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FrozenGate by Avery

SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

up date----------snafu

My usual teller at my bank was off..
They would not treat my USPSMO as cash-
AND the fee to send went up by 25$???

Wiil be back at the bank inbv the morning

I had a box ready to go to WENDYLOU
but ahead of my in line (and very little time before all POs here close)
are some great folks sending packages to the Militray guys deployed---
2000 packages- will be at the PO also in the morning-
so close to the weeked we may not see delivery when expected but fairly sure before

I knew things were just going along to smoothly--

Miss Linna if you are reading this please begin testing to help get these to DHL asap.
we need 3pcs LK3D-
2pcs LKSD 1500mW
1pc LK PD2
and 4pcs LKRGB5 analog upgrade. Our biggest order!!!


Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Sounds like yesterday was not your day! I didn't see the link to the manuals you referenced and didn't see much on their site to this front. I hope today goes better for you.

I ended up finding a second hand DAC and going cheap on the software front. With Christmas shopping and all the cash out I have for the party I'm hosting I couldn't justify the QS deal :(
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS


After a less than wonderful afternoon Thur. This morning another snag of which I have absolutely no control over--)

It also does not help much that China is 12/13 hours ahead of us..

Anyone that has any suggestions or knows a potential buyer for a projector please PM me.

Anyone who is thinking about doing GBs- should see how things like this CAN happen and that is just one reason why hosting GBs is not always a fun thing.

We knew the LKs would take about a week to modify then ship-so getting these before Xmas was never promised- BUT we do still have time to get all the others delivered before Dec 24th-

If any buyer wants to change their choice to the LK we can do that easy' PM please--

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Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS


this one is closing-- last chance is NOW- & I may need you to pay LASERKING direct--
read the OP for this thread

PM me asap with questions or to grab the last seat on the GB Bus

You may NEVER see a quality projector like this ONE_TIME OFFER.

The projectors quality and customer service are also incredibly great!!

hope to hear from a few that need to get more fun from lasers--
handhelds in contrast are just not all that great to own and as many of you know each new buy get seen by family and friends as proof that you are throwing money away and mentally unbalanced--lol
LIKE-- " WHAT?? Another lazor??!! you already have (insert number owned here) WHY would you want to buy another one???"

W/ PJs we dont hear that much-- think about it read the LASERKING reviews ESPECAILLY the new one by Slyoung 1987-- with all the great customer service , upgrades and free extras one would expect this projector to cost more

PM asap
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Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

"WHAT?? Another lazor??!! you already have (insert number owned here) WHY would you want to buy another one???"

Perfect :crackup:
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

It would be very funny if that were not true
i bet if you had eyes in the back of your head you would see eyes rolled behind your back when showing someone your newest wavelength--

Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

"WHAT?? Another lazor??!! you already have (insert number owned here) WHY would you want to buy another one???"

Perfect :crackup:

I think you're sick. Maybe you should see a doctor :tinfoil:
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

which 'you're' are you speaking to?
both of us I quess

me sick?? you gots NO talkin room
young feller.
Hope you found work.
imma still lookin

I see no PJs in yer sig.

Western removed is quick debit to bank shazamm

spot just opened up for a full color
this deal may never happen again- im not really getting to keep one.
Got too much tied up--maybe later if there is a later.

have a good Xmas tell yr sis i said high.

Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Haha you're funny hak. Was aimed at hwang because he said "Another laser!? Why would you want to buy another one"

He must be sick. Hak, get the anesthetic, this one is going to be a dosie!

Aah, you know. I never did update the olé sig after I bought a few lasers. Will do tomorrow when I'm rested up. Im all hopped up on pain pills atm and not feeling so great. (Nearly lost an eye recently! Forgot to put my glasses on!)

You have a great Xmas too! Ill surely tell her you said Hi!

Anyways good luck with the sales and I hope Xmas treats you well!
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

If no one comes forward to buy that full color LKRGB5 so that all those units can get the free upgrade to analog, how about some of us chipping in as a group to collectively buy that needed unit, with Len taking possession, until such time that a permanent buyer can be found? Then refund those who helped out? It seems such a waste to miss the analog upgrade. Thoughts?

I'd consider buying outright, but that would kill my plan to buy a computer yet this year.
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Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Thanks Wendy how very nice of you!!

After a little debate Miss Linna allowed us to place the order that is good for all.

I have a local friend that has his eye on the one I managed to pay for(sorry landlord will pay late rent SOON!! lol) This was a must as I need hands on one of the LKRGB5 if I am expected to 'vouch' for this one- so after some testing and pics it will go back into the box and someone else will own it-- I have high expectations based upon all the LKs I HAVE seen- NEXT GB in 2014 will be a min. of 5 buyers to get the upgrade to full color.

no exceptions-- so a min of 6 or 7 buyers will be needed to assure getting 5 to pay-

For other models I must order 10 or more- no mixed buys of ten to get the best deal.
We are getting price that retailers get when buying 100 or more pcs. So boys n girls
put lots of effort into those reviews- lots of pics too-- I fwd links so Linna can show her bosses that we are posting advertizing that money can't buy..
Linna is top sales person not CEO (yet --lol) so she is in the middle- trying to please both sides..not easy sometimes- be sure to thank her too (Laserlinna) I tell her all our buyers are great people so do the same for me..you should also send praise for her and the PJs at Laserking.com
btw at first glance it seems like the prices at the site are about the same--no true-the shipping needs to be added and it wil NOT be DHL (the best & safest & fastest) but Fed EX-- Linna gives our PJ special attention with 12 hours of testing- we get great after the sale support too- also buying on your own means a hefty fee no matter how you pay
.......to cover.just a few of the PJs Western removed wanted 130$ to send just part our money WTH??

