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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Sentencing won't keep Trump from getting reelected, if anything it's likely to guarantee Trumps reelection as people don't like this kangaroo court political lawfare, people feel threatened by it and they should, people want Trump to fix it so there will be justice or all under a fair system, not a 3rd world democrat dictatorship that corrupts our legal system for political gain, to silence the opposition, to cheat the system and to punish the outspoken citizen should democrats win...... you may not be willing to admit what was done to Trump is wrong, but the voters who count, the voters in the middle who can think for themselves and can see what a Harris/Walz dictatorship would look like in the wake of an already broken system, these vital voters are watching and they are not stupid.

Trump will appoint Constitutional Federal judges, not political activist judges ( like Judge Merchan ) who omit our Bill of Rights from their decisions when they conflict with the Marxist democrat political narrative.

You seem to think Trump has more than 47% of the voters. He doesn't. That 47%, which includes you, are loyal to him, but not nearly enough to get him elected. Voters in the middle are soundly in favor of Harris. That can be seen in poll after poll. Judge Merchan isn't a federal judge. He's a state supreme court judge.

Did you see Liz Cheney endorse Kamala Harris yesterday in North Carolina?

Your polls are not much more than propaganda.
Remember just before the 2016 election the polls had Hillary well ahead.
You hang your hat on Trump having only 47% in your polls..... you are in trouble as Trump had only 37% when he beat Hillary.

Merchan was brought in special by Alvin Bragg who ran for office on ( I will get Trump )..... Trump's judge was supposed to be randomly picked from a pool of judges that did not include Merchan.

Merchans daughters political org took in 93 million dollars when Merchan refused to recuse himself or dismiss, this kangaroo court conviction will be appealed and in time overturned, it was obviously malicious prosecution.

Furthermore Bragg bootstrapped a State misdemeanor book keeping charge ( past the statute of limitations ) into 34 felonies based on a novel legal theory that Trumps book keeping error was made to further..... get this " Election interference " by hoping to hide a perfectly legal NDA payment to Stormy Dainells.

Trump was denied a change of venue even though the jury was 85% Biden supporters and the jury instruction was also malicious prosecution.

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Your polls are not much more than propaganda.
Remember just before the 2016 election the polls had Hillary well ahead.
You hang your hat on Trump having only 47% in your polls..... you are in trouble as Trump had only 37% when he beat Hillary.

Merchan was brought in special by Alvin Bragg who ran for office on ( I will get Trump )..... Trump's judge was supposed to be randomly picked from a pool of judges that did not include Merchan.

Merchans daughters political org took in 93 million dollars when Merchan refused to recuse himself or dismiss, this kangaroo court conviction will be appealed and in time overturned, it was obviously malicious prosecution.

Furthermore Bragg bootstrapped a State misdemeanor book keeping charge ( past the statute of limitations ) into 34 felonies based on a novel legal theory that Trumps book keeping error was made to further..... get this " Election interference " by hoping to hide a perfectly legal NDA payment to Stormy Dainells.

Trump was denied a change of venue even though the jury was 85% Biden supporters and the jury instruction was also malicious prosecution.


Yeah, you keep pointing to the polls that came out after the Access Hollywood tape, that that was an outlier. Merchan had one daughter who worked for Democrats. That was no reason to recuse as Merchan went before a board of ethics and they cleared him to preside. Trump will be sentenced in 13 days.
Apparently paul only knows what he is fed by the democrat machine..... I sometimes wonder if he can think for himself at all.
Yeah, you keep pointing to the polls that came out after the Access Hollywood tape, that that was an outlier. Merchan had one daughter who worked for Democrats. That was no reason to recuse as Merchan went before a board of ethics and they cleared him to preside. Trump will be sentenced in 13 days.

Actually paul, Merchan is to decide on the 16th if Trumps immunity applies, then on the 18 pass sentence if the immunity doesn't apply..... HOWEVER if Merchan rules on the 16th that the immunity doesn't apply..... that will be appealed, all the way to the SCOTUS if needed.

Still think Trump will be sentenced on the 18th ???

Merchan may be a State judge, but Trumps immunity was a SCOTUS ruling. ;)
Actually paul, Merchan is to decide on the 16th if Trumps immunity applies, then on the 18 pass sentence if the immunity doesn't apply..... HOWEVER if Merchan rules on the 16th that the immunity doesn't apply..... that will be appealed, all the way to the SCOTUS if needed.

Still think Trump will be sentenced on the 18th ???

Merchan may be a State judge, but Trumps immunity was a SCOTUS ruling. ;)

Trump's immunity is only for official acts. This isn't one of them. Yes, I expect Trump will be sentenced on the 18th. And, I expect the SCOTUS won't rule against it.
Trumps lawyers disagree, therefore if Merchan rules against Trumps immunity on the 16th, that decision will be appealed....... so do you still think Trump will be sentenced on the 18th ???

I'm not asking you to give me the answer, I know the answer..... do you ? 1725575780395.png
Trumps lawyers disagree, therefore if Merchan rules against Trumps immunity on the 16th, that decision will be appealed....... so do you still think Trump will be sentenced on the 18th ???

I'm not asking you to give me the answer, I know the answer..... do you ? View attachment 78560

Of course his lawyers disagree. They are bound to do that. That doesn't make them right, however. Once a person is convicted by a jury there's little that can be done.

Did you see Hunter Biden plead guilty today to his tax case in LA?
Trump has many avenues of appeal in this kangaroo court travesty of justice.

Yea, Biden is running out of time to pardon him otherwise, lol.
Yes Biden will pardon Hunter now that Biden isn't running.
Biden's earlier statement that he wouldn't pardon Hunter was made while he was running..... besides this is all about optics to attempt to justify the political lawfare against Trump..... to dangle Hunter and say.... see, see, even the Presidents son isn't above the law.

Biden will pardon Hunter after the election..... watch and see.
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