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FrozenGate by Avery

SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I was think for this price, I have to see what the fuss I'd about ;) bug I have watched many videos of this particular projector and I'm more than impressed.

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Do you have a fog machine yet?
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I'm waiting for the post Halloween sales. Till then just Marlboro's :) jk
Len strikes again with awesome advice.
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4


The Holidays are fast approaching- i had hope that by now more would want to try thier hand at laser shows and this GB would be closer to full--

As you may know this time I am attempting to run a three part GB in order to get some of these projectors out and used by members who can write reviews.

Too many only look at the price and PJ are much more than just that-
I have convinced many to give them a try and so far EVERY buyer thanked me for the push. I have written about all I can about one PJ that seems to be the best way to get both your feet wet and turn those in your lives who cant understand our passion for lasers- that one can change everything for you-- and its cost is not all that high when you consider the fact that in one purchase you are getting 320mW of RG &B and the Red is the best shade at 638nm- I am so sure you will agree i will once again make you this offer--

IF for ANY reason you would rather have your money back than keep this PJ I will buy it from you at full PJ purchase price within 30 days as long as its still in the same condition as when you got it.. I own several small PJs -- and while they are nice I find them quite boring very quickly- they are not anything at all like the LK 3D- you can find my posts with all the descriptions and you can see the vids that Linna linked to us- BUT until you see the Lk 3D in person you cannot fully appreciate what this little bad boy can do.

AFAIK I am the only forum member who has one of these.- I have done demos for several forum members but some are advanced lasershow people and this is not the kind of PJ they would normally buy-- I have four members on the list- we need 6 more to close and place the order- SO if you have friends/family who keep asking why you need more than one handheld/pointer this mini PJ could win them over- AND all you need to run it is 115vac- there is no LIDA/PC connection- just DMX- Sound response and the wireless Remote control. SO ATM no need for software. Its stand alone and never boring. With the RC you can make the LK 3D run in any of the three colors or any combo of two- If you see a 'pattern' you especially like there are 9 buttons that will lock the PJ into that pattern-and a pause button for freeze frame-

Put the LK 3D under your tree this year- the kiddos will love it- play their fav music and turn off the lights- the efx are absolutely mesmerizing-- and never boring or repetitive t.. there are two ''auto" mode you can set and its very hard to see when the LK 3D begins to repeat- I times this and it takes nearly 7 minutes to 'come back around'

and even then it not at all like we see from other projectors like this one- NO boring crude animations- PLEASE feel free to send may any Qs you may have- all Pjs from Linna are completely pre-ship tested- and LK has so far done an outstanding job of customer support and as many who know me will agree- I never stop being your second line of customer support. On that you have my word and promise-

AND the shipping cannot be improved upon -- once Linna finishes the pre ship testing and hands these over to DHL Express yours will be at your door in as little as 72 hours AND so far out of many dozens on boxes delivered by DHL NONE has every been re-inspected or opened- so safe and fast too..

what do you have to lose??

PM me if you want---LEN
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4


I have had a terrible temptation to come up with the money for the 3D as it really lets anyone get into the game and mess with no worries. Other than the more expensive PD2 I don't know what there is out there that can do some serious "magic" without the need for software and frankly without special effects wheels you really have to spend big $ to get something with fast enough scanners to not lower the "frame rate" enough to keep things smooth.
The PD2 has some serious tricks up its sleeve with the special effects wheels that you just can't do with a regular projector as far as I know because they likely don't make scanners fast enough.
My understanding is the 3D unit can be manipulated in so many ways it's pretty much unlimited in functionality for how many patterns it can make. This isn't some cheapo star projector. Its output is no joke and even includes the nice 638nm.
Come on people, I don't know what the big hangup is but this is something really special and I think you are really missing out. Seriously consider getting on the list for one of these before jumping on that next big Watt unit. It won't compare to owning one of these.
Most of you know me by now and I would never push like this if I didn't believe in it. Remember, Len will honor his word and buy it back if you don't think it was worth it.
Is it really that important that everything you own be able to set things on fire?
Just think, you get your own 7 color laser:)

Sorry, I have to go. Got to check my couches and dryer for money so I can get one;)


BTW, Len still hasn't changed the listing to LK-PD2 (not 3) for choice B :) Teasing you my friend:p
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

OK, spill the beans on the DMX stuff!
EXACTLY what are you using software and controller. I am extremely interested in this method.
Own the same unit and QS.
If you want to PM me that's fine because I am pretty much asking for all the details.

