks proper motivation, people who don't get anything extra for working hard...... often don't.
There was a famous Russian saying : They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.
Capitalism is a great motivator, when people can work hard and earn more they often do.
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In the Washington Post today is the beginning of many articles to come about people in government that do the difficult things that many people take for granted. The first is about a 2002 story of a man who singlehandedly saved many people from coal mine cave-ins. Then there are a pair of FBI agents who cacked the cold case of who bombed the 1963 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Bimingham. Anther went to a doctor at the Centers for Disease Cotrol for sending a billion Polio vaccines to India erradicating the disease there.

The third was a man who was sent to Denver to clean up a nuclear watse dump that filled 90 miles of train cars and turned that place into a state park. These are the government peope Donald Trump wants to take out and fill with his loyalists. There are dozens more stories like these, but don't have the time to post them now.

There will be moe stories to come.
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That's nonsense.
Every President makes appointments, I'm sure Trump will appoint good people who can do the job.
That's nonsense.
Every President makes appointments, I'm sure Trump will appoint good people who can do the job.

Not according to him. He wants to "clear the swamp" and put loyalists in who will be obligated to him personally. That will be the worst of all outcomes.

The main take away for the Post article is that there are ,many people in these government jobs that only do the difficult work. No one actually know what their politics are as they are concerned with getting the best job done.
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Draining the swamp and holding people accountable who have abused their office needs to be done..... from dirty cops to congresspersons, anyone elected, appointed or hired as our servants who have abused their authority to act as our masters need to be held accountable and Trump is the man to do it, this is why some democrats have been so aggressive against Trump, because they fear accountability.
See, typical. I never said it had anything to do with humans. They're just facts of nature that some conservatives can't handle and don't want taught because THEY think that people will be trans or gay etc just because they learned some biological fact of life in nature. Would you ba afraid that if a girl learns about spiders that she is gonna go out and kill and eat her husband later in life? No? That's absurd you say? Huh, It's almost like you hate trans people so much that you wanna deny any natural occurance of sex change in any species, or anything other than binary male/female configurations, of which there are many, because you're so insecure and ignorant about how these things work that you think its a social contagion that can be caught by merely learning about fish, and just want to stamp it out so you can feel comfortable or something. Like a safe space.

But sure, I'm just trying to validate my beliefs on people who won't have it, even though it's literally conservatives who are trying to deny others the right to learn about simple facts of nature because of their beliefs. Let's follow this logic train to it's destination shall we? Are there other things being taught that conservatives take issue with? You bet! Climate change. So many verifiable measurements and knowledge accumulated by now, but it's all just biased liberal propaganda to indoctrinate your kids right? Better ban any mention of that too. Evolution? Well, tons of religious people know that they didn't come from no monkey, best to ban that too, applications in biology and medicine be damned. Earth is an oblate sphere? Again, many people believe either is flat for religious or other reasons, can't have the state brainwashing our kids with their woke round earth ideology. Best ban that too. See where this is going? Then it's no wonder so many conservatives do in fact want to do away with the department of education. Better to only let the wealthy go to private schools so we can return to the natural feudal order of lesser human beings serving as serfs for our lord's pleasure. They are superior after all, may even be Gods. Hey, don't some people think Trump was sent by God? Guess he was all out or locusts

Although, here is what animals have to do with us. We are animals, we evolved from animals and still are. We share a world and ecosystem with them. Many of our biological functions are analogous or nearly identical. So yeah animals have lots to do with humans.
Then why bring it up in the first place? It wasn't a problem until you guys started using nature to argue your trans agenda.
I never said I hated anyone. YOU decided that was the case.
You knew full well that I was specifically talking about it in regards to proving your trans agenda and beliefs through the animal kingdom

You're going all over the place. What the problem really is that you cannot handle anyone who does not support trans beliefs. Get over it
I was really hoping that Trump would do a surface nuclear test in the middle of the desert or something and let people come and watch. Like in the 50s when there were large groups of spectators wearing special goggles sitting in grandstands watching nuclear tests. This time it would be a modern, multi megaton, thermonuclear device to rattle our enemies cages. ☢️

I would definitely make a trip there to see that if it would actually happen. :cool:
Then why bring it up in the first place? It wasn't a problem until you guys started using nature to argue your trans agenda.
I never said I hated anyone. YOU decided that was the case.
You knew full well that I was specifically talking about it in regards to proving your trans agenda and beliefs through the animal kingdom

You're going all over the place. What the problem really is that you cannot handle anyone who does not support trans beliefs. Get over it
No, conservatives are the ones who made it a problem. They're the ones who want to suppress facts because they think that observable reality is part of an agenda. How does pointing out that some conservatives don't want facts taught equate to me pushing any trans agenda? Do you worry that learning about clownfish or seahorses might make you trans? No? Then what are you on about?

