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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Yes, I was mistaken. It was the assault that the woman employee got that could have been charged as a felony. My mistake.

Still, Donald Trump did violate the law in his politically motivated video as it was definitely a political video. That should alarm everyone. Trump cares little if at all about laws. He never has. He has believed that he can run out the clock until the satute of limitations runs out. Boy was he wrong.
Yesterday Donald Trump told an NBC news reporter that he would now have the government pay for IVF treatments or force insurance companies to pay for the $20,000 treatments without specifying how he would do that. Guess he's back to promising things he just won't do.
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MAGAs seem to be sucking all the oxygen out of the Republican party...at least if you belive the polls. North Carolica's race for governor is an example as Mark Robinson is trailing his Democratic candidate by double digits. And Kari Lake is doing just as badly in Arizona. Then there is Ted "Cancun" Cruz who is statisically in a dead heat with Colin Allred. The numbers of voters who want Donald Trump back in office seem to be a drag as well. That is, if you believe the polls.
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Man Ted Cruz is such a douchebag, someone needs to give him a one way ticket to Cancun were he can drink tequila all day until they find him passed out drunk and drooling in the sand. :LOL: Shouldn't be that hard to find someone better.
Man Ted Cruz is such a douchebag, someone needs to give him a one way ticket to Cancun were he can drink tequila all day until they find him passed out drunk and drooling in the sand. :LOL: Shouldn't be that hard to find someone better.

I love how he went from lyin Ted to lion Ted.
Donald Trump requested a federal judge to move his NY hush money case to federal court. Today that was denied. Get ready for prisom Donnie.
Man Ted Cruz is such a douchebag, someone needs to give him a one way ticket to Cancun were he can drink tequila all day until they find him passed out drunk and drooling in the sand. :LOL: Shouldn't be that hard to find someone better.

I'm routing for his oppenent Colin Allred.
You know Trump yesterday said he was in favor of allowing people in Florida more time than 6 weeks to allow women to have an abortion. But, the evangelical community came down hard on him, and he relented. Now, he claims less than 24 hours later that he will vote against Floridians having more time to get an abortion. What a lying scumbag!

Friendly warning from an outside perspective. This women is clueless and only bad things will come from her presidency. Politicians will be used to facing questions like that over the economy and inflation. And she didn’t even have a pre programmed response to it. If she’s that clueless then it’s either not going to be her pulling the strings on serious decisions. Or she’s going to be allowed to meddle with things she doesn’t understand the consequences for.

Learn from other countries. Don’t install a narrow minded dictator into power.

The most recent example is us. It’s taken less than a couple of months for the UK to go to pot under a new government.

Friendly warning from an outside perspective. This women is clueless and only bad things will come from her presidency. Politicians will be used to facing questions like that over the economy and inflation. And she didn’t even have a pre programmed response to it. If she’s that clueless then it’s either not going to be her pulling the strings on serious decisions. Or she’s going to be allowed to meddle with things she doesn’t understand the consequences for.

Learn from other countries. Don’t install a narrow minded dictator into power.

The most recent example is us. It’s taken less than a couple of months for the UK to go to pot under a new government.

Kamala Harris, in her first interview said "same old playbook" when asked about Donald Trump. She is ignoring him and that drives him crazy. He has used this to try to make Harris seem like she's just the same as she has been. But, many are actually loving her. Too bad for Donnie. Abortion is the issue in several states this year. And, Harris is being carried along with these in all the swing states. ;)
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Friendly warning from an outside perspective. This women is clueless and only bad things will come from her presidency. Politicians will be used to facing questions like that over the economy and inflation. And she didn’t even have a pre programmed response to it. If she’s that clueless then it’s either not going to be her pulling the strings on serious decisions. Or she’s going to be allowed to meddle with things she doesn’t understand the consequences for.

Learn from other countries. Don’t install a narrow minded dictator into power.

The most recent example is us. It’s taken less than a couple of months for the UK to go to pot under a new government.

I really feel for you guys, Justin Trudeau's government has done so much damage to this country it'll take years if not a decade of a competent government to just undo the destruction. We have an election next year and at least it looks like he'll be done then, he's not looking very good in the polls.

The next conservative party government has really got their work cut out though, ruined economy, massive cost of living increases, rampant crime and a failing healthcare system in many provinces. Thanks Justin Trudeau. (n)
