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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

The 11th can rule but they can't overrule the SCOTUS.

Trump has said he will NOT sign any nationwide or federal abortion bans, we don't need Harris for anything and there are options for women to get abortions all the way until just before birth, depending on the State the woman lives in she may have to travel to another State, depending on the situation, but there are plenty of orgs. who supply free transportation, we don't need Harris for anything, she's far too far-left radical and she would cripple our economy with her inane socialist policy.

If you belive the SCOTUS will overrule the 11th circuit you will be surprised.

There are many women who cannot travel out of state and some have had major complications in states like Texas where there are no limits on abortion bans. Doctors won't perform them there because they are rightfully afraid of prosecution. We NEED a federal abortion law. Harris is a moderate, not someone from the far left. Donald Trump is the epitome of the far right.

The political lawfare against Trump is wrong and must stop, otherwise it will become commonplace in every election cycle..... hell every pre election cycle.

Maybe don't get pregnant in the 1st place, use protection or do regular pregnancy testing and use a simple " morning after " type pill....... that would be the best way for all parties.
The political lawfare against Trump is wrong and must stop, otherwise it will become commonplace in every election cycle..... hell every pre election cycle.

Maybe don't get pregnant in the 1st place, use protection or do regular pregnancy testing and use a simple " morning after " type pill....... that would be the best way for all parties.

Trump is a criminal and he deserved to be convicted.

You sound just like J D Vance. He also says don't get pregnant, but that doesn't address women who are raped and get pregnant. There are 64,000 of these every year. Why would a woman who isn't having sex and gets raped need to use a plan B pill? We still need a federal abortion law.
I Disagree.
Political lawfare is a dangerous road to get started on, it needs to end NOW !

Most rapes don't result in pregnancy as the stress plays a factor, but in the cases were it does, a morning after pill would be a much better option.

What about women who don't decide until later that they don't want to carry to term ?
What about women who want to use their pregnancy as a bargain chip in a relationship then abort late term ?

Travel to a State where late term is legal or test regularly and use the morning after pill or travel to a late term legal State, stay and be a whore there.... see, lots of options.

That said I do support a woman's right to kill/have killed anything growing inside her own body, but I won't vote for Harris !
I Disagree.
Political lawfare is a dangerous road to get started on, it needs to end NOW !

Most rapes don't result in pregnancy as the stress plays a factor, but in the cases were it does, a morning after pill would be a much better option.

What about women who don't decide until later that they don't want to carry to term ?
What about women who want to use their pregnancy as a bargain chip in a relationship then abort late term ?

Travel to a State where late term is legal or test regularly and use the morning after pill or travel to a late term legal State, stay and be a whore there.... see, lots of options.

That said I do support a woman's right to kill/have killed anything growing inside her own body, but I won't vote for Harris !

Of course most rapes don't resuly in pregnancy, but 64,000 every year do. It is irresponsible to expect these women to travel out of state to get an abortion for a rape pregnancy. Few, if any, women want these pregnancies. We need a federal abortin law to ptotect women and their rights over their own bodies.

Of course you won't vote for Harris. You are MAGA. But, there are many who will vote for her. Several are Republicans as can be seen with "Republicans for Harris." Have you seen any Democrats fot Trump? :LOL:
I will agree that we should have laws supporting personal Freedom including abortions on demand regardless of term and if your candidate wasn't threatening my 2nd Amendment rights, my personal Freedom ( Constitutionally protected no less ) then I would be more likely to vote for Harris. But Harris has flat out said she will violate her oath of office and our Constitution before even being sworn in.

Yes there are many democrats who will vote for Trump, there are over 100 million American gun owners. ;)
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I will agree that we should have laws supporting personal Freedom including abortions on demand regardless of term and if your candidate wasn't threatening my 2nd Amendment rights, my personal Freedom ( Constitutionally protected no less ) then I would be more likely to vote for Harris. But Harris has flat out said she will violate her oath of office and our Constitution before even being sworn in.

Yes there are many democrats who will vote for Trump, there are 90-100 million gun owners. ;)

Yiou've made your position perfectly clear. And no, there are not a "Democrats for Trump." Many gun owners believe in the laws you are against. Universal background checks and the like. Trump will lose, yet again for you. I hope you run him again in 2028.
Nope, Harris will lose and you know it..... or else you will know it, lol. 1724961199094.png
If Harris is a socialist or communist, then why did she betray Medicare 4 all? Sure would be nice to debate with people in good faith instead of cult memebers living in their own fantasy world, subsisting on trump's farts. I miss the time when words had more distinct definitions and logic and facts held more sway.

At this late date, I think the number of MAGAs who can be reasoned with is very low. Probably 1% or maybe less. There is nothing trump could ever do to lose their trust, they will bend over backwards to justify and rationalize anything and everything he does. Their TDS is way too powerful (total devotion syndrome)

Yiou've made your position perfectly clear. And no, there are not a "Democrats for Trump." Many gun owners believe in the laws you are against. Universal background checks and the like. Trump will lose, yet again for you. I hope you run him again in 2028.

How many times do I have to explain the propaganda you have been told is wrong, most gun owners DON'T want what Harris is pushing and it's not just UBC's.

Socialism fails and people suffer, so many of you woke folks live in a fantasy world where you " hope and feel " like things could be different, but it never is, socialism fails and people suffer.
If Harris is a socialist or communist, then why did she betray Medicare 4 all? Sure would be nice to debate with people in good faith instead of cult memebers living in their own fantasy world, subsisting on trump's farts. I miss the time when words had more distinct definitions and logic and facts held more sway.

At this late date, I think the number of MAGAs who can be reasoned with is very low. Probably 1% or maybe less. There is nothing trump could ever do to lose their trust, they will bend over backwards to justify and rationalize anything and everything he does. Their TDS is way too powerful (total devotion syndrome)

Because she's a radical socialist who betrayed medicare... duhh
There is no socialist code of conduct, your argument is silly.
Harris is so bad that there is virtually nothing Trump could do, especially not anything democrats hype into existence.
Your arguement, if it could even be called that, is the silly one. You call single payer Healthcare socialist, say Harris is socialist, but are unable to explain why she would stop supporting a socialist policy.
