Yeah, I just killed a PHR myself. :'( Mine actually turned into a LED. I desoldered everything and attached the lava driver to a test load just to make sure I didn't damage the driver. That checked out ok so I resoldered everything with new wires but the diode still acted like an LED. I was originally pushing 100ma from the driver but like any dedicated laser enthusiast I kept re-adjust the driver until finally, instant led

I think the driver was pusing around 125ma. I also noticed that my lens had a really deep scratch in it which may or may not have contributed to the death of the diode. I have since ordered a new PHR and a [highlight]glass lense[/highlight] (to replace the scratched plastic one). I currently have the driver set to 125ma but may drop it back down to around 100ma before installing the replacement diode. I am using a Dorcy Jr host with a Dark Horse aluminum heat sink so the laser host is pretty solid. Circuit City has the LG GBW-H20L 6X burners on sale for $199.00 right now so I amy pick up one of those and carefully harvest the diode out of the drive and then return the drive as defective ;D Just joking... I would never do such a thing :