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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Just watched Donald Trump say he's going to put anti-vaxxer, cospiracy theorist RFK in charge of everyone health as a thank you for his endorement. :ROFLMAO:

Maybe instead of removing the homosexual child-grooming books from school libraries we should advocate for placing straight smut magazines and books right next to them on the shelf so nobody feels left out or anything.
Maybe instead of removing the homosexual child-grooming books from school libraries we should advocate for placing straight smut magazines and books right next to them on the shelf so nobody feels left out or anything.

That reminds me of when I was in high school and my grade 11 chemistry teach left his briefcase open and left he room for a second. Someone went to look in it, hoping to find a copy of the unit test we were having that week, but found it was literally filled to the brim with Sailor Moon Hentai. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Maybe instead of removing the homosexual child-grooming books from school libraries we should advocate for placing straight smut magazines and books right next to them on the shelf so nobody feels left out or anything.

How the hell does one groom anyone to be homosexual? That is not a choice. I have known many gay men and women and none of them made that choice. The books you are talking about have no photos of sexual situations in them They are stories. The one I saw in the documentary I referenced earlier was about a distopian future where intimacy was also distopian.
You think government price fixing would be better ? If you do you are ignorant of history.
Trumps economy was good and cutting taxes did stimulate the economy, I can see and feel the difference every time I go shopping because Biden's green boondoggle spending is money the US treasury doesn't have, it has to be printed from thin air which means inflation.

As was trump's deficit spending, exacerbated by his tax cuts for the wealthy necessitating even more "printing". 500 billion his crook lackey Steve mnuchin gave to his corporate buddies, unaccounted for. What did that do to inflation and prices?

Yes I'd sleep fine with some price fixing. I'd imagine profit margin fixing would be the way to go. Still account for costs and allow a reasonable profit. The billionaires have you trained well. Sit, stay, roll over. Good boy.

Our choices have already been limited by Corporations. Wanna raise chickens? Good luck competing with Tyson. Just like our media which is all owned by a small handful of companies, if you reduced every product on the shelf to just one representative of that companies brand or a company of a company of a company etc, the shelf space could easily quadruple. Why not take your position to its logical conclusion and argue that water companies should also be able to charge whatever they want for water, or electrical companies. Where I live, there is only one choice for such things. People need them to live, and lives are more valuable than exorbitant profits. I know I know, antithetical to every tenant you hold dear.

As you correctly point out though, kamala is beholden to her donors, and I do think she is two faced on some level. Politicians always over promise and under deliver. She has already betrayed Medicare for all in the past. As much as I'd love to believe trump when he tried to fearmonger about her providing Healthcare to everyone. (oh the horror!) I doubt she'll deliver on that. Biden promised a public option which was forgotten never to be mentioned again after he took office. I do wish the democrats were as cool as the Republicans make them sound
I like a lot of what RFK had to say, too bad he seems to be the least favorite, I would much prefer RFK to Harris and maybe even Trump, but he really has no chance.
So the boys over on /pol said RFK's endorsement speech thingy got more viewers and impressions at 2pm on a weekday than the DNC did at primetime slots. Lol.
View attachment 78441
So the boys over on /pol said RFK's endorsement speech thingy got more viewers and impressions at 2pm on a weekday than the DNC did at primetime slots. Lol.

More than 20 million views? I doubt it.

RFK Jr. is nuts. He liken living in Nazi Germany to getting vaccinated. He has said many controversial things. There was an article recently called "RFK was my drug dealer."
There's certainly some parallels between being force-fed the inadequately tested and deadly for some mRNA vaccine, carrying a card which proves you're vaccinated only to find out the vaccine makes very little difference and has to be reapplied every three months, oh and that it has negative side effects which we were all gaslit into accepting... similarities between that situation and Jews being forced to wear a star, as well as socially slandered and demonized like the unvaxxed people were, parallels do exist to some of us crazy free thinking Americans.
There's certainly some parallels between being force-fed the inadequately tested and deadly for some mRNA vaccine, carrying a card which proves you're vaccinated only to find out the vaccine makes very little difference and has to be reapplied every three months, oh and that it has negative side effects which we were all gaslit into accepting... similarities between that situation and Jews being forced to wear a star, as well as socially slandered and demonized like the unvaxxed people were, parallels do exist to some of us crazy free thinking Americans.

So, you're an anti-vaxxer too. I've had 7 of these vaccines and have yet to get Covid-19. I have yet to meet anyone who had any severe side effects. The worst is usually a bit of soarness for a couple of days. I only got mine at most every six months. Now, once a year seems to work.
I'm anti-mRNA not anti-vax. I got one in the beginning when it was required. Many people got just one and it killed them, not COVID, but an untested vaccine.. I consider myself lucky, won't be getting another, and find that vitamin D is just as effective with zero side effects. I also work with sick people four days a week and have only been sick with COVID once.

My dad is in the high risk group for COVID and I was more worried about him getting that vaccine honestly.
I'm anti-mRNA not anti-vax. I got one in the beginning when it was required. Many people got just one and it killed them, not COVID, but an untested vaccine.. I consider myself lucky, won't be getting another, and find that vitamin D is just as effective with zero side effects. I also work with sick people four days a week and have only been sick with COVID once.

My dad is in the high risk group for COVID and I was more worried about him getting that vaccine honestly.

First of all, when there were giving out these vaccines at first everyone had to wait at least 30 minutes before leaving. Once I was shown not to have anaphylaxis, I needn't wait after that. No one ever got these more often than every 5 months. You couldn't. Severe reactions are exceedingly rare.
I don't know why every 5mo is a thing when research shows 3mo is when it loses effectiveness. Anyway this is what I was talking about, maybe it's deemed rare but it would be a big issue for people with pre existing heart problems. COVID politicized health in the USA and it seems to be a permanent dysfunction now in our society.
I don't know why every 5mo is a thing when research shows 3mo is when it loses effectiveness. Anyway this is what I was talking about, maybe it's deemed rare but it would be a big issue for people with pre existing heart problems. COVID politicized health in the USA and it seems to be a permanent dysfunction now in our society.

Myocarditis and paracarditis are very rare and are often cuased by immune disorders and triggers like an infection. Covid-19 vaccines are not the most likely cause. No one makes you get vaccinated. You don't have to if you don't want to. I remember when polio was the greatest fear and once the Sabine vaccine was released I got mine forthwith. The Salk vaccine was an oral vaccine using attenuated virus and people with autoimmune disorders actually got polio that way.
