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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Kamala Harris, in her first interview said "same old playbook" when asked about Donald Trump. She is ignoring him and that drives him crazy. He has used this to try to make Harris seem like she's just the same as she has been. But, many are actually loving her. Too bad for Donnie. Abortion is the issue in several states this year. And, Harris is being carried along with these in all the swing states. ;)

Rather than listening to Fox News...here is the CNN interview.

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The pendulum swings to the end of it's arc, then it swings back, that's how our 2 party systems have worked over the years.

However it's a shame things have to get so bad, but here the propaganda, the lies, the fostered hate and racial/gender hype along with a corrupt mainstream media and an administration who has weaponized government against the opposition, we may have to see things get really bad before people unite...... add to that how firmly divided our nation is today over many issues and many people are growing violently angry....... things could get nasty no matter who wins, plan accordingly and lets hope Trump wins by a wide margin of EC votes, otherwise the battle will continue afterwards with so many challenges, recounts and legal wrangling, all of which only angers an already hotly divided nation.

I look forward to Trump's 2nd term and a return to sanity, it can't come soon enough.
I really feel for you guys, Justin Trudeau's government has done so much damage to this country it'll take years if not a decade of a competent government to just undo the destruction. We have an election next year and at least it looks like he'll be done then, he's not looking very good in the polls.

The next conservative party government has really got their work cut out though, ruined economy, massive cost of living increases, rampant crime and a failing healthcare system in many provinces. Thanks Justin Trudeau. (n)
Yep, I feel for you too. We've just installed Trudeau 2.0. They are two peas in a pod. Still early days to see just how bad things will get. But already the country has turned even more into a sh*thole.

One of the biggest themes going on right now is two-tier systems against nationals. This is a US based thread so I won't fill it up with UK politics. But Canada, UK and France are great case studies to inform your choices in the November election.

And pre-election steering is a major problem facing democracy.
Just look at the extremes France went to, in order to regain power. The mainstream media (especially in Europe) goes on hugely bias campaign to demonise right wing parties. Marie Le Pen was in line to win that election, but suddenly a outpour of tactical voting came in which gave the left-wing ('Centrist' claimed) Macron to take the lead again.

In the build up to the general election for the UK. Nearly every news outlet was biased and smearing the Reform UK party and Nigel Farage. It was actually disgusting how blatant it was. Due to the condition of UK politics at the time.

The party in power was the Conservatives (Tory) party. They had been in power for 14 years and was in major demand to be outed. Too much corruption and scandal in their name. And the party was unstable and out of touch. Because of this the conservative party were already in store for an election low.

In the UK, we don't have a two party system of such, however Labour and the Conservatives essentially create one due to their size and 'popularity'. So long story short, some people voted tactically Labour to out the Tories, some voted for other parties like Lib Dems, Reform etc, and many didn't vote at all. Reform was on course for a shock election result. But too many people falsely related the party to extreme right wing philosophies thanks to the media so didn't vote for them due to fear of being labelled as fascist or racist. However the media made it look like Labour won a majority through popularity, but the truth is Labour won because Conservatives lost so badly, and not enough people bothered to vote at all to stop Labour getting in.

Only 59.9% of the voting population turned up to vote. Conservates lost 19.9% of their poll vs the last election. They got 23.7% this time. And Labour won with the lowest poll percentage (33.7%) in election history that I could discover. And what the media won't discuss is that Reform actually was the third highest by poll vote share with 14.3% with over 4 million voters despite the medias interest to discredit the party.

So don't believe the US media when they try to claim a party is unpopular. Or you can see they are finding things to smear a party or individual. The media is not politically unbiased and is used as a weapon to taint democratic results. Best thing to do is actually shut out the media (social media as well), take a moment to look at each parties policies and decide for yourself where you align.
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I know nothing about this interview. But why is uploaded in parts? That to me as an outsider suggests manipulation. There's no reason nowadays why they can't release one uninterrupted interview with a length of 26:58?

And telling someone not to look at one biased news site to instead look at another one doesn't add much.

We have our own equivalents in the UK.

CNN is like our Sky News and BBC News. Highly biased to the left.
Then we have Fox News which is a bit like GB News which is biased to the right.

Bias is everywhere. Opinion manipulation is rife.
The pendulum swings to the end of it's arc, then it swings back, that's how our 2 party systems have worked over the years.

