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  • Hello Rivem:

    I’m new to LPF, and am trying to learn the proper protocol. I would like to order some labels from you if possible. I’d like a few for an RBG laser module:

    300 mW, Class 3B

    450 nm 80 mW
    532 nm 50 mW
    650 nm 200 mW

    Please let me know how to arrange payment and shipment. Thanks for your kind consideration. Please Be Well & Take Care.

    No chips and dip! What a let down, guess I'll have to bring my own. :crackup:

    I've been so busy lately havn't had any time for something new. But I'll check it out when I can.

    I haven't forgot about the stickers, it's something that I must get done. But with the move coming up, I just might not get the time to itemize each one for a few months. I will give you a heads up when I'm ready to proceed. Moving is such a pain. But once it's done it should be a good thing. Hoping to get some nice beamshots over Death Valley. :)
    Thank you for you're kind words, you're +reps and for being a top guy all-round buddy.
    We need to get you're reps up too, so well deserved.
    Always enjoy you're posts.
    Hey buddie, thanks:beer:
    Come to find after all this time there's like no air travel over my exact area, none within 20 miles!
    It's weird like they are avoiding it like the Bermuda Triangle:eek:
    Hi, I saw you recently bought a lot that contain some kryton grooves host and whatnot. I was wondering if you had any extra focus adaptirs or 5.6mm heads.
    Really? How much! You'd surely notice a difference between 622 & 635. If the price is good enough I may get one! Make a thread or let me know! :)
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