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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You are blinded by your TDS paul.
Kackamala is damaged goods, she's a desperate democrat emergency measure because Biden's mental deficiencies were exposed to the mainstream media consumers who had been lied to and decieved.

Kackamala has nothing but hype and her flatulence.... or windy back end.... whatever contrived drama you are so desperately clinging to, is not going to deprive Trump of his rightful place.

The American people need a President with a proven track record on building a strong economy and strong foreign policy, we don't want a cackling buffoon who will thrust us into recession and foreign conflict disasters.

Prepare yourself paul, don't buy into the mainstream fiction or you will find yourself sadly disappointed.

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You are blinded by your TDS paul.
Kackamala is damaged goods, she's a desperate democrat emergency measure because Biden's mental deficiencies were exposed to the mainstream media consumers who had been lied to and decieved.

Kackamala has nothing but hype and her flatulence.... or windy back end.... whatever contrived drama you are so desperately clinging to, is not going to deprive Trump of his rightful place.

The American people need a President with a proven track record on building a strong economy and strong foreign policy, we don't want a cackling buffoon who will thrust us into recession and foreign conflict disasters.

Prepare yourself paul, don't buy into the mainstream fiction or you will find yourself sadly disappointed.

That's your problem. Trump's record is terrible. Only you MAGAs want that back. Harris is now the change candidate. She's not Trump or Biden. She's not the only old guy in this race. That is what everyone else wants. It is you who will be disappointed.
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I don't know who will win. One thing I do know for sure - no matter what happens Paul will be here rambling about how wonderful the democrats are and refusing any outside perspectives. Yippee 'democracy'.
I don't know who will win. One thing I do know for sure - no matter what happens Paul will be here rambling about how wonderful the democrats are and refusing any outside perspectives. Yippee 'democracy'.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but what I've said is not rambling and your perpectives are just opinion. Harris is the CHANGE candidate. She has put forth a plan that all Americans can get behind. One that will make housing more affordable, holding corporations liable for hiking up prices way beyond what the 3% infation would dictate and offering tax breaks, not to the wealthy, but to the middle class.

Trump is still the agreived mumbling old fart in this race. He can't make to coherent thought in his head. And, that comes out every time that he speaks. To this day he still complains that he is no longer running against Joe Biden. That is old news. Get over it.
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You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but what I've said is not rambling and your perpectives are just opinion. Harris is the CHANGE candidate. She has put forth a plan that all Americans can get behind. One that will make housing more affordable, holding corporations liable for hiking up prices way beyond what the 3% infation would dictate and offering tax breaks, not to the wealthy, but to the middle class.

Trump is still the agreived mumbling old fart in this race. He can't make to coherent thought in his head. And, that comes out every time that he speaks. To this day he still complains that he is no longer running against Joe Biden. That is old news. Get over it.

> Tells me my perspective is just an opinion.

> Proceeds to diarrhea own opinion for the next two paragraphs.

OK Buddy :)

PS. Femboy Friday will always be the greatest day of the week every week checkmate liberals lol.
> Tells me my perspective is just an opinion.

> Proceeds to diarrhea own opinion for the next two paragraphs.

OK Buddy :)

PS. Femboy Friday will always be the greatest day of the week every week checkmate liberals lol.

Take away whatever you wish from my statements. Progressives are the only ones putting forth policies that all Americans can love.
Biden and Harris have been at it for almost 4 years and they haven't done any of these things you speak of.

It's time for Trump to return respect to America around the world and enable the American Dream, that's real, not some fake promise of free stuff that Harris can't deliver........ 25,000 for people who want to buy a house....... that's never going to get passed into law, it's a BS campaign promise that Harris can't deliver and it's a WARNING sign that Harris is weak.

Promising large sums of money never pans out and even if it did, it would only cause the prices to go up..... would cause inflation which is what democrats are actually good at doing and we don't need that, we need Trump to rebuild a thriving economy that will benefit all Americans.

We need reasonable border policy, we can't keep letting illegals flood in unchecked.
Trump will restore our border security, stop the human trafficking and allow immigrants to come in legally at a controlled rate.

Trump has a solid record on foreign policy, but Harris is a danger to US security, just look at how Harris has failed on our Southern border.

p.s. Corporations don't pay tax increases, that burden is passed on to the consumer via. price increases, the Harris plan to tax corporations will again drive up inflation and we dam sure don't need that.
Biden and Harris have been at it for almost 4 years and they haven't done any of these things you speak of.

It's time for Trump to return respect to America around the world and enable the American Dream, that's real, not some fake promise of free stuff that Harris can't deliver........ 25,000 for people who want to buy a house....... that's never going to get passed into law, it's a BS campaign promise that Harris can't deliver and it's a WARNING sign that Harris is weak.

Promising large sums of money never pans out and even if it did, it would only cause the prices to go up..... would cause inflation which is what democrats are actually good at doing and we don't need that, we need Trump to rebuild a thriving economy that will benefit all Americans.

We need reasonable border policy, we can't keep letting illegals flood in unchecked.
Trump will restore our border security, stop the human trafficking and allow immigrants to come in legally at a controlled rate.

