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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Also no matter who wins it would be funny to close this section down on election night. I do want a place to put fire memes but still..

That reminds me of when I was a kid and there were still movies on VHS tapes and some douchebags would rent the movie and somehow open the tape case and cut off the last foot or so of tape and then put the case back together as if nothing had happened.

So the next person who rented that copy would think everything was normal until they got to the end and then erupt with rage when they found the movie was missing it's ending! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Well I tell you what paul, if by some sad sad possibility we get stuck with Harris/Walz then they need to harden our schools and how freaking hard is it to put metal detectors in ? Every court house has metal detectors, it should be a 1st step before even thinking about any gun policy that won't work and won't be tolerated.

Harris is NOT a moderate no matter how many times you tell that lie. Harris is a Marxist far far left extremist.

Trump was a much better President that this dud Biden, thank God the 4 years of Biden are almost over, lets not make things infinitely worse with a Marxist Harris/Walz disaster.
Well I tell you what paul, if by some sad sad possibility we get stuck with Harris/Walz then they need to harden our schools and how freaking hard is it to put metal detectors in ? Every court house has metal detectors, it should be a 1st step before even thinking about any gun policy that won't work and won't be tolerated.

Harris is NOT a moderate no matter how many times you tell that lie. Harris is a Marxist far far left extremist.

Trump was a much better President that this dud Biden, thank God the 4 years of Biden are almost over, lets not make things infinitely worse with a Marxist Harris/Walz disaster.

We've had an assault weapons ban before. We need a permanent one. That will likely happen when Harris Walz get elected. These are the prefered weapons of mass shooters. It is what was used in Georgia.
There's a difference between a safe space to protect your feelings and people just being interested in the truth rather than swallowing propaganda daily.

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And the truth is, two male penguins raised a chick together, clowfish can change sex, and male sea horses give birth. Yet conservatives have complained about kids learning these things, to create a "safe space" where their feelings are coddled and reality can be denied to feel comfortable.

In general, conservatives have little to no interest in truth. Only narratives and power
And the truth is, two male penguins raised a chick together, clowfish can change sex, and male sea horses give birth. Yet conservatives have complained about kids learning these things, to create a "safe space" where their feelings are coddled and reality can be denied to feel comfortable.
So? We're humans. What does any animal have to do with us? Stop trying to validate your beliefs to people who won't have it.
And the truth is, two male penguins raised a chick together, clowfish can change sex, and male sea horses give birth. Yet conservatives have complained about kids learning these things, to create a "safe space" where their feelings are coddled and reality can be denied to feel comfortable.

In general, conservatives have little to no interest in truth. Only narratives and power

That's a certain small group of conservatives, but by no means all conservatives, for instance I have no problem with teaching any of what you just listed.

Here's a truth you won't like, socialism sucks.

p.s. Teaching students about clownfish is just fine with me, but no child should be told they can choose their gender before they have had the chance to go through a natural puberty and decide what they are attracted to naturally.
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We've had an assault weapons ban before. We need a permanent one. That will likely happen when Harris Walz get elected. These are the prefered weapons of mass shooters. It is what was used in Georgia.

Unfortunately for you we have a Constitution and the AR-15 is protected as it is in " common use " and in reality what you want to ban is all semi autos...... tell you what, I would be willing to register my AR-15's under an expanded NFA provided I can convert them to select fire like the real weapons of war ( the M-16 ) and the guarantee that there will be no more new restrictions..... but not everyone would agree.
I would be quite happy to make significant concessions in term of firearm regulations if there was some way to actually guarantee a "no further restrictions" clause. My views are actually pretty moderate, but the government here has proven if you give a inch, they'll just take mile and there's no way to prevent the next government from deciding to try to put yet more restrictions in place.

They will say they just want one thing, and then a little bit later they'll ban yet more until you have what it's like here now, with all handguns banned, along with many semi auto rifles. If the Trudeau Liberals have their way, basically all semi auto firearms will be gone. :(
Yes we Americans understand the slippery slope, that's why we don't give up anything willingly and fight to take back all that we can, because every gun law is an infringement, thus unconstitutional as per small arms anyway.

Basically what the politicians can get away with is what the courts will allow based on their interpretations of our Constitution, sadly liberal judges don't always honor their oath to uphold our Constitution and some Democrat State Governors knowingly violate their oath, however many Republican Governors uphold our Rights, so because working through the courts takes time, some States are a lot more Freedom oriented than others.

That said if democrats could win control of the White House as well as the House and Senate, they might be able to nuke the Senate filibuster and pack the supreme court, then they could install liberal activist judges and pass unlimited unconstitutional federal laws without citizens having Constitutional legal recourse...... but this is how civil wars get started and I doubt we will see that play out as there will usually be a few good congresspersons unwilling to destroy democracy....... although it could technically happen and radicals like Harris and Walz would do it in a heart beat if they could, they are far too radical and dangerous, not moderates at all, they would further divide the country when we need to come together.
Yes we Americans understand the slippery slope, that's why we don't give up anything willingly and fight to take back all that we can, because every gun law is an infringement, thus unconstitutional as per small arms anyway.

