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FrozenGate by Avery

Star Wars Rogue One


Sep 7, 2016
I saw it last night. OMG :D:D:D:D I LOVED IT. It is soooooo good. It delivers. I wont spoil anything. but WOW. I am going to see it again tomorrow.

Just. Wow. Also i couldnt believe how many people were there! The theater was packed! absolutely mobbed! People talking about Star Wars everywhere, SW shirts, hats w/e everywhere! Man It is always so awesome when Star Wars is in theaters :D:D:D:D:wave::wave::wave:


Oh man, I really need to see this too. The trailers have been really intriguing, and I keep hearing good things about it from my friends.
I saw it too..Actually just got back from the theater. This movie definitely ties up loose ends between ep3 and New Hope.
The acting is superb, and the CG with deceased actors was very believable.

That turbolaser makes me want to get a 520nm for my next build. :beer:

Vader's appearance is short but brutal. He's the king chopper.


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Several friends on Facebook have said it's incredible. Thankfully Yellowknife actually has a cinema ... although it only ever shows about 3 movies at a time, and they're mostly crap. Will will see if my girlfriend wants to check it out on Monday ... she's secretly a nerd. Will report back! :D
Is it better than the previous (Disney) movie ?
Because my friends were largely disappointed and as a result I skipped it ...
Is it better than the previous (Disney) movie ?
Because my friends were largely disappointed and as a result I skipped it ...

The last movie force awakens was not that bad... I just wished that it was longer. I think Abrams had the right flow and motive for the move but, it wasn't long enough. We needed more Luke and something to bring complete closure to the death of Han Solo. The ending of the movie felt a bit rushed. :thinking:

I do really like Vader's lines in this movie.
The ending scene is Vader's and it really shows off how brutal he can be with a light saber.

This is definitely NOT a kids movie (due to the nature of the content) despite the marketing hype to kids however, this movie is for fans of the original trilogy!
As I said before, it ties up loose end brilliantly.

Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) and Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelson) characters were simply amazingly executed (acted) on screen.

The scene is a major spoiler.. DO NOT CLICK.
Also in 3D so it'll look strange. YOU MUST see the movie yourself.
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The last movie force awakens was not that bad... I just wished that it was longer. I think Abrams had the right flow and motive for the move but, it wasn't long enough. We needed more Luke and something to bring complete closure to the death of Han Solo. The ending of the movie felt a bit rushed. :thinking:

I do really like Vader's lines in this movie.
The ending scene is Vader's and it really shows off how brutal he can be with a light saber.

This is definitely NOT a kids movie (due to the nature of the content) despite the marketing hype to kids however, this movie is for fans of the original trilogy!
As I said before, it ties up loose end brilliantly.

Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) and Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelson) characters were simply amazingly executed (acted) on screen.

I hope so. I'm glad it isnt kid friendly, I dont like the predictable cookie cutter plots typical of disney, which take no risks. I wasnt a big fan of episode 7. it didnt try anything new, didnt make the whole good vs. evil thing compelling. I'd like to see more moral ambiguity in star wars, where the evil characters have more relatable reasons for doing evil. characters dont seem to do much rationalization for their actions in these movies. anakin can go from wanting to save his wife to killing children in about 10 minutes. where is the journey tho the dark side there?

a lot about episode 7 made no sense. we're supposed to believe luke would just run away from his problems and friends, leaving the galaxy to the forces of evil? the same luke who against the advice of yoda went to save his friends? the same luke who chastized han for wanting to take the reward and run? in episode 4?

maybe I'm just sour because I was kind of a fan of the expanded universe, which used to be cannon and now just never happened. in some of the books, moch more compelling plots than the movies, were contained. the new jedi order springs to mind, I'd have liked to see the yuuzhan vong on the big screen rather than more white clad evil nazi troopers. in today's political climate with global warming and some seeing problems with technology and human kind becoming too detached from nature, seeing an alien race that uses organic technology exclusively I think would have made for a much more interesting movie.
I hope so. I'm glad it isnt kid friendly, I dont like the predictable cookie cutter plots typical of disney, which take no risks. I wasnt a big fan of episode 7. it didnt try anything new, didnt make the whole good vs. evil thing compelling. I'd like to see more moral ambiguity in star wars, where the evil characters have more relatable reasons for doing evil. characters dont seem to do much rationalization for their actions in these movies. anakin can go from wanting to save his wife to killing children in about 10 minutes. where is the journey tho the dark side there?