Trump has a solid record on foreign policy, but Harris is a danger to US security, just look at how Harris has failed on our Southern border.

p.s. Corporations don't pay tax increases, that burden is passed on to the consumer via. price increases, the Harris plan to tax corporations will again drive up inflation and we dam sure don't need that.

Harris hasn't been in charge. But, that will change this November. The only countries looking forward to Trump back in office are Iran, North Korea and Russia. Our allies are hoping that Trump never gets back in. Seven of the last eight recessions were started by Republicans. Trump never built anything except tax cuts for the wealthy. The number if illeagal Immigrants are lower now than when Trump was president. Harris was never tasked to do anything at the border, irrespective of what you say. She was tasked to look into the reasons that immigrants were coming here. Yes, corporations do pay taxes and so do their exectutives. They may try to pass that on to consumers, but Harris will stop that. ;)
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Harris hasn't been in charge. But, that wll change this November. The only countries looking forward to Trump back in office are Iran, North Korea and Russia. Our allies are hoping that Trump never gets back in. Serven of the last eight recessions were started by Republicans. Trump never built anything except tax cuts for the wealthy. The number if illeagal Immigrants are lower now than when Trump was president. Harris was never tasked to do anything at the border, irresective of what you say. She was tasked to look into the reasons that immigrants were coming here. Yes, corporation do pay taxes and so do their exectutives. They may try to pass that on to consumers, but Harris will stop that. ;)

Everything you say is bullshit isn't it paul ?

Biden admin. has seen China and Russia ally and has seen BRICS emerge as the potential new world default currency, that's Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Biden's policy has been a disaster and a Harris admin. would be more of the same only worse.

Harris was border czar and she failed miserably.
Illegal immigration under Biden has become a national emergency.

Harris can't become a communist dictator, we live in a free capitalist country with Free Enterprise, you are talking about communism.

p.s. Your grammar is falling apart..... but I get it, all you have are lies and you know your party is in trouble, maybe come to peace with the fact that Trump will be working to make America great again for all Americans, even you paul.

will not wll
Seven not Serven
Illegal not illeagal
irrespective not irresective
executives not exectutives
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Everything you say is bullshit isn't it paul ?

Biden admin. has seen China and Russia ally and has seen BRICS emerge as the potential new world default currency, that's Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Biden's policy has been a disaster and a Harris admin. would be more of the same only worse.

Harris was border czar and she failed miserably.
Illegal immigration under Biden has become a national emergency.

Harris can't become a communist dictator, we live in a free capitalist country with Free Enterprise, you are talking about communism.

p.s. Your grammar is falling apart..... but I get it, all you have are lies and you know your party is in trouble, maybe come to peace with the fact that Trump will be working to make America great again for all Americans, even you paul.

will not wll
Seven not Serven
Illegal not illeagal
irrespective not irresective
executives not exectutives

My grammar is fine. It's this tiny keyboard that makes these typos. These are typos and you know that.

Biden's policy has been good for Americans. He inherited a bad economy from Trump and has had to deal with that ever since.

Last time I looked the dollar was the world currency. You are just speculating as usual.

Harris was never tasked to do ANYTHING at the border. Biden is President. Harris was tasked to look into the reasons immigrants were coming here.

There are fewer immigrants coming over our southern border than were coming during Trump's presidency. Look it up.
From the web:

The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency.

According to Pew Research, there were only 3.5 million “unauthorized immigrants” — Pew’s term — living in the U.S. in 1990. That number peaked at 12.2 million in 2005, then gradually declined, including during the Trump years, to 10.2 million in 2019.

Protection (CBP), the Border Patrol had some 8.5 million illegal immigrant “encounters” from fiscal 2021 through November.

Besides the 8.5 million encounters, there are those who entered the U.S. illegally with the express intent of avoiding detection. Estimates put that number at 1.7 million “gotaways” over the past three years, which gives us the 10 million estimate.


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According to Pew Research, there were only 3.5 million “unauthorized immigrants” — Pew’s term — living in the U.S. in 1990. That number peaked at 12.2 million in 2005, then gradually declined, including during the Trump years, to 10.2 million in 2019.

Protection (CBP), the Border Patrol had some 8.5 million illegal immigrant “encounters” from fiscal 2021 through November.

Besides the 8.5 million encounters, there are those who entered the U.S. illegally with the express intent of avoiding detection. Estimates put that number at 1.7 million “gotaways” over the past three years, which gives us the 10 million estimate.

Exactly. There were 10.2 million in just 2019 alone. Right now there are about 100,000 coming over the southern border each month. The House is full of lying MAGA Republicans. Who cares what they say.
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Exactly there were 10 million illegals at the end of Trumps 1st term, down from 12 million from before Trumps 1st term, making Trumps net effect ( - 2 million ) but Biden's net efect was ( + 10 million ) bringing us to 20 million illegals.

You paul can't even be honest about what's right in front of your face in plain text !

Do you understand what I just said ?

Exactly there were 10 million illegals at the end of Trumps 1st term, down from 12 million from before Trumps 1st term, making Trumps net effect ( - 2 million ) but Biden's net efect was ( + 10 million ) bringing us to 20 million illegals.

You paul can't even be honest about what's right in front of your face in plain text !

Do you understand what I just said ?


10.2 million in 2019 alone. Those were your own stats.

Here are the ones that came across during Biden.

