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Should FrothyChimp Come back?

Do you think that FrothyChimp was unappreciated and should come back to the forum?

  • YES

    Votes: 46 75.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Who is FrothyChimp

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters
Jan 23, 2009
I don't know about you guys, but I appreciated all of FrothyChimp's insite and I hope that he will....when ready...come back to this forum, because if it wasn't for members like him...this forum would be nothing.

Face the facts people...most of the veteran member have moved to another forum. They are not coming back full time. They have been talking about this for a long time now. Chimpy has just been waiting for an excuse to leave, and he got one. Its no one fault directly, he was leaving sooner or later.
Face the facts people...most of the veteran member have moved to another forum. They are not coming back full time. They have been talking about this for a long time now. Chimpy has just been waiting for an excuse to leave, and he got one. Its no one fault directly, he was leaving sooner or later.

This I do understand...There is a ton of BS going on in these forums and I have even seen it increase the short periode time that I have had to share with everyone on here.

I just want all of the Veteran Members to know that they are appreciated and that people do listen and respect them. Just try not to listen to some of the itiots on here.
If he wants to come back, he'll come back. I much prefer the atmosphere here and it's sad that he doesn't see it the same way I do. Maybe he does, I don't know but veteran members of any forum often have similar issues and make a stink about leaving.

Some come back, some don't. We'll just have to wait and see.
Hey T_J... I like your new Avatar look...

Don't expect Frothy to come back any time soon..
He's being appreciated for his knowledge elsewhere for the time being...

Too bad for some of the members here that didn't take advantage of it
while they had it... :yabbem:

Not to Hijack this thread... but another intelligent member that was chased
off the Forum by another moron with his head in the clouds was Warske...
He's the one that gave us the DIY Simple IR Power Meter....:eek:


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Thanks Jerry, just trying things.

I don't blame him. People keep arguing with him over stupid points and shoving their opinions down his throat. He did some arguing too, but at least he had valid, educated points.
Yeah... when I saw he was swearing in a response...
I knew he had hit his limit...

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I didint see any swear.

I think I'm going to move on. You can talk until you are blue in the face, yet every retard like this yahoo has to pipe in about how the man is oppressing those who violate the law. It's easy to talk like a big man when your ass isn't on the line. You'd be pissing your pants if you were facing up to a $250,000 fine. This forum lately has been overrun with ignorance and I don't care to be around it. I guess the change over is about as good a point to make a clean break as any. For you laser professionals out there (you know who you are), I'll see you around the neighborhood.


The [Search] button is your friend....:whistle:

Idk if i'd really consider that swearing. Anyway, i just read most of that thread now (didn't notice it before). But yeah, some people on the forum can really be ignorant.

I'm just wondering though, what is the website he and others are going to?
If you know Frothy like I learned to know him here... by all his posts..
I've never heard (read) him raise his voice in frustration...
For Frothy (as far as I'm concerned) that is considered SWEARING....;)

