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FrozenGate by Avery

styropyro's 450mW 635nm Laser Torch!

Jun 13, 2007
After waiting two months with three different orders of the 300mW Mitsubishi 635nm laser diodes, I finally received a package in the mail (thanks DTR). I rebuilt my old JayRob flashlight kit to house a 635nm diode at 700mW with an AixiZ glass lens. To be honest, the beam is more red than I expected, but the visibility is great! The beam quality is horrific, but I don't feel like messing with beam corrections in a handheld laser.

Here's the video:

Very cool seeing the 635nm builds out there now.:beer:

I'm also interested in the cube, i'v seen them for sale and was wondering how well they work for laser applications....the obvious being a nice and easy way to get white.
Very nice video!
Isnt that one of those cubes thats inside a plasma screen?
I think its from a rear projection screen, not a plasma but none the less, its still awesome :D
How does the divergence of the 635 compare to the 445, is it even worse?

and it's seriously brighter than 700mW-1W 445nm?
I'm tempted to buy one now.....
Its nice to see how the camera handles the difference between 650 and 635.. with the 650 it produces magneta artefacts but the color rendition of the 635 seems consistent, although it does take on a bit of an orange color that is not visible to the eye as such.
How does the divergence of the 635 compare to the 445, is it even worse?

and it's seriously brighter than 700mW-1W 445nm?
I'm tempted to buy one now.....

I'm really tempted to get one too.

Really really tempted. And those one Amc boards will drive it too. Just need to stack two of them for 700ma.

How quickly does it heat up? I've heard they don't produce much heat.
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How does the divergence of the 635 compare to the 445, is it even worse?

and it's seriously brighter than 700mW-1W 445nm?
I'm tempted to buy one now.....

The divergence is worse because the beam expands in both axis, so instead 445nm that is a line at distance, the 635nm is a square.

The beam of a 445nm has near visibility, but the dot of the 635nm is much brighter than the 445nm. It is a very nice color that will fill entire room with that orangish red.

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you'll find those cubes in 3 chip IDLA, DLP, and LCD rear projection tv's and projectors.. FYI. I used to have a few but I'm not sure where they are now.
How does the divergence of the 635 compare to the 445, is it even worse?

and it's seriously brighter than 700mW-1W 445nm?
I'm tempted to buy one now.....
Yeah the divergence is very bad, much worse than the 445nm. It is a lot brighter than 445nm though. It's weird seeing such a bright beam coming from a red laser.
Its nice to see how the camera handles the difference between 650 and 635.. with the 650 it produces magneta artefacts but the color rendition of the 635 seems consistent, although it does take on a bit of an orange color that is not visible to the eye as such.
My new camera doesn't handle color rendition of lasers as I'd like, but at least it shows a difference between the two on video. It has a blue-shift on most colors.
After waiting two months with three different orders of the 300mW Mitsubishi 635nm laser diodes, I finally received a package in the mail (thanks DTR). I rebuilt my old JayRob flashlight kit to house a 635nm diode at 700mW with an AixiZ glass lens. To be honest, the beam is more red than I expected, but the visibility is great! The beam quality is horrific, but I don't feel like messing with beam corrections in a handheld laser.

Here's the video:

700mW??:undecided: maybe you mean 700mA:D
