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FrozenGate by Avery

Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border


LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border
Solar Flare(s), Actual Event, and if so is it a Government Cover-up, or simply the "Tin-Foil Hat People" at it again?

Indiana Radiation Spike Triggers Elevated Levels In Other States, Corporate Media Stays Silent

Reddit, I think there is a giant (nuclear) coverup afoot. by OCDTrigger

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Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border


Interesting. Time to grab my tinfoil hat.
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

Probably just Gary, Indiana at it again... >_<
But, uh seriously that's a bit weird....could just be a freak flare?
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

hmmm... what weird timing. Do you think this is legit?
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

I live very close to a coast guard refuel depot in indiana and we had 14 unmarked blackhawks refuel 2 times within a 24 hour time frame
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

How do they know it's nuclear radiation and not radiation from outer space?
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

A major red flag regarding the authenticity of these reports is that there is no website data on the included screenshot, nor is there a link to this "missing" information so that we can see that it's missing (or whatever state it might be in) for ourselves. IMO this is a painfully obvious omission. These reports could certainly be legit in every way, but I'm skeptical because they somewhat obviously leave out a simple means of verifying their claims.
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Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

Does anyone know where David Hahn is these days? :anyone:

(google him if you don't know the story)
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

Very strange, but as with all these kinds of reports I am extremely skeptical.
Also these people are not reading the fine print. These stations are run by individuals, and not all readings are accurate.
Chasing ghosts is more like it.

Group sourced data can be quite unreliable, just as the NRC said.

SO, if I happen to walk by the detector with some fiesta ware, I'd show up as having a radioactive event too...
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Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

Huh... well it's safe to say he's taken himself out of the gene pool.
Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

oh joy.....that happened exactly where i live..


Re: Significant Radiation Spike Detected June 7th & 8th near Indiana/Michigan Border

Anyone near ^^ crazyspaz with a 405nm shine it at him see if he fluoresces ? .

Or see if he's just GITD in general?

Oh, and these thread titles should always be "Alleged radiation spike ect ect" .
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