Yes I did decide that conservatives, by and large, hate trans people. They make it evident with their words and actions.

You can believe whatever you want about trans people, I don't care. It's when you try to limit the freedom of others and control education of others that I take issue. Let me know when someone points a gun at you and says they'll shoot unless you get a sex change, then we'll have some agreement. Until then, mind your own business. Trans people exist and always have, get over it.
Draining the swamp and holding people accountable who have abused their office needs to be done..... from dirty cops to congresspersons, anyone elected, appointed or hired as our servants who have abused their authority to act as our masters need to be held accountable and Trump is the man to do it, this is why some democrats have been so aggressive against Trump, because they fear accountability.

Trump has certainly shown that he has grievences. If he were elected I expect he would go after everyone who he believes wronged him. He doesn't care at all for the governance of this country. He has said he plans to get even.
It's one thing to teach per-pubesent students about male and female gender and how human reproduction works and that some people are not just male or female...... but to teach there are 52 genders and you can choose to be any one of them or choose to be a furry or someone who's attracted to masturbating upon inanimate objects, like the person who married their car...... it's as if teachers want to overshadow the traditional male/female roles, to make the natural male/female pair bonding seem like only something a small fraction of people choose.
Young people are impressionable, so it's one thing to inform but quite another to diminish the male/female pair bonding that produces offspring.

Paying taxes builds roads, fire stations, military bases........ so a system of socialism that pays for so much more, such as universal income, universal medical, universal housing....... will require a lot more of our income will be collected as taxes and our medical and housing choices will become more limited, not everyone wants to be a worker bee living in a hive, some of us would rather be independent, would rather be free.

p.s. From each according to their ability and too each according to their needs sounds good on the surface, but in reality this system lacks proper motivation, people who don't get anything extra for working hard...... often don't.
There was a famous Russian saying : They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.
Capitalism is a great motivator, when people can work hard and earn more they often do.
Regarding gender, I don't believe what you are describing is happening in schools, show me some evidence please. Never have I seen a teacher diminish the prevalence of male/female relations. You call these natural, are you implying that gay relations aren't natural? Because they too are natural. I've seen conservatives make analogies with genetics that cause people to have 6 fingers etc. They'll say, "sure these people exist but we don't teach kids that 6 fingers is normal". To that I would respond, normal in what sense? That it's common? Sure. But it is natural, and if that trait ever spread enough to become dominant then it would be normal. What we don't do is teach that people with 6 fingers are degenerate and have an agenda. No one would deny that 6 fingered people are rare, just as trans people are. Yeah 52 genders is nonsense in my opinion. It's a spectrum IMO rather than a discreet number. So much is arbitrary and I don't care what people do so long as they don't hurt others. We're in no danger of trans people taking over and male/female couples disappearing and society ceasing to have kids. If you think that's a serious threat, you're living in a delusional conservative fake world.

I have already pointed out how our choices have been limited under capitalism. Other nations have single payer Healthcare and plenty of choice. But let's say their choices were limited. Id still rather have every human be able to access a doctor than only some being able to access their choice of doctor. Just as I'd rather have a waiting list for some medical services than have some who can not access them at all. I don't hear any complaints about lack of choice for roads or police or fire departments.

I would however agree that we need incentive for some to work hard and do difficult work. Id just add that some people are motivated not only by money but by helping others and society, and that some jobs need to be done like sanitation and that even though they are low skill, those people deserve access to medical care too. Not everyone can be a CEO
When being trans was removed from the DSM as a mental illness itself/criteria in diagnosis of other mental illnesses it was a truly sad day. Being trans is a mental illness. There is no changing my mind. I do not hate trans people, I pity them and wish they could get the help they need. They by and large do need help.

