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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

So she wants to drive a short yellow school bus....... because she just loves yellow school busses....... especially short busses.
** We had better give her a breath test before she drives any school busses, make certain shes not inebriated.
So she wants to drive a short yellow school bus....... because she just loves yellow school busses....... especially short busses.
** We had better give her a breath test before she drives any school busses, make certain shes not inebriated.

Yeah, good luck with that. You are sure gonna need it. These personal attacks are just the kind of thing that drives voters to Harris. You fumb dunking ass. ;)
Personal attacks.... here I am attempting a bit of good spirited levity.... and here you are with the recriminations right on cue.... you necker peck.

Kamala has already been the VP for 3 1/2 years, you talk like this is her 1st time, she's done nothing good in 3 1/2 years....... Kamala.. You're FIRED !
Personal attacks.... here I am attempting a bit of good spirited levity.... and here you are with the recriminations right on cue.... you necker peck.

Kamala has already been the VP for 3 1/2 years, you talk like this is her 1st time, she's done nothing good in 3 1/2 years....... Kamala.. You're FIRED !

As usual you are not telling the truth. Vice Presidents aren't in charge. They do what the Presidents tell them to do. But, next year Harris will be President. Then we will have another 4 years.
Trump never had a strong economy. All he did was give the richest of the rich tax breaks ( My taxes stayed the same). Do you know what % of the stock market is owned by the ultra rich? Hint: the lions share. Turns out when you give the rich massive tax breaks, they do stock buybacks etc and red line goes up, but that means precisely dick to the average American. Hard to believe anyone still simps for trickle down economics, seeing as the middle class has continued to shrink the entire time it's been implemented. Wanna take a guess what the top marginal tax rates were when America's middle class was strongest? Very high, I think over 90% if memory serves. Now, of course, after exemptions and all the various ways the rich avoid taxes the effective rate was much lower, but these days average Republican voters have no idea how top marginal tax rates work and fox News is content to let the working ignorant masses believe that a 95% top marginal tax rate means you working stiffs will only keep a nickel out of every dollar you earn when they know damn well that isn't the case. But, by getting you to believe it they can use your support to empower their oligarch buddies and keep running out the back door with all the money, laughing all the way to the bank. Another Trump term will be more of that. Kamala will likely be a lesser version of that. No doubt she is beholden to donors as well but to pretend Trump isn't, and in many ways that are worse, (like taking 100,000,000 from Miriam Adleson to allow Isreal to annex the west bank) is delusion of the highest tier, or in other words par for the course for typical conservatives
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Last night, after Kamala Harris wrapped up her speech, Donald Trump called into Fox, then Newsmax, then again to Fox. He complained about Harris' speech all three times. Looks like Harris has gotten under his skin. :LOL:
Trump never had a strong economy. All he did was give the richest of the rich tax breaks ( My taxes stayed the same). Do you know what % of the stock market is owned by the ultra rich? Hint: the lions share. Turns out when you give the rich massive tax breaks, they do stock buybacks etc and red line goes up, but that means precisely dick to the average American. Hard to believe anyone still simps for trickle down economics, seeing as the middle class has continued to shrink the entire time it's been implemented. Wanna take a guess what the top marginal tax rates were when America's middle class was strongest? Very high, I think over 90% if memory serves. Now, of course, after exemptions and all the various ways the rich avoid taxes the effective rate was much lower, but these days average Republican voters have no idea how top marginal tax rates work and fox News is content to let the working ignorant masses believe that a 95% top marginal tax rate means you working stiffs will only keep a nickel out of every dollar you earn when they know damn well that isn't the case. But, by getting you to believe it they can use your support to empower their oligarch buddies and keep running out the back door with all the money, laughing all the way to the bank. Another Trump term will be more of that. Kamala will likely be a lesser version of that. No doubt she is beholden to donors as well but to pretend Trump isn't, and in many ways that are worse, (like taking 100,000,000 from Miriam Adleson to allow Isreal to annex the west bank) is delusion of the highest tier, or in other words par for the course for typical conservatives

You think government price fixing would be better ? If you do you are ignorant of history.
Trumps economy was good and cutting taxes did stimulate the economy, I can see and feel the difference every time I go shopping because Biden's green boondoggle spending is money the US treasury doesn't have, it has to be printed from thin air which means inflation.

Last night, after Kamala Harris wrapped up her speech, Donald Trump called into Fox, then Newsmax, then again to Fox. He complained about Harris' speech all three times. Looks like Harris has gotten under his skin. :LOL:
Naw, it's election season, candidates are going to talk about the lies the other side has been telling, you wish it was something more but it's not.
Naw, it's election season, candidates are going to talk about the lies the other side has been telling, you wish it was something more but it's not.

Donald Trump also texted more than 40 times during Harris' acceptance speech to comment on it in real time. No one does that unless they are bothered by the DNC. He is desperate.
I don't blame him for being bothered by the DNC. He's watching the ultimate DEI hire being set up to win in a landslide without the usual qualifying process and difficult campaigning that everyone else in history has had to go through. She can't answer a simple question without a script, she's a nobody who's accomplished nothing politically, when anyone points this out Paul and those like him blame the fact that VPs aren't in charge however they worship the guy who was in charge of her.. She's scared of the press who largely contribute to her position and promote the DEI nonsense chanting racism at any criticisms. Lmao. It bothers anyone with a head on their shoulders I think. Makes me sick personally.
I don't blame him for being bothered by the DNC. He's watching the ultimate DEI hire being set up to win in a landslide without the usual qualifying process and difficult campaigning that everyone else in history has had to go through. She can't answer a simple question without a script, she's a nobody who's accomplished nothing politically, when anyone points this out Paul and those like him blame the fact that VPs aren't in charge however they worship the guy who was in charge of her.. She's scared of the press who largely contribute to her position and promote the DEI nonsense chanting racism at any criticisms. Lmao. It bothers anyone with a head on their shoulders I think. Makes me sick personally.

Why is that any Black person must be a DEI hire? She was AG of California and a Senator from there as well. She is not unqualified. You may not like her, but that's your option. I believe she will win this election.