Basically what the politicians can get away with is what the courts will allow based on their interpretations of our Constitution, sadly liberal judges don't always honor their oath to uphold our Constitution and some Democrat State Governors knowingly violate their oath, however many Republican Governors uphold our Rights, so because working through the courts takes time, some States are a lot more Freedom oriented than others.

That said if democrats could win control of the White House as well as the House and Senate, they might be able to nuke the Senate filibuster and pack the supreme court, then they could install liberal activist judges and pass unlimited unconstitutional federal laws without citizens having Constitutional legal recourse...... but this is how civil wars get started and I doubt we will see that play out as there will usually be a few good congresspersons unwilling to destroy democracy....... although it could technically happen and radicals like Harris and Walz would do it in a heart beat if they could, they are far too radical and dangerous, not moderates at all, they would further divide the country when we need to come together.

You're so deep in the 2nd Amendment that you don't see what is possible. I promise you that you will find out. Assault weapons have been banned before, and they will be again. I'm not ready to concede anything as you aren't either. As long as gun nuts insist on no concessions liberals, like myself, won't either.
Well Harris ( if elected ) can in fact ban importation of any guns she wants via. exec. order, but an AWB will have to be passed by congress and can be overturned in the courts...... that said if congress passed another AWB identical to the Clinton Crime Bill then that I could live with for many reasons I won't go into and maybe it would stand up to the Bruen ruling ( history, text, tradition ) but any more than that would not and it may not actually stand up in court for other reasons, but it wouldn't bother me as I am prepared, I have more guns than I could wear out over the rest of my life..... but anything beyond the scope of the Clinton Crime Bill, the only AWB ever passed, wouldn't stand up and won't fly with millions of gun owners either.

Basically any AWB that could survive legal scrutiny ( lawsuits ) ( Heller and Bruen rulings ) will have to grandfather in all the existing firearms, same as the Clinton Crime Bill and no Registration under the NFA unless repeal of the Hughes Amendment which would have to be repealed anyway as nobody could add anything to the NFA with the Hughes amendment intact anyway, that means we can pay the 200 dollar tax stamp and convert to select fire which millions of " assault weapon " owners would willing register to do, so there could be some compromise, but there won't be any mandatory buy backs, that's a pipe dream.

The Clinton Crime Bill banned the import and new manufacture and new sales of assault weapons based on cosmetic features, but did not attempt to ban or register any of the millions of existing already in civilian hands, they were all grandfathered in, also it did not ban new manufacture and sales of semi-auto's as long as they did not have a detachable magazine and more than 1 of any of the list of banned cosmetic features, such as a pistol grip, flash hider, barrel shroud, bayonet, 2nd magazine outside of the grip, folding or telescoping stock.
Well Harris ( if elected ) can in fact ban importation of any guns she wants via. exec. order, but an AWB will have to be passed by congress and can be overturned in the courts...... that said if congress passed another AWB identical to the Clinton Crime Bill then that I could live with for many reasons I won't go into and maybe it would stand up to the Bruen ruling ( history, text, tradition ) but any more than that would not and it may not actually stand up in court for other reasons, but it wouldn't bother me as I am prepared, I have more guns than I could wear out over the rest of my life..... but anything beyond the scope of the Clinton Crime Bill, the only AWB ever passed, wouldn't stand up and won't fly with millions of gun owners either.

Basically any AWB that could survive legal scrutiny ( lawsuits ) ( Heller and Bruen rulings ) will have to grandfather in all the existing firearms, same as the Clinton Crime Bill and no Registration under the NFA unless repeal of the Hughes Amendment which would have to be repealed anyway as nobody could add anything to the NFA with the Hughes amendment intact anyway, that means we can pay the 200 dollar tax stamp and convert to select fire which millions of " assault weapon " owners would willing register to do, so there could be some compromise, but there won't be any mandatory buy backs, that's a pipe dream.

The Clinton Crime Bill banned the import and new manufacture and new sales of assault weapons based on cosmetic features, but did not attempt to ban or register any of the millions of existing already in civilian hands, they were all grandfathered in, also it did not ban new manufacture and sales of semi-auto's as long as they did not have a detachable magazine and more than 1 of any of the list of banned cosmetic features, such as a pistol grip, flash hider, barrel shroud, bayonet, 2nd magazine outside of the grip, folding or telescoping stock.

