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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.


Thanks for elucidating via memes that for some reason aren't confined to a single post, that you do not understand socialism or have a cojent arguement to make. Of note, the first checks from the government were given out under trump. In fact, they were delayed so he could make sure his signature appeared on them. (But only dems try to shamelessly buy votes right?)

Funny enough, I can't recall hearing a single MAGA complain about getting them, or even call it socialism. Guess it's only socialism and bad when other people get the money and it's dems handing it out, and free money from Republicans doesn't cause inflation or add to the deficit, again, only when dems do it. Do I have that right?

Here's a fun fact. Did you know that red states are net beneficiaries of federal welfare while blue states are net contributors? Keep that little factoid in mind the next time you think about making some type of givers and takers argument, or who really likes "free stuff"
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A mouse in a cage is fed and watered, it's health needs are attended to, it has everything it needs to live..... except Freedom.

Same with socialism, along with universal healthcare, universal housing, universal income comes universal being told where to work and how to live.

Farm animals have socialism.......
How many times do I have to explain the propaganda you have been told is wrong, most gun owners DON'T want what Harris is pushing and it's not just UBC's.

Socialism fails and people suffer, so many of you woke folks live in a fantasy world where you " hope and feel " like things could be different, but it never is, socialism fails and people suffer.

There are enought that do want these reguations that it will get passed. Harris is not a socialist. That is a Trump narrative. It's trickle down economics that fails.
It takes 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate then ratification by 3/4 of the States to amend our Constitution.

Harris/Walz is the most radically socialist pair we have seen running.
It takes 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate then ratification by 3/4 of the States to amend our Constitution.

Harris/Walz is the most radically socialist pair we have seen running.

We don't need to amend the Constitution to get UBCs or red flag laws. You should see the crowds in Savannah, Georgia for Harris Walz. Trump must be seething.
Redflag laws are unconstitutional and redundant, we already have laws in every State to have a dangerous person taken into protective custody for observation, redflag laws only take guns leaving a dangerous person with cars/trucks, gasoline/matches, knives/bats, so much more.

Trump has big crowds too, but crowds don't win elections nor do your perceptions about crowds.
Redflag laws are unconstitutional and redundant, we already have laws in every State to have a dangerous person taken into protective custody for observation, redflag laws only take guns leaving a dangerous person with cars/trucks, gasoline/matches, knives/bats, so much more.

Trump has big crowds too, but crowds don't win elections nor do your perceptions about crowds.

Your opinin about red flag laws doesn't matter. In fact, banning assault weapons can aso get done. Been done before.

You're right, crowd size doesn't matter, but it sure gets under Donald Trump's skin. :LOL:
It's not just my opinion, in time the courts will render opinions as well.

How do you know what gets under Trumps skin ? You're just speculating and mentally masturbating over the thought of it.

America is already experiencing a balkanization State by State and unconstitutional laws, until overturned in the courts, will only further the nations divisions.
This election is a sham, the winner is already chosen behind the scenes, and it's all a meme at this point. If you don't see that you're an idiot on either side.

Everyone who wants to keep Harris/Walz out of office needs to vote, even if you have doubts, get out and vote, because when the vote doesn't count anymore, we will be on a pathway to great human suffering, so vote, no matter what doubts you may have, get out and vote.

Look at it this way..... Hillary bought and paid for the 2016 election, but Trump got so many votes he won, if the votes didn't count, Hillary would have gotten what she paid for and we would have gotten 3 awful SCOTUS appointments.

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It's not just my opinion, in time the courts will render opinions as well.

How do you know what gets under Trumps skin ? You're just speculating and mentally masturbating over the thought of it.

America is already experiencing a balkanization State by State and unconstitutional laws, until overturned in the courts, will only further the nations divisions.

Now you are speculating.

Trump has obsessed about crowd sizes since 2016. He has said that Harris' crowd size are AI. What motre do yu need to know?

Trump is the divider. He is the one who has to go. But, PLEASE run him in 2028.
Everyone who wants to keep Harris/Walz out of office needs to vote, even if you have doubts, get out and vote, because when the vote doesn't count anymore, we will be on a pathway to great human suffering, so vote, no matter what doubts you may have, get out and vote.

Yes, I agree. The more people who vote the better. But, Trump has said he doesn't need these votes. His words, not mine. Looks like he'll claim another stolen election.
