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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

WTF did Obama have to do with Ukrainian internal affairs ?

Was Shokin holding people up ..... like an armed robbery ? WTF are you talking about paul ?

Shokin was using his position as a prosecutor to prefer charges against persons who could pay him to get out of them.

What is the highest position that Elon Musk could theoretically hold in the US Government? I get that since he wasn't born a US citizen he can never be President or Vice President, but could he be Secretary of State or Secretary of Defence in theory? Or are those also out for a non born citizen because they're in the Presidential line of succession?
That's a good question, I'm gonna have to look at the Continuity of Government protocols.. Wikipedia rabbit hole here I come lol.

I can't get this image to upload but I really want it to - it's Elon but I think AI or Photoshop is a part of it's creation.
Trump's lawyers in Tanya Chutkan's court made the motion to dismiss the charges because of Justice Thomas' dicta that he would rule in favor of that. Judge Chutkan nearly laughed them out of court. It was absurd on its face. There is binding precedent for the appointment of Jack Smith and judge Chutkan said as much.
Shokin was using his position as a prosecutor to prefer charges against persons who could pay him to get out of them.
And WTF business does President Obama have instructing Biden to dangle a billion dollars in loan guarantees already apportioned by Congress in order to pressure the President of Ukraine concerning Ukraine's internal affairs ?

None what so ever, if it was of real concern then Congress, the issuer of the Billion dollars worth of loan guarantees should have addressed the President of Ukraine....... or Obama could have made a public statement...... no, this same prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden's Burisima dealings.

Trump's lawyers in Tanya Chutkan's court made the motion to dismiss the charges because of Justice Thomas' dicta that he would rule in favor of that. Judge Chutkan nearly laughed them out of court. It was absurd on its face. There is binding precedent for the appointment of Jack Smith and judge Chutkan said as much.
Chutkan said it would be an “exercise in futility” to set a trial date in the case, according to Politico, given that Trump is likely to appeal any ruling she makes on immunity, which will pause the proceedings again.
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Yeah! About time. Limit government handouts for non-citizens. It's crazy how hard it is for people who are born and raised here, who pay taxes here, to get help from the government. Yet coming across the border illegally somehow entitles you to stay free in hotels, get food benefits, phones paid for, in some places they even get a spending allowance. There's no valid argument for this, we should be able to take care of our vast homeless population before illegal, criminal aliens are prioritized.
Chutkan said it would be an “exercise in futility” to set a trial date in the case, according to Politico, given that Trump is likely to appeal any ruling she makes on immunity, which will pause the proceedings again.

No, he won't go to trial this year. But, very possibly next year.
And WTF business does President Obama have instructing Biden to dangle a billion dollars in loan guarantees already apportioned by Congress in order to pressure the President of Ukraine concerning Ukraine's internal affairs ?

None what so ever, if it was of real concern then Congress, the issuer of the Billion dollars worth of loan guarantees should have addressed the President of Ukraine....... or Obama could have made a public statement...... no, this same prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden's Burisima dealings.

Chutkan said it would be an “exercise in futility” to set a trial date in the case, according to Politico, given that Trump is likely to appeal any ruling she makes on immunity, which will pause the proceedings again.

Yes, Donald Trump won't get prosecuted before next year. That said, he will likely be prosecuted next yaer.
View attachment 78563
Yeah! About time. Limit government handouts for non-citizens. It's crazy how hard it is for people who are born and raised here, who pay taxes here, to get help from the government. Yet coming across the border illegally somehow entitles you to stay free in hotels, get food benefits, phones paid for, in some places they even get a spending allowance. There's no valid argument for this, we should be able to take care of our vast homeless population before illegal, criminal aliens are prioritized.

:ROFLMAO: You guys are incorrigible. This is not even happening. The only reason that it has happened at all is because Greg Abbot decided to fly some to other states.

The Washington Post has an article out today about that 14 year old girl killed in that car fatality. It happened in Texas during the Biden administration and had nothing at all to do with Harris. If you look at the gavestone at the beginning you can see the date of death
Judge Mechan ruled today that Trump will now be sentenced on November 26th this year. The reasoning is that Trump can't politicize this and even in the chance he wins this election, he will still be sentenced. I find this to be good enough.
I'm wondering by what metric red figures the biden admin is the most corrupt ever. If it's dollar amount, then just the 300 mil that Trump has gotten from just the Adleson family to do their bidding when it comes to Isreal would be nearly impossible to top, and that doesn't include the money from Saudi arabia, Oman, the self dealing with the secret service and his properties, Russia, and however many more we don't even know about. If you count the 2 billion that Jared kushner got from the Saudis then the biden crime family has some real catching up to do to compete with the trump crime family in dollar terms. Isn't it like 10 million or so that the conservatards claim the bidens got? Cute by comparison.

Nevermind the endless grift with trump NFTs, crypto, gilded shoes, and whatever else he is hawking this week. not corrupt but really kinda sad and pathetic
Liz Cheney has now said her father, Vice President Dick Cheney, will be voting for Harris this year. Damn! That's great news. Everyday more stalwart Republicans come out in favor of Harris.
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I'm wondering by what metric red figures the biden admin is the most corrupt ever. If it's dollar amount, then just the 300 mil that Trump has gotten from just the Adleson family to do their bidding when it comes to Isreal would be nearly impossible to top, and that doesn't include the money from Saudi arabia, Oman, the self dealing with the secret service and his properties, Russia, and however many more we don't even know about. If you count the 2 billion that Jared kushner got from the Saudis then the biden crime family has some real catching up to do to compete with the trump crime family in dollar terms. Isn't it like 10 million or so that the conservatards claim the bidens got? Cute by comparison.

Nevermind the endless grift with trump NFTs, crypto, gilded shoes, and whatever else he is hawking this week. not corrupt but really kinda sad and pathetic

Democrats get large campaign contributions as well and all our politicians see to get rich somehow, insider trading ect..... but if you have any proof that Trump did something illegal in any of what you just said, please provide said evidence.
Liz Cheney has now said her father, Vice President Dick Cheney, will be voting for Harris this year. Damn! That's great news. Everyday more stalwart Republicans come out in favor of Harris.
I just worry that they support her for policy reasons. If we're lucky, they support her despite policy disagreements simply because trump doesn't respect the peaceful transfer of power. Id prefer to believe the latter, but I don't trust Kamala enough to rule out the former