Climate change may be happening however the biggest lie democrats often tell is that the actions of individuals such as driving electric crap-box vehicles, stopping meat consumption, and living in 600sq.ft. apartments can make any tangible difference in carbon emissions year over year while big industry and China pump out more waste than anyone. That's a gross misrepresentation of reality intended to manipulate people into buying certain products and living a certain way. It has nothing to do with climate change.
No, conservatives are the ones who made it a problem. They're the ones who want to suppress facts because they think that observable reality is part of an agenda. How does pointing out that some conservatives don't want facts taught equate to me pushing any trans agenda? Do you worry that learning about clownfish or seahorses might make you trans? No? Then what are you on about?

Yes I did decide that conservatives, by and large, hate trans people. They make it evident with their words and actions.

You can believe whatever you want about trans people, I don't care. It's when you try to limit the freedom of others and control education of others that I take issue. Let me know when someone points a gun at you and says they'll shoot unless you get a sex change, then we'll have some agreement. Until then, mind your own business. Trans people exist and always have, get over it.
If you don't care then why are you freaking out over it?
Nonsense paul, holding the corrupt accountable is what we need and Trump's concerns are justified, your attempt to diminish the validity of genuine concerns by calling them grievances doesn't bear out, because Trumps concerns are important to all of us and fighting corruption is important to our nation.
Everyone has to go along with the trope for it to be effective.. nobody is allowed to sit on the fence with fascism, you're either with them or they don't want you to exist. Questions or criticism = bad and mean.
Regarding gender, I don't believe what you are describing is happening in schools, show me some evidence please. Never have I seen a teacher diminish the prevalence of male/female relations. You call these natural, are you implying that gay relations aren't natural? Because they too are natural. I've seen conservatives make analogies with genetics that cause people to have 6 fingers etc. They'll say, "sure these people exist but we don't teach kids that 6 fingers is normal". To that I would respond, normal in what sense? That it's common? Sure. But it is natural, and if that trait ever spread enough to become dominant then it would be normal. What we don't do is teach that people with 6 fingers are degenerate and have an agenda. No one would deny that 6 fingered people are rare, just as trans people are. Yeah 52 genders is nonsense in my opinion. It's a spectrum IMO rather than a discreet number. So much is arbitrary and I don't care what people do so long as they don't hurt others. We're in no danger of trans people taking over and male/female couples disappearing and society ceasing to have kids. If you think that's a serious threat, you're living in a delusional conservative fake world.

I have already pointed out how our choices have been limited under capitalism. Other nations have single payer Healthcare and plenty of choice. But let's say their choices were limited. Id still rather have every human be able to access a doctor than only some being able to access their choice of doctor. Just as I'd rather have a waiting list for some medical services than have some who can not access them at all. I don't hear any complaints about lack of choice for roads or police or fire departments.

I would however agree that we need incentive for some to work hard and do difficult work. Id just add that some people are motivated not only by money but by helping others and society, and that some jobs need to be done like sanitation and that even though they are low skill, those people deserve access to medical care too. Not everyone can be a CEO

Male/Female pairs produce offspring, this is natural in that it works as nature works by evolving because it has a future.

Trans/homo/furies don't produce offspring, it's a dead end that doesn't evolve, so yes it is natural that these defects exist, but not perfectly natural.

Yes all Americans have the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but that doesn't mean we have to pretend the defects are perfectly natural or should be celebrated and pushed on students as alternative lifestyles...... no it's not a choice, it's a defect...... that said non-hetro Americans deserve our respect and our love, but that doesn't mean intentionally corrupting pre-pubesent students minds by telling them being non-hetro is a lifestyle choice, it's not..... but again that does not diminish anyone's rights or mean non-hetro people should be shunned, they shouldn't, but lets be honest about it and not corrupt young impressionable kids who may virtue signal by playing gay and later regret it.
You are concerned about the non-hetro students feeling ignored, unacknowledged, left out.
I am concerned about hetro students being compelled to virtue signal and thinking they are choosing to be something they are not.
Why not acknowledge and include everyone, but be honest about it, it's ok to be different, but most students will be hetro, so lets call different .... different and know it's ok to be different.

But we shouldn't try to include everyone by artificially making everyone the same..... were not.

I suppose we should also acknowledge people are a product of their environment, so if we teach christian hetro lifestyles then people on the fringe may choose the traditional...... but as hetro propagates the species, isn't that the proper default ?
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