if you bank transfer expect to pay 35 to 50$ in bank fees and LK pays again at thier bank so our one-big transfer is win win for both sides. AND also alone you are just one buyer..as a Group and forum members we get special VIP treatment --& these things are hard to put a dollar value on.. Persoanlly I would never go around a trusted forum member doing a GB as I know all too well the risks and hard work these take and we have seen many GBs crash and burn- GBs are NOT good for everyone nor is being the host of one- I have been blessed with all 15 GBs I have hosted ...good buyers & good company are musts. Be very leery joining a GB hosted by a newcomer.. Any wise GB host will be sure all bases are covered- each buyer needs to chip in for added expenses
so this needs to be figured in from the get-go. To do otherwise is foolish and not good for anyone.. If I am doing a GB for small items -all come to me-tested then reshipped-AND if one is a lemon I am the one stuck with it. (no good deed goes unpunished)
GBers expect after the sale help from both the company and the host-- I help people with JETLASERS problems even if they did not go thru me.

So be nice to your hosts-- try to be understanding and wait with patience.

V/R Len
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Has been a good experience so far and I'm appreciative for being able to tag along with some people with a better idea of what they are looking for than I do.
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Has been a good experience so far and I'm appreciative for being able to tag along with some people with a better idea of what they are looking for than I do.

Thanks Brian-- GBs only work with enough buyers so each of us depends on all the others.. After the holidays I am going to be working with MissLinna and some of her co-workers on doing our own repairs- and trouble shooting.

So the learning is never over.


WELL my friends our money has been transfered.

I want to tahnk all of you for joining our GroupBuy. I hope all will be pleased-- After al the holidays are over both here and in CHina I will bew starting a new thread about doing our own repairs of projectors with LOTS of help from Miss Linna and her co-workers This, to me, is a no-brainer-- so much better, quicker, and is a learning experience that will be very helpful to me and any who follow the thread-- we are lucky to have many members who also can help- Why pay 80$usd EACH way for warranty work? And the time lost waiting for return from China.
SO... we are truly blessed by having Linna to help with this.. a true WIN/WIN/WIN.
Next step in this GB will be the tracking numbers- as its a bad idea to post tehm in the oopen forum each member will get tracking via PM. AND once again we have Linna and LK to thank for the free upgraded DHL Express--- the quickest and safest of all shippers.. Almost crazy fast- often less than 72 hours after you get your own tracking number. AND.. Tis the sedason for lots of deliveries and sadly a time whenmany packages can be stolen if left in a bad place-- I have read about thieves who follow delivery trucks & vans just to see if they can steal. So be wise- IF you are not sure you can be home when the box arrives...PLEASE do call your closest DHL Office with your tracking number ASAP- they can provide you with safe options-- DO NOT be fooled by thinking taht once our box has 'departed HongKong' that it will still be days away as in my experiences with DHL Express you wiull often gewt delivery the next day--so at that time its best to check tracking every morning for the 'On Truck for delivery'
A few more things....
Any time you are there to get a box inperson DO look for any signs that the contents could have gotten damaged. IF you see someting like this It is wise to ask the delivery person to wait a few minutes while you open the box to see what if any damage has been done- it some cases it may be a good idcea to 'refuse delivery' or if you need to file a claim of damage theis delivery person makes the best witness.
I once found a box at my door from the USPS with crunched in corners-- SO while it was a PITA I took the box to the PO and opened it in front of them. There was no damage so that time all was good. Better safe than sorry.
Another good tip once you open the box , hold the item and gently rotate it while carefully listening for the sound of something inside that has become loose. It may be a bad idea to power up the item until you are sure all is OK inside..Read the entire owners guide next- I was very impresses with the job LK did on these.
I suggest you put one of the keys on a key ring and maybe add a string to the other are tie it to the PJ. To make these PJs work you need ...1) plug the cord into tghe PJ firmly then into the wall receptical 2) GENTLY turn the key clockwise (these key are fragile and bend easily) 3) flip the switch once you are sure no person is in front of the PJ. IF you have an ILDA cable attached the projector is already in thatv mode so nothing will come on until you start the PJ using your PC and laser show software.
Learning the mode codes can be a tad tricky The LED window will show you what mode you are in- when blinking to use up or down to scroll thru the modes-- you will see what these do by simp,y watch what the PJ is projecting= BUT until you press 'ENTER" you are only in that mode for a short time, so at some point by default the mode will go back to AUT (auto)
An 'S' will be seen as a'5' thus 5 5 means you are in the 'sound' mode at level 5. 5 9 is the most sensitive 5 1 is the least level.
SLA and bigger numbers refers to DMX & SLA = slave.
L is always LUMIA- and Auo is the other auto mode.
hope this has been helpful Len :D:D:D
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Very helpful and thanks again! Glad I got in on the GB. I think I'm going to be blown away tomorrow when the LK-PD2 arrives! :thanks:
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Hak, thanks for the heads-up on the rapid DHL delivery times. And the good idea to check every morning, once you get your tracking number.
You are so correct about this not being the time of year to leave unattended packages at your door! :cryyy: A trusted neighbor could also keep an eye out for an expected delivery.

BTW - :thanks: for another successful G.B.! I can't wait until it arrives.
Re: UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Do we have any news on the LKRGB5s or I take it we are still waiting on another buyer?
