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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Trump has many avenues of appeal in this kangaroo court travesty of justice.

Yea, Biden is running out of time to pardon him otherwise, lol.
Yes Biden will pardon Hunter now that Biden isn't running.
Biden's earlier statement that he wouldn't pardon Hunter was made while he was running..... besides this is all about optics to attempt to justify the political lawfare against Trump..... to dangle Hunter and say.... see, see, even the Presidents son isn't above the law.

Biden will pardon Hunter after the election..... watch and see.

Biden has said he wouldn't pardon Hunter. Now, if Trump had said he wouldn't pardon one of his kids I would say that's a lie. But, he lies all the time. I don't expect Joe Biden will pardon Hunter as he believes in the rule of law.

Biden is a criminal who abused his office to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired and protect Himself and Hunter in their Burisima scandal..... why do you think Hunter is pleading guilty to not paying 1.4 Million in taxes ?

Hunter didn't earn 1.4 Million blowing paint through a straw.

Biden is a criminal who abused his office to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired and protect Himself and Hunter in their Burisima scandal..... why do you think Hunter is pleading guilty to not paying 1.4 Million in taxes ?

Hunter didn't earn 1.4 Million blowing paint through a straw.

Yeah, you've spread that lie before. Joe Biden was Vice President to Obama and did what his President told him to do. Almost all do, except for Pence when Trump told him to do something illegal. :LOL:
Show me where Obama told Biden to dangle and withhold the Ukrainian aid until Viktor Shokin the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the Burisima scandal was fired.

I know Joe and Hunter were getting payoffs from Ukraine interests, but are you telling me Obama was in on the illegal activity too ?

paul.... Is your blood sugar low ?
Show me where Obama told Biden to dangle and withhold the Ukrainian aid until Viktor Shokin the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the Burisima scandal was fired.

Viktor Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor who Obama wanted removed. He sold his influence in Ukraine to others for profit.
Show me where Obama told Biden to dangle and withhold the Ukrainian aid until Viktor Shokin the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the Burisima scandal was fired.

I know Joe and Hunter were getting payoffs from Ukraine interests, but are you telling me Obama was in on the illegal activity too ?

paul.... Is your blood sugar low ?

How, in any way was it illegal for Obama to want a corrupt prosecutor removed?

You're telling me President Obama instructed Biden to go to Ukraine and dangle the aid package of a BILLION dollars in loan guarantees .... unless the Ukrainian President fired the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden for the Burisima corruption ??????

Is your blood sugar low ?
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You're telling me President Obama instructed Biden to go to Ukraine and dangle the aid package of a BILLION dollars in loan guarantees .... unless the Ukrainian President fired the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden for the Burisima corruption ??????

Is your blood sugar low ?

Are you on pills?! Shokin wasn't prosecuting anyone. He was holding people up who could give him money to get out of trouble.
Listen to what you're saying paul...... do you make this stuff up or is this the ridiculous spin your mainstream media is telling you..... or is this some combination of the two ?

A US President doesn't send a Vice President to dangle a Billion in loan guarantees, that's ridiculous.

Why was Trump impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate the Burisima corruption ?
Because the deep state dems wanted a puppet Biden in the Whitehouse.

Yet you think it would be ok for Obama to send Biden to dangle a billion in aid ?

The Biden admin. is the most corrupt administration is US history. PERIOD
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Listen to what you're saying paul...... do you make this stuff up or is this the ridiculous spin your mainstream media is telling you..... or is this some combination of the two ?

A US President doesn't send a Vice President to dangle a Billion in loan guarantees, that's ridiculous.

This is the same thing you guys always try to spin. No, Shokin was not investigating Burisma. That has been a Republican wet dream since back when Obama was President.
Kamala Harris is puppet Biden's diversity hire VP and the deep state dems hope she will be their new puppet.

Why would Republicans dream about a Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating a Ukrainian energy producer ?
There must be some reason why you think they would care.
What do you suppose that reason might be ?
Kamala Harris is puppet Biden's diversity hire VP and the deep state dems hope she will be their new puppet.

Why would Republicans dream about a Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating a Ukrainian energy producer ?
There must be some reason why you think they would care.
What do you suppose that reason might be ?

That video you keep using as proof that Biden was doing this to help Hunter is the reason. :LOL:
Obama said " Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck things up. "
Why do you suppose Obama said that ?

Are you on pills?! Shokin wasn't prosecuting anyone. He was holding people up who could give him money to get out of trouble.
You say Viktor Skokin was holding people up who could give him money to get out of trouble.
WTF are you talking about and WTF did Obama have to do with Ukrainian internal affairs ?

Was Shokin holding people up ..... like an armed robbery ? WTF are you talking about paul ?
Are you on pills?! Shokin wasn't prosecuting anyone. He was holding people up who could give him money to get out of trouble.

WTF did Obama have to do with Ukrainian internal affairs ?

Was Shokin holding people up ..... like an armed robbery ? WTF are you talking about paul ?
What is the highest position that Elon Musk could theoretically hold in the US Government? I get that since he wasn't born a US citizen he can never be President or Vice President, but could he be Secretary of State or Secretary of Defence in theory? Or are those also out for a non born citizen because they're in the Presidential line of succession?
