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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Eh, you guys can have her. You only like her now because she gargles Trump's ballsack and regurgitates Faux News propaganda into your eager, agape maws. If she had won the dem nomination in 2020, you'd be saying she's a radical left, America hating communist. Honestly, the GOP is the best place for a principle abandoning, double speaking traitor grifter like her.

Seems it was just a few weeks ago trump was saying that RFK was even more radical left than Biden. Amazing what giving trump a rimjob will do. Apperantly you can say he is America's Hitler and then suck him off and he'll let you be his running mate. ( I suppose he took being called America's Hitler as a compliment, perhaps JD Vance meant it as one as well)

Good to know you'd rather be the b1ch of a theocratic Islamic dictator and funder of terrorism than these ill-defined globalist boogeyman whoever they are. Good luck with that

Actually I always liked Tulsi Gabbard, she's a military gal and she respects our Constitution..... that said I wasn't sure about her earlier view on our 2nd amendment, but I think she gets it and it appears that she sees the danger to our democracy posed by the globalist and their bough and paid for politicians.
Actually I always liked Tulsi Gabbard, she's a military gal and she respects our Constitution..... that said I wasn't sure about her earlier view on our 2nd amendment, but I think she gets it and it appears that she sees the danger to our democracy posed by the globalist and their bough and paid for politicians.
I liked the type of military gal she seemed to be at the time, back in 2019. She spoke of only putting our troops lives in danger when and where absolutely necessary. She had seen the casualties first hand unlike so many of our leaders that send troops into harm's way to enrich their corporate buddies. She used to use a phrase that I had only ever heard anti-war activists use, the "human cost of war". One of, or maybe her main campaign slogans was "people before profits". She really had me hook line and sinker back then. She also criticized trump for pimping our troops out to the crown prince when Trump bragged that he did that but that Saudi arabia was "paying" us for them, as if our military are mercenaries for hire for theocratic Islamic dictators. I guess she now thinks that is a good thing, because trump won't hesitate to do the same again. actually I doubt the Saudis ever paid a red cent, maybe to trump and his family, but not the united states. Back then she had quite the coalition of supporters from many walks of life and political leanings, but all the progressives left her once it was clear how full of crap she was which was shortly after the 2020 election.

I have used it as a lesson that we are all more susceptible to the lies and honied words of politicians and I am more reticent to take their word for anything anymore. I thought I was pretty good at recognizing disingenuous rhetoric but apperantly not all the time. I guess maybe I was just taken in by a pretty face and a desire to believe there was a politician with a modicum of integrity
A politician with a modicum of integrity...... that's like looking for a bird ( avian ) with a good set of teeth.

Do you honestly believe Kamala Harris has integrity ? Your answer will tell me if you do ?

The Trump video where he said Saudi Arabia is paying us, I believe the point is we ( the US ) would be sending the troops anyway, but Trump was getting something in exchange to help offset the financial cost, I don't think he was selling troops for an any reason, any time or anywhere kind of deal.
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A politician with a modicum of integrity...... that's like looking for a bird ( avian ) with a good set of teeth.

Do you honestly believe Kamala Harris has integrity ? Your answer will tell me if you do ?

The Trump video where he said Saudi Arabia is paying us, I believe the point is we ( the US ) would be sending the troops anyway, but Trump was getting something in exchange to help offset the financial cost, I don't think he was selling troops for an any reason, any time or anywhere kind of deal.
I have already stated that Kamala has betrayed things like Medicare 4 all. I don't like her but I still hate her far less than I hate trump, and she is complicit with genocide so the bar is very low.

You are likely correct that the troops would have went to Saudi Arabia regardless. Still kinda odd thing to do for a country that Trump said did 9/11, which I actually partially agree with. Guess trump will look the other way if you pay him enough, doesn't matter how much he hates Muslims. I still think that in principal he would sell US troops. He doesn't value human life, only himself and money. If he did hesitate to do it, it would only be due to optics and PR reasons.

You get little peeks into his thoughts and psyche with his words sometimes, like the language he used around the civilians dying in Gaza, which he described as a "bad look". He wants them to die faster so the bad optics and PR end faster, but he doesn't value their lives. He has used "Palestinian" as a pejorative and conflated support for them with support for hamas just like every other disingenuous zionist bought by AIPAC does.
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Politicians have been getting us into wars/conflicts forever, they speak of spending troops..... it's nothing new.
Hell simply calling human beings, our fathers, brothers, sons as well as wives, sisters and daughters ... " troops " is an intentional way of dehumanizing them so that when the news announcer says the US only lost 35 troops today compared to the enemies 175 we don't think about the family members who just lost someone, we think of faceless uniforms and in a time of war I understand it is necessary, but every little conflict we have been involved in..... maybe not so much, that said we have gotten better at protecting our troops by giving them superior stand off distance via. superior weapon systems.

The thing that concerns me is our foreign policy and what screwing it up could mean, I think Trump is generally opposed to war and getting us into conflicts, but someone like Harris I feel would serve her globalist masters no matter what they demand, just like she locked people up for small time pot infractions.

There is a reason the globalist and wealthy democrat supporters don't want Trump, because he won't do what they want and that is why we need him..... yes I know he is an ego maniac and he doesn't always measure his words, but for the most part I believe he will protect Americans and our rights, Freedom, liberty.
I think Isreal wants to drag us into war with Iran, and I think this outcome is fairly likely regardless who wins in November. Trump isn't anti-war. Actually I'm afraid Isreal will start the war and drag us in before the election knowing that that would make Trump more likely to win which Isreal wants
Jack Smith has filed a superseding indictment in the Jan. 6 th charges against Trump. With the upcoming filings needed in judge Chutkan's court, This strengths his case against Trump as he convened a grand jury to look at this in order to stop the SCOTUS ruling on Trump's immunity.
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It seems that RFK Jr.'s obsession with animals has just begun. His daughter, Kick, told Town and Country magazine about her father chainsawing the head off a whale in 2012, bungy cording it to the roof of his car and driving five hours back to his home. The whale joins an emu, bear and worm about RFK Jr.'s obsession with strange animals. :LOL:
Jack Smith can NOT circumvent the SCOTUS ruling.

He doesn't need to. This is meant to strengthen his case against Donald Trump. His inciting a riot at the Capital is far from an official act. He will eventually be a prison inmate.
No paul, it's going nowhere, Smith is attempting to cut things out of the indictment so that it will comply with the SCOTUS ruling, Smith is weakening his case in hopes that any of it could move forward, it won't.

No paul, it's going nowhere, Smith is attempting to cut things out of the indictment so that it will comply with the SCOTUS ruling, Smith is weakening his case in hopes that any of it could move forward, it won't.

No, he has cut out things that don't really have much bearing on his cases. He redifined Trump as a candidate for presdident in 2020. That way they can't be later alleged to have been immune. Besides, Trump is already a convict. That is a NY state case that was based around things he did before he was president.
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It's not going to fly, lol.

It's got to get past the SCOTUS ruling to move forward, good luck with that, you're sure going to need it.
