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FrozenGate by Avery

Tec popped off of Laserbee

It's quite obvious what MM is doing. It's not that uncommon for a competing manufacturer to offer a "trade in" (usually working, though) offer for competing products.

This is how I see it:

1. A customer posts that there's something wrong with Manufacturer "A"'s product.

2. Manufacturer "A" posts exorbitant repair fees. (Really? A tec replacement/calibration for 95+S/H?) and even suggests customer buy a whole new unit. :scowl:

3. Manufacturer "B" knows the customer is feeling ripped off by Manufacturer "A", thus steps in to try to win the customer's business by offering a trade.

It's a win-win for everyone but Manufacturer "A", but that's how business works.

bloompyle, maybe you should do a bit of research
the only thing to really copy would be the outside shell and part of the electronics-
but, uhm, well......


The only thing left to copy is the software, and it really isn't worth the time to reverse engineer it. it'd be faster and cheaper to develop a new one in the first place.

Also jerry does the same thing, he bought a broken meter off someone i know personally and replaced it with one of his LPMs.
Nothing new or sketchy both of them do it.
You know i never bothered to look at the dates of when lpms get made and when new ones come out.
Time to go search and see if that image is true, maybe that is why he buys his competitors meters.
Or maybe its just a coincidence/bad photo.
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I just find it amusing that Jerry has made fun of me in the past about things involving mixing thermal epoxy and I find out his TECs are falling off and that this is not the only occurrence.

Actually, I believe that was me :eg:

Somebody had asked 'why the price increase on the alpha' part of your response included
mixing epoxy... etc.
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Why does it matter for warantee if someone is the first owner of the device? They dont just go 'bad' from being sold on.

As for mechanical shock, there would probably be evidence - you dont just drop an anodized heatsink onto a tile floor from considerable height without leaving a marks on the heatsink.

If there are signs of mechanical damage to the unit i can see a reason for no warantee, but otherwise, who can tell what caused the tec to detach from its heatsink?

IMHO, Jerry is already giving his customers and potential customers a great offer by letting warranties transfer from owner to owner, within the stated warranty period.

How can a warranty be renewed at every new owner? That's asking too much. I can simply sell my LPM's at 5 months and the new owner gets another 6 month warranty, then he can sell his after 5 months and it goes and on...

In regards to people buying each competitor's LPMs, I don't see any wrong in this. It's merely a purchase, unless he's going to directly copy it for production of his own, then there shouldn't be any issue.
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Warranties on manufacturing defect are granted to
original owners for a period of 6 months.

That does not mean you get a new 6 months manufactures
Warranty period or a transfer of warranty from previous owners.

So only for the original owner, so if i bought a meter new and sold it 2 weeks later it now has no warranty?
That sounds a bit weird.
So then if it was broken and still in the first 6 months and it was a private sale, i would have to mail it back to the original owner for him to contact you to fix it?
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That's quite strange, I've seen Jerry mention on here several times on in the B/S/T section where a LaserBee owner sell their LPM and Jerry supports the potential buyer with a transfer of warranty. See below:

That's a good Xmas deal for a used LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser
Power Meter.

Anyone buying this LaserBee will get the same Customer Service
as if you bought it directly from us

Source: http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/laserbee-2-5-watt-lpm-fs-69899.html#post1008850

In case any potential buyer is not sure... I will supply Customer
Service to whomever purchases this 2.1W LaserBee IX as if
they bought it directly from us...

Good luck with your sale....;)


It seems you guys are the ones mistaken. Jerry DOES support new owners "as if they bought it directly from [him]".
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The reason I find it hard to believe is because

1) In this case, Justinjj's LPM "broke" well over the 6 month warranty period, so I'm thinking this is why Jerry is not repairing for him under warranty.
2) It is entirely nonsensical to not allow transfer of warranties from owner to owner (within the stated warranty period).

Even my HTC phone, graphic card, motherboard, camera, speakers, these are all electronics... all have warranties that transfer from owner to owner within the stated warranty period. Some might require original receipt, some just ask for product serial #. But this practice is standard in the electronics industry.

