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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

A mouse in a cage is fed and watered, it's health needs are attended to, it has everything it needs to live..... except Freedom.

Same with socialism, along with universal healthcare, universal housing, universal income comes universal being told where to work and how to live.

Farm animals have socialism.......
We should ask the residents in Nordic countries how it's working for them. Oh wait, that's been done and they rank among the happiest people on the planet.

You know who really has no meaningful freedom? Someone starving, or suffering from illness which they can not address. Having human needs met is the foundation of meaningful freedom

IDK how you figure Hillary would've appointed 3 scotus judges. Did you forget the hypocrisy of Republicans about appointments near the end of presidential terms that only applies to democrats bit not Republicans apperantly? (Even when they are on record saying it would cough cough Lindsey Graham)
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And you think Kackamala Screwballa can or will deliver unto the American people this utopian existence ?
Bernie Sanders I believe would at least have done his best to make it happen, but Harris doesn't have a clue how to make it work and she won't be able to resist all the corrupt influence around her, Bernie could have stood up for the people, but I have zero faith in Harris who locked up pot smokers.
And you think Kackamala Screwballa can or will deliver unto the American people this utopian existence ?
Bernie Sanders I believe would at least have done his best to make it happen, but Harris doesn't have a clue how to make it work and she won't be able to resist all the corrupt influence around her, Bernie could have stood up for the people, but I have zero faith in Harris who locked up pot smokers.
I don't have faith in kamala, no. I do like Tim though, he did deliver on stuff for Minnesota. If I had my way, he'd head the ticket

I think I actually agree with you about Bernie, buy wouldn't that make him the furthest left most extreme communist to you? This is why the words you use have become meaningless to the ears of people like me, or even just a little like me. Only one can be the most extreme ever, but you also betray that you don't understand these things firmly when you say things like that liberals are the furthest left radicals.

Liberal is a centrist ideology, socialism and communism are to it's left
I'm not a socialist, I would vote Trump over Sanders... that said simply judging the person I would vote Sanders over Harris or Walz because I believe Sanders cares about what he says, Harris simply says what they have told her that people care about, she's a fake.
I agree actually, I don't really trust what she says. I still think Harris is less evil than trump.
We are stuck with a choice, one or the other, that said neither is to become a King or a Queen, both are restrained by our system of checks and balances, either must swear an oath to uphold our Constitution and in that we need the one who will make the strongest effort to follow the rules set forth in our master document, not casually ignore it, not shamelessly look to get around it and do what they want anyway and in that task I must choose Trump.... no he's not perfect, far from it.

We should all demand our elected leaders and reps play by the rules, granted that becomes more difficult when the opposing party attempts to make political hay out of every little misspeak, when they lie about everything, we should demand honesty from our elected leaders and reps as a starting point.

Sadly we are so far away from an honest governance and even our 4th estate is corrupt.... how great would it be to elect someone who tells us the truth even though they know we won't like it, we could at least respect it.
Trump last Monday decided to do a campaign video at section 60 of Arlington Natinal Cemetery. This is actually prohibed by law and one of his staffers assaulted a woman employed there who was trying to stop this from happening. She declined to press charges as she said she was afraid of retribution from his supporters. Sound familiar? This video was posted to his Truth Social account later that same day.
We are stuck with a choice, one or the other, that said neither is to become a King or a Queen, both are restrained by our system of checks and balances, either must swear an oath to uphold our Constitution and in that we need the one who will make the strongest effort to follow the rules set forth in our master document, not casually ignore it, not shamelessly look to get around it and do what they want anyway and in that task I must choose Trump.... no he's not perfect, far from it.

We should all demand our elected leaders and reps play by the rules, granted that becomes more difficult when the opposing party attempts to make political hay out of every little misspeak, when they lie about everything, we should demand honesty from our elected leaders and reps as a starting point.

Sadly we are so far away from an honest governance and even our 4th estate is corrupt.... how great would it be to elect someone who tells us the truth even though they know we won't like it, we could at least respect it.

It was Trump who violated the law. He doesn't care a bit about the Constitution. He only cares about one thing. Himself. He is now a convicted felon and is facing many more charges. He is literally running to stay out of prison.
Trump did a video clip set up by his PR staff, one of the staffers interacted with the cemetery lady, Trump likely didn't know that was going on or that there was any issue, this is more political hay blaming Trump as if he set out to do wrong, NOPE he was just making a video clip his PR team wanted and likely didn't even know there was any issue.

