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FrozenGate by Avery

Spectro-ing the new Nichia 1.4W "462nm-470nm" NDB7675

Count me in for one, I noticed there is no add cart option:/

I do have two left here in stock out of the first batch I got. Most of the first batch was spoken for and I was waiting for more to put buttons up on the site. Let me know which option you want and I will shoot you an invoice for one.:beer:

Thank you for letting us know the results of the spectro "rhd" I was really interested to know what the wavelength they actually output is. That being said, I might have to get myself one of these diodes when I have enough money :)

@WBS That is a very cool avatar haha!!!

DTR: will you be getting another batch?

I have 5 more on the way so there are a total of 7 of these available. The availability is very limited and not sure if I will be able to get more.
I'm going to suggest that we put the idea of a murder fund on hold. It's not really fair to do that until we know that these will be more widely available on an ongoing basis.
Thats a nice doide. Might pick one up but looking for one with a bit of a larger wavelength change. Thanks for the post man!
Running mine at 2.2A 2.4A and it is one of the most blue lasers I have ever seen. I am going to quote it as 467nm, but if anyone (reputable) wants to spectro it let me know. I am loving this laser!

EDIT: Turns out I am actually running my diode at 2.4A, and I can positively say I cannot tell a difference between my diode and a 473nm laser. If anyone wants to spectro it still let me know. It would be painful to ship my laser away, but wonderful to know the actual wavelength.
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