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

How long ago did you send money! I'm really hoping I didn't miss the bus here. I know Len said the different models were being ordered at different times so hopefully this was the case.
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Nothing to worry about. His was seperate from this.
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Sorry for the confusion. Just to clarify I wasn't part of this GB but I wanted to post on here to tell you all how amazing the laser is.

Pman. I'm not sure how much you know about DMX so I'm just going to tell you about the hardware and software I use but if you don't have a clue about DMX i'll try and find some links to help.

I tried getting some cheap DMX to USB converts on ebay but I could never find software that was easy to understand. Here is the USB to DMX converter that I use Products » Xpress? 100 | CHAUVET® Lighting. The ShowxPress software is free to download and can be found at ShowXpress software dmx controller lighting | CHAUVET® Lighting.

Its pretty cool, you can build specific shows or program shows against a music track. You can even use an iPhone or Android phone to start specific scenes
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I'm confused. Are you not using a stand alone DMX controller then at all? I thought you could only control it with a separate controller.
So all I need really is to buy that adapter and use the free software and I can control the effects wheel? That would be great!
Uhhh then again holy smokes, that thing is $300. Got to be kidding me. I figured no more than $50 looking at it:(
Has to be a less expensive way to control the units wheel. Very unfortunate that QS doesn't have any way of doing this. The effects wheel is really the reason to buy it over a unit that has a bit more ouput.
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I am using my laptop as the DMX controller. If you just want to control the two channels whilst using ILDA then I would agree that my solution is overpriced. A cheap controller on ebay would work, you just need to find the software that can set the DMX values on the two channels
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

How long ago did you send money! I'm really hoping I didn't miss the bus here. I know Len said the different models were being ordered at different times so hopefully this was the case.

yeah you did not miss out-- here was the deal-dan is UK- and he needed that PJ for an event- AND I knew he would write a review and so we went ahead and got his sent before the GB was done-- sorry we 'cheated' a little- but dan is a nice member and I know he will give us all some tips on DMX which we ALL may need when we want to use a soft like QS and have two or more PJs that are not controllable with just one soft/pc-

(((((((((( about Pmans post of kaph8ed Clayton--

Yeah - wish i had been able to do demos on more-- buy Clayton and I had to meet at a big stores food court so more than handheld JL Lasers was about it- as far as side by side-- there is very little difference bewteen the 850mW SD and the 500mW LK PD2- - same color lasers and IRC same scanners at 20kpps- so hardly any brighter by eye-remember it take 4X the mW to 'see;' a doubling in brightness NOT 2X

I must have impressed him as he is down for the big boy at 1.4W and FULL COLOR w/30k scanners- AND he wants the QS bundle too- His avatar pic is quite old- the dark hair is now greyer and no beard- but a great person to meet and I can see we will be friends for a long time-- the SD card is not much more than a 'gadget' and if one owns show software it will likely never see much use- -- AND once you have fulll color it (LK SD)cant be ran along with 7 color on the same PC and soft as its not modulated the same way.- this is true AFAIK with ALL lasershow soft- but you coluld get an old cheap laptop and run other PJs with it and a cheap soft like I-Show -5paghetti or laserboy-

QS will run up to six Pjs as long as they are similair-- same number of laser colors and same modualtion but no mixing ..

so for those wanting a better laser high.... 'move into the light' build a LUMIA and impress those bored with your handhelds- make a spiro PJ too easy/cheap to do and a fun project that you can include the whole family .

THEN when you buy a 'real' PJ there will be less 'sticker shock'

the LK 3D is only 248$ (with free express delivery) it runs as stand alone or with DMX or sound response (& wireless RC too)but is a wonderful first PJ and will always find a use when you do a laser shows at home-

Put one under your Xmas tree for the entire family- and you will win your people over--

ATM I am the only forum member with a LK 3D-- so no others can tell you much-- so ONE MORE TIME buy the LK 3D in the GB underway- If for ANY reason you are not thrilled ship it to me in original condition and I will buy it back from you...

.thats how sure i am that you will love it-

I have a few buyers ready now- help us and yourself by joining us-

if i get the needed number we will move to 'pay-up time' and after that these pjs will be delivered very soon. the vidoes linked do NOT show you what you will see in person- the reds is 638 and beautiful but my camera barely picks it up.

