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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then " dating " Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.


In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then " dating " Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.

No, she started dating him later. And, it didn't last that long.
No paul.

Harris was screwing a married man.

Harris got her start in politics at age 29, when she was just out of law school, at the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, where she met a 60-year-old kingmaker: California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown...... arguably then the state's most powerful politician.

Brown, while estranged from his wife, remained married. However, socially, he and Harris were seen everywhere and never denied being close. Brown appointed Harris to several well-paid state commissions: the state Insurance Commission, the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later, the California Medical Assistance Commission.

This is why Harris is laughing all the time.... she spread her legs and sucked her way into a position, when she became VP Harris couldn't believe it, now she laughs at everything, it's all a joke to her.
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No paul.

Harris was screwing a married man.

Harris got her start in politics at age 29, when she was just out of law school, at the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, where she met a 60-year-old kingmaker: California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — arguably then the state's most powerful politician.

Brown, while estranged from his wife, remained married. However, socially, he and Harris were seen everywhere and never denied being close. Brown appointed Harris to several well-paid state commissions: the state Insurance Commission, the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later, the California Medical Assistance Commission.

It takes a lot of gall to talk that way about Harris when Trump literally put all his kids and some inlaws in his administration. He grifted the entire time he was in the White House. And, he's still doing it.
Paul you fail to acknowledge the blatant political lawfare used against Trump, it's a mockery of our legal system, but you couldn't care less.

You have some gall to talk about anyone doing anything when you pretend your party is above reproach, you Sir. are full of shit !

p.s. Harris is not black, she's mostly Indian ! NO I am not a racist for saying that because IT'S TRUE !

Harris has been a diversity hire her entire time as VP, she failed as border Czar and now she won't do a real interview because she has no real answers, your party is attempting to teach her what she's supposed to be before the debate.
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Paul you fail to acknowledge the blatant political lawfare used against Trump, it's a mockery of our legal system, but you couldn't care less.

You have some gall to talk about anyone doing anything when you pretend your party is above reproach, you Sir. are full of shit !

p.s. Harris is not black, she's mostly Indian ! NO I am not a racist for saying that because IT'S TRUE !

Harris has been a diversity hire her entire time as VP, she failed as border Czar and now she won't do a real interview because she has no real answers, your party is attempting to teach her what she's supposed to be before the debate.

Trump is a convicted felon. That is a fact. You worship an orange trud. Harris earned everything she got. And she was elected SF district attorney and California AG. Then Senator from California until she was picked by Biden to be his Vice President.
:ROFLMAO: Yeah, Fox News tells the truth. That's why they had to pay Dominion $700,000,000+. They LIE BIG TIME!
Why so against Fox news? They're the only 'right of center' news outlet in the United States and they don't always get it right, but at least they aren't an absolute echo chamber.

Also dominion is some Soros owned BS - the entire election's votes happening on one type of machine, counting machines also being from the same company is way too shady and deserves real investigation which never happened. You just hate democracy and love watching it burn I honestly do think. If a right-wing person owned huge stock in ALL voting machines and Trump got elected you'd be crying your eyes out until it was properly investigated. Hell y'all can't even handle a single right wing news outlet simply operating in the USA. Weak.
Why so against Fox news? They're the only 'right of center' news outlet in the United States and they don't always get it right, but at least they aren't an absolute echo chamber.

Also dominion is some Soros owned BS - the entire election's votes happening on one type of machine, counting machines also being from the same company is way too shady and deserves real investigation which never happened. You just hate democracy and love watching it burn I honestly do think. If a right-wing person owned huge stock in ALL voting machines and Trump got elected you'd be crying your eyes out until it was properly investigated. Hell y'all can't even handle a single right wing news outlet simply operating in the USA. Weak.

That isn't even close to true. There were also Smartmatic voting machines. Fox News was held liable to Dominion. That's a fact. They lied. That's a fact as well.
That's because they couldn't prove the voting machines were rigged and the deep state wanted that story shut down.... funny Virginia now has a paper ballot this year.
That's nonsense. They had no evidence, but still lied about Dominion. THAT is why they had to pay so very much.
These voting machines are just causing way more trouble than they're worth. Was there fraud last election? I have no idea and not even going to bother speculating, but even if there was no fraud, it's not going to hurt going back to pen and paper ballots in a clear ballot box with observers from both parties watching the count. Sure it might slow things down a little, but takes away so many possibilities for problems. No even just intentional ones, like the issue with ballots not being fully punched through in the 2000 election. All this voting technology is a solution to a problem that never existed and is causing massive distrust in the system.
These voting machines are just causing way more trouble than they're worth. Was there fraud last election? I have no idea and not even going to bother speculating, but even if there was no fraud, it's not going to hurt going back to pen and paper ballots in a clear ballot box with observers from both parties watching the count. Sure it might slow things down a little, but takes away so many possibilities for problems. No even just intentional ones, like the issue with ballots not being fully punched through in the 2000 election. All this voting technology is a solution to a problem that never existed and is causing massive distrust in the system.

All the states have paper ballots. The voting machines just count them. They also have audits if requested. Of course they also audit batches to insure the count is correct. These machines are only there to count paper ballots and nothing more.
Here it's just paper ballots in a cardboard box. At least for the national elections. I think it was the city of Ottawa council and mayoral election last time that had some kind of machine the ballot got scanned by. It was a more elaborate ballot (mayor, school board rep and city councilor on one ballot) that went into a folder that then the poll worker put into a machine to read. Seemed complicated for the sake of complicated.

Honestly as soon as I saw that machine last local election it just made me think of the controversy over elections and voting machines in the USA. lol