I'll be very upset if this wasn't the case with the LaserBees.
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Well you may be right, But i only have what he posted in this thread to go by.
And from what he has posted it does not transfer.
there are good reasons for it not to transfer, one simply being is more of a chance to make money.
Actually most computer parts do NOT allow the warranty to transfer from owner to owner.
And your phone doesnt transfer either

I don't know where you got that from or whether it's updated or not, but it is either 1) not followed or 2) false

I've spoken to HTC customer service directly. I bought an HTC Sensation from the US from an T-Mobile owner and he kindly shipped the original receipt with it as well. I use it in Canada with Bell. When I realized dust under the screen, called HTC, scanned original receipt to them for proof, and they told me to ship it together with the phone back to them. Got new phone in 5 business days. So unless they're idiots and do things for free, even though they see I'm a Canadian and the receipt was American purchase with a different customer name, then chances are: warranty is honoured within the stated period regardless of owner.

Same thing with my MSI P55-CD53 motherboard 2nd hand, contacted MSI directly, couldn't RMA it because I didn't have original receipt. Customer Support merely asked for the serial ID and then told me it's under warranty. This was 2 months ago and I got a replacement within 2 weeks.

Not sure why you don't receive the same treatment, but for me, this has been the same experience over and over, and I'm not the only person who've experienced this.
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IMHO, Jerry is already giving his customers and potential customers a great offer by letting warranties transfer from owner to owner, within the stated warranty period.

How can a warranty be renewed at every new owner? That's asking too much. I can simply sell my LPM's at 5 months and the new owner gets another 6 month warranty, then he can sell his after 5 months and it goes and on...

I obviously did not mean it should be -extended- when the unit is sold to another person, just that the warrantee should last for whatever period was specified from the date the product was initially purchased, regardless of how many people it has been sold to during the warantee peroid.

Perhaps this is not common in the US, though i would find it very strange that reselling a product would void its warantee - it shouldn't have any influence on the products lifetime.

EU legislation goes a lot further where customer protection is concerned: Warantee is obligatory for a period of time that is 'normal' for the type of product in question. As an example: A laptop has to be repaired free of charge for a period of 2 years after purchase, even if the manufacturer only gives one year of warantee. In some cases (particularly with Apple products) this has caused quite some problems, as the retailer is ultimately responsible for handling the warantee.

I this case i guess it would be the best option actually carry out the repair under warantee, just to dermine -why- the sensor came off the heatsink. If mechanical shock can be excluded, it could be a design problem that could be present in all sensors built with the same method and materials.
I just logged on and read all the posts since last night.
I'll try to clear up some of the questions...

@MM you should read your own posts before pointing accusing
fingers about your Epoxy problems/discussions...
I had nothing to do with your "increased Alpha prices due to
(you) needing to mix epoxy".

We use Arctic Alumina Thermal Epoxy on our budget entry level
LaserBee 2.5W USB and LaserBee A products. We use both the
5 Min QCCE and the 15min MCCE. The products are clearly
marked on their 30 gram syringes.

Arctic Silver, Inc. - Thermal Adhesives and Epoxies

We give a 6 months warranty against manufacturing defects
to the Original Owner (The buyer that sent us a payment for
the product). The warranty is not transferable.

That being said.... It is still to the discretion of J.BAUER Electronics
to grant a transfer of the warranty to the 2nd purchaser of a
used LaserBee product if that used product was purchase within
a short time after the Original Owners purchase date.

This LPM Serial Number S/NU0146 was sold to the original
owner on May 20 2011 and was purchased used by justinjja
on Dec 22 2011.
That is already 7 months from the original purchase date.
One month after the Original Warranty expired.
This thread was opened on Apr 07 2012 before he even contacted
us about his Sensor issues.
That is another ~3-1/2 months for a total of 10-1/2 months
after the Original Owner purchased it and 4-1/2 months after the
Original Owner's warranty had expired.

I can't understand why some members think it is our responsibility
to pay for a repair that is clearly past ANY warranty period.

Anyone can purchase a Laserbee product. If MM wants to trade
a discontinued Alpha I have no problems with that.
If the competition really needed to get a hold of one of our products
they would have done it behind the scenes as they have done before.

There is only one reason why the MM offer is made in public...:crackup:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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That could be a bit "sketchy". Another individual that used to sell a DIFFERENT meter, willing to trade one of theirs for one that sells decently on the forum and is of very clean design? Sounds a bit like espionage (if that's the proper word :thinking:) Jerry, your Laserbees do have patents do they not? If not, I'd look into them ASAP, my gut is telling me that this could perhaps get nasty....

are you an idiot? jerry owns a radiant alpha and many kenometers its part of competition :crackup:
jerry owns a radiant alpha and many kenometers its part of competition :crackup:

I'm excitedly awaiting Jerry's answer to LumenOS. He's had a Kenometer Pro with it installed for nearly a year now, so he's got to have come up with something by now. :D