The RC is NOT just a gimmick- it really does AMAZING THINGS LIKE CHOICE OF SIX COLORS.(350mw) it can lock into a pattern you like- ANd you can 'pause' for freeze frame- or turn it off.

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Thanks dan2. Just couldn't wrap my head around the cost of what looks like a very simple interface connector.
Had purchased an interface that I could not get to work. It would never blink like the manual said it should once the software is installed.
It was this annoying one:

This is the one that seems to be the real deal that I am looking at.


Link to the unit at their site:

Velleman, Inc. - Item - Details - VM116

If you wouldn't mind taking a look and offering an opinion I would be grateful. Would think anyone purchasing a unit with the option for DMX hookup would be interested also.

What exactly is neccesary to run a DMX controller board (no computer). Looks like you need the proper 512 interface again and the control board.
Why I am so confused about all of this is it seems that everyone here is controller their units with software so I can't get any answers. I'm not interested in spending $ on stuff that isn't going to work.
I look at all these different control boards and don't understand how many channels I need to be able to control everything. What I mean is the manual states under DMX channels "Max 19 channels" and then I see things like this:


It says this controller Controls Up To 8 Intelligent Lights Up To 12 Channels,
96 Dmx-Channels Of Control
So, is this 96 channels way more than enough for a single PD2 or is it saying it could control 8 PD2 with up to 12 channels each so if you really could only fully control 5 PD2's because 19 goes into 96 5 times.
Probably sound like an idiot to someone who knows this stuff but frankly I don't care:)


Oh yeah, I am rather confused when you need to install the terminator on the PD2. I ran mine with the terminator on with QS and everything worked fine but do I really need the terminator on? Only have the one unit. Something like 001 was blinking the whole time I think. I get the feeling that you only need to install the terminator when you have more than one projector.
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

This is the one that seems to be the real deal that I am looking at.

Amazon.com: VELLEMAN VM116 USB Controlled DMX Interface, Factory Assembled & Tested: Musical Instruments

Link to the unit at their site:

Velleman, Inc. - Item - Details - VM116

If you wouldn't mind taking a look and offering an opinion I would be grateful. Would think anyone purchasing a unit with the option for DMX hookup would be interested also.

Had a quick look and this will give you simple control of the DMX channels. I'm pretty sure that supports OpenDMX so any of the software I linked above will also work. The biggest issue I found was finding software that I could understand as a novice but i'm using DMX a lot more than the two channels you will need for the effect wheel.

What exactly is neccesary to run a DMX controller board (no computer). Looks like you need the proper 512 interface again and the control board.
Why I am so confused about all of this is it seems that everyone here is controller their units with software so I can't get any answers. I'm not interested in spending $ on stuff that isn't going to work.
I look at all these different control boards and don't understand how many channels I need to be able to control everything. What I mean is the manual states under DMX channels "Max 19 channels" and then I see things like this:

Amazon.com: Chauvet OBEY10 Universal DMX-512 Controller: Musical Instruments

It says this controller Controls Up To 8 Intelligent Lights Up To 12 Channels,
96 Dmx-Channels Of Control
So, is this 96 channels way more than enough for a single PD2 or is it saying it could control 8 PD2 with up to 12 channels each so if you really could only fully control 5 PD2's because 19 goes into 96 5 times.
Probably sound like an idiot to someone who knows this stuff but frankly I don't care:)

The best way of thinking about it is the controller will send DMX values from channels 1 to 96. DMX values on each channel can vary from 0 to 255. Your laser is then set to start at channel 1 and it will read anything with channel 1 to 19 on it and use that to control the laser.

So if you are running DMX only you must use all 19 channels. If you use ILDA you only need two channels.

1st Laser - Set to channel 1
2nd Laser - Set to channel 20
3rd Laser - Set to channel 39
4th Laser - Set to channel 58

OR if you wanted the lasers to do exactly the same commands you could set them all to channel 1 and they will mirror each other

Oh yeah, I am rather confused when you need to install the terminator on the PD2. I ran mine with the terminator on with QS and everything worked fine but do I really need the terminator on? Only have the one unit. Something like 001 was blinking the whole time I think. I get the feeling that you only need to install the terminator when you have more than one projector.

I'm not sure what you mean by a teminator. If you have more than one PD2 then you need to connect the DMX output from one PD2 to the input on the other. If you only have one then there is no need. If 001 is blinking that means the laser is running on channel 1 so will use channel 1 to 19 for its values.

I hope all that makes sense but let me know if it doesn't :)