However it's a shame things have to get so bad, but here the propaganda, the lies, the fostered hate and racial/gender hype along with a corrupt mainstream media and an administration who has weaponized government against the opposition, we may have to see things get really bad before people unite...... add to that how firmly divided our nation is today over many issues and many people are growing violently angry....... things could get nasty no matter who wins, plan accordingly and lets hope Trump wins by a wide margin of EC votes, otherwise the battle will continue afterwards with so many challenges, recounts and legal wrangling, all of which only angers an already hotly divided nation.

I look forward to Trump's 2nd term and a return to sanity, it can't come soon enough.

If the polls are any prognosticator Trump will never get close to the White House again. He is still fuming over Harris' reluctance to take his bait. I find his anger hilarious!
I know nothing about this interview. But why is uploaded in parts? That to me as an outsider suggests manipulation. There's no reason nowadays why they can't release one uninterrupted interview with a length of 26:58?

And telling someone not to look at one biased news site to instead look at another one doesn't add much.

We have our own equivalents in the UK.

CNN is like our Sky News and BBC News. Highly biased to the left.
Then we have Fox News which is a bit like GB News which is biased to the right.

Bias is everywhere. Opinion manipulation is rife.

I think CNN did it in three parts becuse it is about an hour long. Just because it is in parts doesn't mean at all that it was manipulated. Watch it if you don't believe me. I watched it both in real time and later here. They are the same.
If the polls are any prognosticator Trump will never get close to the White House again. He is still fuming over Harris' reluctance to take his bait. I find his anger hilarious!
Media polls don't mean nothing Paul. These media outlets cannot ensure there is no bias in the polls. Certain sites are going to have certain audiences in different volumes to one another.

And mainstream media loves to make out one party is doing better than the one that's against the narrative.
I think CNN did it in three parts becuse it is about an hour long. Just because it is in parts doesn't mean at all that it was manipulated. Watch it if you don't believe me. I watched it both in real time and later here. They are the same.
That makes no sense at all though.

So simple maths.

Part 1: 8min 13s
Part 2: 8min 29s
Part 3: 10min 16s
Total: 26min 58s

So basically a major chunk of the interview is now omitted.

Not sure what part of that doesn't mean manipulation.

How can an interview total to less than half an hour. But be an hour long in reality.
You watched the full hour interview? If so, where is it?

Not that I in particular am interested in watching it per se.


This was shortly before the 2016 election..... the polls were WAY WAY WAY OFF !

It's a manipulation tactic. What this does. is the ones that were on the fence about voting tactically against the supposed 'winning' party no longer bother as it appears there is no hope of swaying the vote. The ones that weren't 100% set on voting for 'losing' party, no longer bother as there's not much hope of succeeding. So you get less people voting in the election against the desired party.

This is why its so important to ignore the media, and to make sure you actually vote.

The UK is the mess its in right now, because not enough people bothered to vote at all. 40% of the population is a huge proportion not to vote.
That makes no sense at all though.

So simple maths.

Part 1: 8min 13s
Part 2: 8min 29s
Part 3: 10min 16s
Total: 26min 58s

So basically a major chunk of the interview is now omitted.

Not sure what part of that doesn't mean manipulation.

How can an interview total to less than half an hour. But be an hour long in reality.
You watched the full hour interview? If so, where is it?

Not that I in particular am interested in watching it per se.

Actually, I think they just cut them along the commercial breaks. The entire interview took less than an hour. The last 15 minutes were left to commentary.
Actually, I think they just cut them along the commercial breaks. The entire interview took less than an hour. The last 15 minutes were left to commentary.
If this is true, this would make more sense. On another matter, how long are your ad breaks?
It's all pre-recorded interviews, Harris has yet to answer any real questions in real time, they are still teaching her who she's supposed to be.... other than a cackling buffoon.

Harris is an emergency seat filler because Biden was exposed as mentally unfit, something the mainstream media had been lying about all along, only those of us who watch FOX and SKY, ect.. saw the truth all along.
It depends. Anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes.
OK, not too dissimilar then to us then. Does depend on the channel and programme. I have watched some American ads on british tv. My goodness you guys oversell your products lol
Do I need to see the same people pedalling this exercise toy over 10 times to get the message?
