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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

No paul, like in 2016 when Trump defeated the last woman who ran against him, plus.... and this is a big plus paul.... no covid this time.... that's right paul, pack your safe space with a fresh supply of crying towels, it's going to be the great snowflake melt 2.0

Not if you believe any of the polls. Harris is beating Trump and every week her poll numbers rise. It has nothing to do with covid. More peolpe don't want Trump back than those who do. And he isn't even trying to reach any new voters.
You're a broken record with your non-point, the polls are a joke and Trump is reaching new voters every day.
Furthermore watch the video I posted, here it is again, Harris won't win.

Red keeps clinging to the polls from 2016 ignoring the fact that they have gotten more accurate over time and ignoring that in every election since 2016 trump has underperformed the polls. Seems like cope to me
You're a broken record with your non-point, the polls are a joke and Trump is reaching new voters every day.
Furthermore watch the video I posted, here it is again, Harris won't win.

You seem to think Trump has an advantage because no woman has ever been elected. Well, before Obama no Black had ever been elected either. And he served two terms. Harris is gonna win this time. Mark my words. If I'm wrong you can rub it in to your heart's delight.
The polls survey say 4200 people online and 58% are democrats, 30% are independents...... that's hardly a representative sample.

The yougove samples are taken of people who opt. into yougove, conservatives dont do that.

paul I will bet you, name your price, whatcha wanna bet ???


How about you shakenawak, lets put up a prize pool to be held by a 3rd party, whatcha wanna bet ? 100 silver dollars ?

Remember the Electoral college votes choose the President, not your goofy polls.
Nah, I think it's only like 55% chance she wins, and that could drop if Isreal drags us into a war, and I expect that to happen soon, like withon the next month soon. Also I sold all my silver except my prized trump coin and one calling out the federal reserve when the market peaked a few years back. I just think your are overconfident in trump. It's troubling to me how excited you are by the prospect of him being immune and above the law. Dude is human detritus and big time criminal. Not surprising since conservatives are drawn to authoritarians and fascism, but troubling for sure. The electoral college is undemocratic and that doesn't seem to trouble you either. Maybe in another parallel universe where it benefitted democrats you'd magically take issue with it. For now, you're OK with someone in Wyoming having a vote 8X more valuable than someone in California

Maybe I missed it but did you ever say by what metric you figure the biden admin to be the most corrupt in history, and if it's dollar amount taken, can you explain why the vastly larger sums the trump crime family has taken does not constitute corruption?

I was also curious if you agree with trump that the presidential medal of freedom given out to zionist genocidal billionaires is better than the medal of honor given to US soldiers who give their lives?
The polls survey say 4200 people online and 58% are democrats, 30% are independents...... that's hardly a representative sample.

The yougove samples are taken of people who opt. into yougove, conservatives dont do that.

paul I will bet you, name your price, whatcha wanna bet ???


How about you shakenawak, lets put up a prize pool to be held by a 3rd party, whatcha wanna bet ? 100 silver dollars ?

Remember the Electoral college votes choose the President, not your goofy polls.

I would, but last time we got in trouble for that. If I had a choice I'd bet $1000.
Nah, I think it's only like 55% chance she wins, and that could drop if Isreal drags us into a war, and I expect that to happen soon, like withon the next month soon. Also I sold all my silver except my prized trump coin and one calling out the federal reserve when the market peaked a few years back. I just think your are overconfident in trump. It's troubling to me how excited you are by the prospect of him being immune and above the law. Dude is human detritus and big time criminal. Not surprising since conservatives are drawn to authoritarians and fascism, but troubling for sure. The electoral college is undemocratic and that doesn't seem to trouble you either. Maybe in another parallel universe where it benefitted democrats you'd magically take issue with it. For now, you're OK with someone in Wyoming having a vote 8X more valuable than someone in California

Maybe I missed it but did you ever say by what metric you figure the biden admin to be the most corrupt in history, and if it's dollar amount taken, can you explain why the vastly larger sums the trump crime family has taken does not constitute corruption?

I was also curious if you agree with trump that the presidential medal of freedom given out to zionist genocidal billionaires is better than the medal of honor given to US soldiers who give their lives?

I dislike the political lawfare and how paul refuses to acknowledge how awful and dangerous this president is for out nation, that's why I celebrated Trumps not getting sentenced, plus I saw it coming and I love to point it out when paul is wrong, because he argues over the smallest thing even when his argument has been crushed.

Seems like the weaponization of our legal system outweighs all the cash as stolen money is not as much of a threat to the life and liberty of the average citizen.

NO !
Ha, I would want the same for the same reason, however I haven't weaseled out of anything.
We can each send a 1000.00 to the 3rd party, after the election the winner will get a refund.
The 3rd party can collect names of members and order the glasses to be shipped straight to the members, NO REFUND FOR THE LOSER !
We can each send a 1000.00 to the 3rd party, after the election the winner will get a refund.
The 3rd party can collect names of members and order the glasses to be shipped straight to the members, NO REFUND FOR THE LOSER !

Works for me. Now we have to agree on a third party. Who do yo want?