That assault weapons ban did more than just ban imports. They were banned from sales in this country. It is far more than cosmetics as well. There are the magazines that will be outlawed also. I'm glad you are such a gun nut that you think that nothing can change, but it will. Even many gun owners want common sense gun laws. Not everyone lives and breathes by the second amendment.
That assault weapons ban did more than just ban imports. They were banned from sales in this country. It is far more than cosmetics as well. There are the magazines that will be outlawed also. I'm glad you are such a gun nut that you think that nothing can change, but it will. Even many gun owners want common sense gun laws. Not everyone lives and breathes by the second amendment.

Yes, the Clinton crime bill also banned new manufacture and sales of magazines over 10 rounds but grandfathered in all existing magazines which could still be sold/traded.

I clearly said it banned new manufacture and new sales of semi autos with a detachable box mag and 1 or more of the banned cosmetic features but grandfathered in millions of existing that could be sold/traded as well as new semi autos that didn't have more than 1 of the banned features in addition to a detachable magazine...... So you could still buy a brand new AK with a thumb hole stock in place of a folding stock and pistol grip and without a flash hider or bayonet...... but they still shot the same...... yes they came with a detachable 10 round magazine but would accept any of the grandfathered 30 round mags and the 70 and 100 round drums ...... that's as far as you MIGHT be able to go with Heller and Bruen which weren't in place when the Clinton Crime Bill was passed.

Good luck with that paul, we are 100 Million gun owners and millions of members supporting GOA, SAF, FPC, NAGR, SAPF, NRA, and many more orgs. who do fight and win in court, we have won back quite a lot even during the Biden admin. we even reversed Trumps bump stock ban and passed Constitutional carry in over half the States during this administration.


BTW the Clinton Crime Bill isn't all that popular with liberals.

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So? We're humans. What does any animal have to do with us? Stop trying to validate your beliefs to people who won't have it.
See, typical. I never said it had anything to do with humans. They're just facts of nature that some conservatives can't handle and don't want taught because THEY think that people will be trans or gay etc just because they learned some biological fact of life in nature. Would you ba afraid that if a girl learns about spiders that she is gonna go out and kill and eat her husband later in life? No? That's absurd you say? Huh, It's almost like you hate trans people so much that you wanna deny any natural occurance of sex change in any species, or anything other than binary male/female configurations, of which there are many, because you're so insecure and ignorant about how these things work that you think its a social contagion that can be caught by merely learning about fish, and just want to stamp it out so you can feel comfortable or something. Like a safe space.

But sure, I'm just trying to validate my beliefs on people who won't have it, even though it's literally conservatives who are trying to deny others the right to learn about simple facts of nature because of their beliefs. Let's follow this logic train to it's destination shall we? Are there other things being taught that conservatives take issue with? You bet! Climate change. So many verifiable measurements and knowledge accumulated by now, but it's all just biased liberal propaganda to indoctrinate your kids right? Better ban any mention of that too. Evolution? Well, tons of religious people know that they didn't come from no monkey, best to ban that too, applications in biology and medicine be damned. Earth is an oblate sphere? Again, many people believe either is flat for religious or other reasons, can't have the state brainwashing our kids with their woke round earth ideology. Best ban that too. See where this is going? Then it's no wonder so many conservatives do in fact want to do away with the department of education. Better to only let the wealthy go to private schools so we can return to the natural feudal order of lesser human beings serving as serfs for our lord's pleasure. They are superior after all, may even be Gods. Hey, don't some people think Trump was sent by God? Guess he was all out or locusts

Although, here is what animals have to do with us. We are animals, we evolved from animals and still are. We share a world and ecosystem with them. Many of our biological functions are analogous or nearly identical. So yeah animals have lots to do with humans.
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That's a certain small group of conservatives, but by no means all conservatives, for instance I have no problem with teaching any of what you just listed.

Here's a truth you won't like, socialism sucks.

p.s. Teaching students about clownfish is just fine with me, but no child should be told they can choose their gender before they have had the chance to go through a natural puberty and decide what they are attracted to naturally.
Cool, that's not what happens. What happens is a child or adolescent already feels they are the other gender, then adults who aren't bigots and have empathy and understanding try to understand and support them. Also, sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender identity. I knew what gender I was long before puberty. Only someone who doesn't think trans people should exist would argue that an adolescent should go though puberty before taking any action regarding their gender.

Socialism sucks huh? Ok, please don't drive on any roads funded by everyone else's tax money. Build and drive on only your own that you paid for by yourself. Also, don't use any publicly funded police or fire departments, provide all protection for yourself, same with the military. Go live on an island and grow or hunt all your own food, and provide all your own medical care, and hold off any organized invaders all by yourself.

Marx said "FROm each according to his ability, TO each according to his need" so how do you figure that maxism= "free stuff"?

I've already pointed out that Marx was pro gun, you say Kamala is anti gun and that she is a Marxist. Explain:
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