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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Biden flat out said " I will appoint a black woman to the SCOTUS " This is racism.
Biden should have said he would appoint the best person possible.
But Biden was playing to identity politics by appointing a DEI just like when he chose Kamala for his VP.

** Kamala Harris is not actually black, she's mostly Indian.

RFK is speaking the truth, I will post it when he's done.
Basically he's saying what we know, the democrat party today is corrupt, has weaponized the government agencies, controlled the media via. censorship and is the existential threat to our democracy.
Biden flat out said " I will appoint a black woman to the SCOTUS " This is racism.
Biden should have said he would appoint the best person possible.
But Biden was playing to identity politics by appointing a DEI just like when he chose Kamala for his VP.

** Kamala Harris is not actually black, she's mostly Indian.

:LOL: You gotta be kinding me. How does a person with an Indian mother and a Black Jamacan father get to be mostly Indian? She has indentified as Black her whole life, irrespective of what Donald Trump says. And, how is it that any accomplished Black person MUST be a DEI hire. That is racism.
( Indian Mother 1/2 ) + ( Black/Jamaican father 25% / 25% ) = child is 1/2 Indian 1/4 Jamaican and 1/4 black......... mostly Indian child.

She is NOT black and DEI is RACISM...... DEI = RACISM !
That said screw you and the democrats identity politics, democrats are disgusting race baiters who have used racism to shame children in our schools and compel virtue signaling behavior, it's all about controlling people, not anything to do with right and wrong concerning race/gender.

This is why we have so many young people voting for a cackling knob gobbler instead of Trump or RFK..... because Harris has brown skin and a uterus.

This brainwashing children in our schools to control politics is MARXISM !

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( Indian Mother 1/2 ) + ( Black/Jamaican father 25% / 25% ) = child is 1/2 Indian 1/4 Jamaican and 1/4 black......... mostly Indian child.

She is NOT black and DEI is RACISM...... DEI = RACISM !
That said screw you and the democrats identity politics, democrats are disgusting race baiters who have used racism to shame children in our schools and compel virtue signaling behavior, it's all about controlling people, not anything to do with right and wrong concerning race/gender.

How do you figure that Harris' father was only partly Black? You are just speculating. Claiming an accomplished Black person MUST be a DEI hire IS THE RAISM!
Bullshit and you know it, you are attempting to sew doubt, fact is democrats have been running a MARXIST identity politics agenda centered around brainwashing children in our schools to control politics.
Bullshit and you know it, you are attempting to sew doubt, fact is democrats have been running a MARXIST identity politics agenda centered around brainwashing children in our schools to control politics.

Democrats have never been Marxist. Donald Trump hopes that he can attack Harris this way, but none of this is landing. Where are schools brainwahing anyone's children. This is another GOP/Trump talking point. You guys are gonna lose so BIG!
No were not.
Trump is going to win, then dems will sue in court, will have endless recounts, but in the end Trump will likely be sworn back in.

A Harris admin. would further the brainwashing of children in our schools with CRT and anti-America Marxism.

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No were not.
Trump is going to win, then dems will sue in court, will have endless recounts, but in the end Trump will likely be sworn back in.

A Harris admin. would further the brainwashing of children in our schools with CRT and anti-America Marxism.

Yes, Trump supporters are banning books. Just like Nazi Germany. How many peope are going to want to vote for that?
Books that teach grammar school children about gay sex before the children have even reached puberty and other subjects not appropriate for pre-teen children, hell that's just common sense and been going on forever...... my grammar school library never had " adult " books and for good reasons, young children aren't ready for that yet...... unless your aim is to corrupt and control them, unless your aim is to tear down the morals and norms society has known for decades.
Books that teach grammar school children about gay sex before the children have even reached puberty and other subjects not appropriate for pre-teen children, hell that's just common sense and been going on forever...... my grammar school library never had " adult " books and for good reasons, young children aren't ready for that yet...... unless your aim is to corrupt and control them, unless your aim is to tear down the morals and norms society has known for decades.

They have removed books from High school seniors and juniors. These are people who will be adults by law soon. That is WRONG! I don' know any place that has these books available to kids who haven't reached puberty yet. That's another Tump talking point.

Elon Musk is a Trump sycophant who justs wants trump back for the tax relief he gives to the wealthy.

It was in South Dakota that a documentary about an author's journey to give juniors and seniors many books that have been banned there since Republicans started a book burn there. It was about an hour long, IIRC, and is worth watching if you can find it.
The Harris campaign raised $7.2 million just during her acceptance speech. During the convention they raised $100 million. HA!
