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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Judge Mechan ruled today that Trump will now be sentenced on November 26th this year. The reasoning is that Trump can't politicize this and even in the chance he wins this election, he will still be sentenced. I find this to be good enough.

That's not the reasoning that I read paul, this is from CNN.... is CNN good enough for you ?
Note that Merchan said he would sentence on Nov. 26th ( If Necessary ) ...... this is because Merchan has yet to decide Trumps immunity claim....... which will be appealed if not found to overturn the case..... which will further delay sentencing.
I told you Trup would not be sentenced on Sept. 18th. Chalk another one up in my column paul and another L for you. 1725655825383.png

Former President Donald Trump will not be sentenced in his New York criminal case until after the 2024 election, Judge Juan Merchan announced Friday, explaining that his decision to delay the sentencing is in part to avoid any appearance of affecting the outcome of the presidential race.

Merchan wrote in a new four-page letter that he would sentence Trump on November 26 – if necessary – in response to a request from Trump’s lawyers to push back the sentencing.

That's not the reasoning that I read paul, this is from CNN.... is CNN good enough for you ?
Note that Merchan said he would sentence on Nov. 26th ( If Necessary ) ...... this is because Merchan has yet to decide Trumps immunity claim....... which will be appealed if not found to overturn the case..... which will further delay sentencing.
I told you Trup would not be sentenced on Sept. 18th. Chalk another one up in my column paul and another L for you. View attachment 78567

Former President Donald Trump will not be sentenced in his New York criminal case until after the 2024 election, Judge Juan Merchan announced Friday, explaining that his decision to delay the sentencing is in part to avoid any appearance of affecting the outcome of the presidential race.

Merchan wrote in a new four-page letter that he would sentence Trump on November 26 – if necessary – in response to a request from Trump’s lawyers to push back the sentencing.
Actually, this was done mostly because the prosecution didn't want to pursue this. If they had, we would be on the same schedule of sentencing on the 18th. I don't know why they didn't, but I trust them to make the correct decision. Judge Mechan also said that he would rule on the 12th of November. That will give Trump's lawyers only two weekss to appeal.

Did you see where Liz AND Dick Cheney are voting for Harris? :LOL:
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Think I posted this before, but it was in the now deleted politics thread when someone last mentioned Liz Cheney lol Whenever I hear about Liz Cheney I think of this funny rhino video.

It's hilarious to me that someone who formerly palled around with the Clintons is now the one who determines who is or is not a real republican. The extra funny part is that Liz Cheney voted with trump like 95% of the time, while the person who replaced Liz only voted with trump like 70% of the time. Just goes to show it isn't about policy but rather whether or not you deepthroat trump and agree with his stolen election lies
Imagine promoting degeneracy for the past 20yrs so heavily that your party has become demonstrably weaker, uglier, and sexless when compared to the alternative. Oof.
View attachment 78568
View attachment 78569
Imagine promoting degeneracy for the past 20yrs so heavily that your party has become demonstrably weaker, uglier, and sexless when compared to the alternative. Oof.

Conservative males don't have MASSIVE inferiority complex and need diversity and inclusion crap. :LOL:

Instead of cry closets, safe spaces and DEI there should be massive militarization, extreme Nationalism, and extreme Social Darwinism. :cool:
W..why he call the ageless golden god emperor old fart that's like really not nice bro.

When have you ever know Donald Trump to be nice? Even today he railed against E. Jean Carrol who he owes $88.3 million to. He also railed against other women who have acused him of sexual assault. He said of a woman who acused him of assaulting her on a plane in 1979 that, "She wasn't the one for she wasn't hot enough to be assaulted by him."
I'm not asking you to give me the answer, I know the answer..... do you ? View attachment 78560

He first has to get elected. That seems unlikely now. He is already a convicted felon that will be sentenced in just thirteen days.

I was Right and you paul were Wrong, I knew the impossible decision Merchan had and I knew the immunity play and how Merchan couldn't sentence on the 18th even if he made the wrong decision, I knew it and you didn't, you paul were wrong and I told you so..... you paul were.....

I was Right and you paul were Wrong, I knew the impossible decision Merchan had and I knew the immunity play and how Merchan couldn't sentence on the 18th even if he made the wrong decision, I knew it and you didn't, you paul were wrong..... you paul were.....

I have no problem with Trump getting sentenced after the election. It will happen, even if he somehow wins. That means we will have the first convict in the White House. Hell, he's already a convict. I can't believe you guys decided to run him again.
paul....Trump will NOT be sentenced.... Remember I said so.

This entire kangaroo court houseshit was a play to
#1 Try to make Trump quit.
#2 Give Trump a bad name.

Merchan will find Trump immune, it's his get out of it card, because Trump is going to win reelection and Merchan knows what was done was wrong.