The majority of Americans don't want Harris and polls are inaccurate because they do stuff like polling 65 democrats 5 independents and 30 republicans and call that a 100 person sample.

Trump is set to win reelection if nobody assassinates him 1st. and God wiling Trump will sworn back in come Jan. 20th.

Trump did a video clip set up by his PR staff, one of the staffers interacted with the cemetery lady, Trump likely didn't know that was going on or that there was any issue, this is more political hay blaming Trump as if he set out to do wrong, NOPE he was just making a video clip his PR team wanted and likely didn't even know there was any issue.

The majority of Americans don't want Harris and polls are inaccurate because they do stuff like polling 65 democrats 5 independents and 30 republicans and call that a 100 person sample.

Trump is set to win reelection if nobody assassinates him 1st. and God wiling Trump will sworn back in come Jan. 20th.

Wrong again. No one is allowed to video or photograph in section 60 as these are service members who have died recently. The reason for this is because there ae people still grieving there. Trump was there to make a campaign video which is strickly forbidden. One of his staffers assaulted an empoyee that was trying to enforce these rules.
You just ignored what I said and repeated yourself...... is that the best you can do ? 1724983714359.png
Ok, I'll play along.
Trump did a video clip set up by his PR staff, one of the staffers interacted with the cemetery lady, Trump likely didn't know that was going on or that there was any issue, this is more political hay blaming Trump as if he set out to do wrong, NOPE he was just making a video clip his PR team wanted and likely didn't even know there was any issue.
You just ignored what I said and repeated yourself...... ok

Trump did a video clip set up by his PR staff, one of the staffers interacted with the cemetery lady, Trump likely didn't know that was going on or that there was any issue, this is more political hay blaming Trump as if he set out to do wrong, NOPE he was just making a video clip his PR team wanted and likely didn't even know there was any issue.

The majority of Americans don't want Harris and polls are inaccurate because they do stuff like polling 65 democrats 5 independents and 30 republicans and call that a 100 person sample.

Trump is set to win reelection if nobody assassinates him 1st. and God wiling Trump will sworn back in come Jan. 20th.

You missed the pioint entirely. NO ONE is allowed to photograph or take videos in section 60. Trump was there to make a campaign video, which is strictly forbidden. It landed on TikTok as well as other places that same day. Vance said that a photographer "just happened to be there." That is incredulous beyond belief.

You can blame the polls all you like, but they are what they are. No one takes polls to skew the results. That defeats the ourpose of the poll.
You can gaslight all you want, Hillary was ahead in the polls by ((((( OVER 10 POINTS ))))) yet she LOST !
The polls apparently have a very wide margin of error.
If you think the polls guarantee your cackling screwball ((( Kamala Screwballa ))) will win, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

You know Harris aka Screwballa, was never chosen by the DNC, she was shuffled in emergency stop gap style when Biden was exposed for being mentally incapable, something you denied consistently..... I think you knew better paul, I think everyone around Biden knew better as did the lying mainstream media.
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You can gaslight all you want, Hillary was ahead in the polls by ((((( OVER 10 POINTS ))))) yet she LOST !
The polls apparently have a very wide margin of error.
If you think the polls guarantee your cackling screwball ((( Kamala Screwballa ))) will win, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

You know Harris aka Screwballa, was never chosen by the DNC, she was shuffled in emergency stop gap style when Biden was exposed for being mentally incapable, something you denied consistently.

Yeah, you've said many times that Harris wasn't designated our candidate properly. But, you have no understanding of Democratic candidate rules. And, the polls are the polls. Trump has always bragged about them when he led in them. Now, they seem to be flawed. I'm not surprised. Also, Trump was in section 60 to make a campaign video. That is strictly forbidden. Photography of any kind isn't allowed there. Campaign video are prohibited evreywhere in Arlington.

It is a federal felony to take campagn photographs anywhere in Alington. Looks like the criminal Trump just did it again.
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Not a felony.

Also Trump is going to win because Screwballa is a crazy radical socialist, an extremist Marxist, her father was a Marxist and you know the branch never falls far from the tree.

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Not a felony.

Also Trump is going to win because Screwballa is a crazy radical socialist, an extremist Marxist, her father was a Marxist and you know the branch never falls far from the tree.

It IS a felony. Trump did it again. Keep disparaging Harris. It isn't working. In fact, it has the opposite effect.