a lot about episode 7 made no sense. we're supposed to believe luke would just run away from his problems and friends, leaving the galaxy to the forces of evil? the same luke who against the advice of yoda went to save his friends? the same luke who chastised han for wanting to take the reward and run? in episode 4?

maybe I'm just sour because I was kind of a fan of the expanded universe, which used to be cannon and now just never happened. in some of the books, moch more compelling plots than the movies, were contained. the new jedi order springs to mind, I'd have liked to see the yuuzhan vong on the big screen rather than more white clad evil nazi troopers. in today's political climate with global warming and some seeing problems with technology and human kind becoming too detached from nature, seeing an alien race that uses organic technology exclusively I think would have made for a much more interesting movie.

Well... this movie Rogue one sums all that up (in a way) . The expanded universe included Orson Krennic. There is just so much expanded on here in this movie that more of these movies are possible in the near future. I heard rumor of an Obiwan movie as well as a Solo movie at some point by the same director 2017/2018.
There are at least 100 books on the Star Wars topic which tell the whooole story, but it seems that "they" didn't use any of them. In these, Han Solo has 3 kids and so on... There are more galactic wars also... Luke gets married...
And there are stories about the ancient times before the old republic, the stories of Revan and Malak, also the trilogy of Darth Bane who deserve filming.
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There are at least 100 books on the Star Wars topic which tell the whooole story, but it seems that "they" didn't use any of them. In these, Han Solo has 3 kids and so on... There are more galactic wars also... Luke gets married...
And there are stories about the ancient times before the old republic, the stories of Revan and Malak, also the trilogy of Darth Bane who deserve filming.

Sure, and you might be or might not be surprised to know that several more of these standalone films are in the works.
Some of the books were used in the new films as ideas.
It's not over yet.
So is it really alot better than 7? in which my fav char gets you know.... That movie was so bad It made me stop liking Star Wars for awhile ( still played the X-wing games) and I did something I'd never thought I'd do I started watching Star Trek. I went from hating it to finding it amazing. I blame Star Trek 4.
So is it really alot better than 7? in which my fav char gets you know.... That movie was so bad It made me stop liking Star Wars for awhile ( still played the X-wing games) and I did something I'd never thought I'd do I started watching Star Trek. I went from hating it to finding it amazing. I blame Star Trek 4.

Hah, is that a question? Go see it. :D You won't be disappointed!!
Thinking about seeing it again! :san:

StarTrek Beyond was also another brilliantly directed and acted movie. I really enjoy that one too. I love the bridge between the old and new series as well as the mentioning of Leonard Nimoy's original character's death.

I was fortunate enough to see the filming of StarTrek beyond in Vancouver.
So many parts of the the city were used in the movie. UBC, Simon Fraser University and well as the Intl. convention centre which all show up in different parts of the film.

** I especially enjoyed seeing was the pure excitement of the Actors when filming. They put everything they had into it. It really showed in the movie.
It was fun, witty, thoughtful and payed homage to the original cast.
Simon Peg absolutely nailed that part of directing. He also pays a perfect Scotty!
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I really liked VII, Starting to think i am the only one on LPF who did :P All my friends and family loved it, however. When Rey force grabbed the lightsaber at the end, I had chills. It was really done well. I thought the movie came together pretty well. I do too wish there was more of Luke in it, but it also adds to the mystery of what happened in those 30odd years in between 6 and 7... So i can't be mad. I saw it twice in theaters and then bought the Bluray day one, and wtched it 3 more times over a month or :D

I've seen rogue one twice now, It was still amazing the second time around. Possibly more emotional, even though I knew what was gonna happen.

And that Vader scene... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

And that Vader scene... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Yes, that one was a cherry on top. :D I was having my 532 nm saber ready at that moment just for sure. :D However, the 3D version seemed a bit "flat" to me - more like 2D compared to other 3D movies.
I only go to 2d movies. I give zero shits about 3d. Every time I've wasted the money on 3d I was disappointed.
