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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

:ROFLMAO: The Georgia election board, which has three new members that Trump has praised, has been laying the ground work to not certify that state's election results. Brian Kemp today has reached out to Georgia's AG asking if he has the power as governor to remove them. Also, the Democratic party has filed suit in court to challenge their new rules there.
The reasonable inquiry and examination laws are aimed at preventing democrats from cheating by creating fraudulent mail in ballots, there won't be another stolen election, the American people won't allow it, you globalist sycophants have done enough damage.
The reasonable inquiry and examination laws are aimed at preventing democrats from cheating by creating fraudulent mail in ballots, there won't be another stolen election, the American people won't allow it, you globalist sycophants have done enough damage.

No election has ever been stolen. You guys just hate to lose. Your own governor is looking to remove these Trump sycophants.
If Georgia and a few other states had stood up last time we'd be in a much better place as a nation right now.

Like I said, you guys just hate to lose. If Trump had gotten into the White House regardless of the voters, that would have been a stolen election.
Whatever the reasoning behind the change, the woke Harley Davidson CEO should waltz into a Hells Angels clubhouse, hand out pink cat ears and maid dresses and offer to do their makeup. Just to see what happens . :LOL:
Tulsi Gabbard endorses President Donald Trump

Wow she sure has come far from "treat immigrants with aloha" to "Trump's remain in Mexico policy was working" (said of Hatian immigrants, I guess geography isn't Tulsi's strong suit and neither is it the strong suit of fox News viewers) and from saying trump was Saudi Arabia's bitch to endorsing him. The grift is complete, can't believe I ever supported that two faced twat, let alone wrote her in on my 2020 ballot. I am ashamed

Tulsi cares about America and she couldn't stand seeing it go down the toilet of liberal globalism.

Did you see the video of outside the DNC, they had a fence and guards controlling who could come in, you had to have an invite to come in...... funny democrats understand walls and borders when it's their shindig..... they also don't want illegals bussed into their communities.
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Yeah, Tulsi Gabbard has not been a Democrat for a while now. Sorry to see she's now a Trump supporter. Not surprised to see RFK jr is, though. His family is certainly disappointed. His father is rolling over in his grave.
No, this shows how far the democrats have sunk into the depths of liberal globalism, it's not the same democrat party it was just 30 years ago.
Democrats used to care about our democracy, but today they have become toadies to the globalist.
No, this shows how far the democrats have gone into the depths of liberal globalism, it's not the same democrat party it was just 30 years ago.
Democrats used to care about our democracy, but today they have become toadies to the globalist.

Unfortunately, for Trump and his supporters, Harris is now seen as the change candidate, far more so than the Donald. Nothing that he's called her has landed so far. She has raised an astonishing amount of money from small donors. Hopefully this will continue. Trump is the old fart in this race now.
Eh, you guys can have her. You only like her now because she gargles Trump's ballsack and regurgitates Faux News propaganda into your eager, agape maws. If she had won the dem nomination in 2020, you'd be saying she's a radical left, America hating communist. Honestly, the GOP is the best place for a principle abandoning, double speaking traitor grifter like her.

Seems it was just a few weeks ago trump was saying that RFK was even more radical left than Biden. Amazing what giving trump a rimjob will do. Apperantly you can say he is America's Hitler and then suck him off and he'll let you be his running mate. ( I suppose he took being called America's Hitler as a compliment, perhaps JD Vance meant it as one as well)

Good to know you'd rather be the b1ch of a theocratic Islamic dictator and funder of terrorism than these ill-defined globalist boogeyman whoever they are. Good luck with that
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