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SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Mar 23, 2011
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

This thread reminds me I need to check out some of the company's other products. I currently own 2 of the LK PD2s and I couldn't be happier with them. Low cost and brighter then I could hope for.

I've only had one issue and Hak and Lienna made it good right away. I had what I thought was a bad green module, Lienna sent a new one right away. It turns out it was a driver board issue and not the module after all. Hak was able to get the entire projector replaced for me. Seriously great service. I am a VERY happy customer!

If anyone has any questions please feel free to send me a private message. I am not here as often as I used to be, but I get an email notification for private messages.

FYI: I will be the person doing the drawing for Len this time! :beer:

Nov 12, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I received an email today from Kam Lamda via YouTube with a link to their Kam Laserscan 1000 3D projector video:

Look familiar? Visit the Kam Lighting Laserscan 1000 3D website.


So, as we purchased direct-from-the-manufacturer, Laser King, Kam is apparently one of their resellers who brands it as their own. As Kam advertises the sound-to-light feature, I hope we didn't acquire factory seconds or rejects (if you browse the Kam website, this PD2 unit they call Laserscan 1000 3D and Laserscan 1000RGB have actually been discontinued by Kam. Indeed, many of the LK models are in the Kam discontinued list).

I understand that LK does replace green modules and takes care of problems, but no matter how many times we're told to suck-it up and accept the random poor audio response of the PD2, why can't I ask LK for a unit that works as advertised? Why is the sound response failure any less of an issue than a bad green module? Not having sound response is a very big deal– sound activation adds so much more to the laser show experience. Without a functional sound input, we're missing half the projector's capabilities. As Kam Lighting has been reselling these as their own brand, you can bet any of their customer who gets a bad sound response projector can and will request repair, replacement, or money back from them. Are these problems the reason why Kam Lighting has discontinued many of the LK projectors?

On behalf of everyone in the LK Group Buy who received a projector that has an unresponsive sound input, I am seeking repair or replacement for all. No one is going to lose their job over such a request. Buying a unit that works as advertised is a universal right and all manufacturers understand and respect this this, because their reputation is on the line. At the very least, we need a response from LK technicians regarding this issue. I have already precariously replaced the provided microphone and did not see a significant change in response, so it remains an unusable feature. If I keep hacking any further, I'm flying blind because I don't know what the input impedance or voltage should be, plus any homemade solution with preamps is going to be a cumbersome hack. This sound issue is really something LK should address and repair for us. The problem is either in the circuit board the mic is soldered to or in the firmware controller.

If LK continues to remain silent on this issue and ignore our pleas for service, all I can say in my review is, yes, the PD2 is an amazing projector, but no, do not buy one if you want sound-to-light. If Laser King want's my glowing endorsement (which was the whole point of this group buy), then make me a happy customer by repairing my unresponsive sound activation on the PD2. If we get no response or help from LK, then it's not difficult to assume we bought close-outs and that Kam has discontinued carrying these for a reason. Please prove me wrong and take care of us after the sale.
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Oct 13, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Little update on the pattern difficulty.

I emailed chauvet to make sure I was scanning through the patterns correctly.

Although the NUMBER of different patterns is correct, the patterns are only accurate until group 3. Instead of pictures of faces, holiday graphics, numbers etc, it gives mo geometric pattern instead. ( which I really don't mind, I fail to see when I would want to project a dog and such lol) I have scanned through every pattern extremely slowly to make sure my slider wasnt bypassing a pattern and counted to make sure every pattern was shown. And like I said, while the amount of pattern in the manual is correct, the patterns after group three are totally different. Maybe it's because I have lens personal projector? If anyone with a 3d gets a DMX , please let me know if this is the case with your unit.

Still very happy with the unit, just found it strange.
Nov 28, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Pulled the trigger.
The Chauvet should get here Tuesday.
I'll let you know as soon as I know.


Oct 13, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Great! If we have the same issue, then the very last pattern will be. $ .
Jul 15, 2008
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

On behalf of everyone in the LK Group Buy who received a projector that has an unresponsive sound input, I am seeking repair or replacement for all. No one is going to lose their job over such a request. Buying a unit that works as advertised is a universal right and all manufacturers understand and respect this this, because their reputation is on the line. At the very least, we need a response from LK technicians regarding this issue. I have already precariously replaced the provided microphone and did not see a significant change in response, so it remains an unusable feature. If I keep hacking any further, I'm flying blind because I don't know what the input impedance or voltage should be, plus any homemade solution with preamps is going to be a cumbersome hack. This sound issue is really something LK should address and repair for us. The problem is either in the circuit board the mic is soldered to or in the firmware controller.

If LK continues to remain silent on this issue and ignore our pleas for service, all I can say in my review is, yes, the PD2 is an amazing projector, but no, do not buy one if you want sound-to-light. If Laser King want's my glowing endorsement (which was the whole point of this group buy), then make me a happy customer by repairing my unresponsive sound activation on the PD2. If we get no response or help from LK, then it's not difficult to assume we bought close-outs and that Kam has discontinued carrying these for a reason. Please prove me wrong and take care of us after the sale.

I would have to agree - i see it as an advertised feature, and like you state its as much of a defect as a faulty module.

Please let me know how you go with this, as i am experiencing this issue with my RGB5 - having to instill club level volumes to activate the thing, or physically tapping on the device. Apparently hak advised them of this but i've not heard any info back regarding it.

Some good news - Linna sent me my replacement green driver via DHL.. excellent! - however the instructions require me to have a Laser Power Meter to tune the pot on the driver, which i do not have one of these anymore so im not quite sure what i'm going to do in this scenario - have emailed Linna back for her response. Until i get a response from her i'm not going to install the driver as im sure a pot configured too high could cause damage to the laser module (im only guessing here)

I tried the laser at a warehouse gig this weekend, set to scan far above peoples heads as im still waiting on a DAC, and physically masked the bottom of the arpeture to ensure if the software screwed up it wasn't going to fire a stray beam into the crowd, the results were excellent ! everyone was blown away by it. I can't wait for the day where i can set safe scanning zones via software and have a tunnel form around me ! exciting times.


Oct 13, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Tuning it too high may indeed cause too much stress, and drown out the other colors because of its extreme brightness.

Really sorry to hear about all of this. Except for my little pattern issue, I couldn't be happier. but maybe i do not have the right to chime in because of my specific situation.
Nov 12, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I would have to agree - i see it as an advertised feature, and like you state its as much of a defect as a faulty module.

Please let me know how you go with this, as i am experiencing this issue with my RGB5 - having to instill club level volumes to activate the thing, or physically tapping on the device. Apparently hak advised them of this but i've not heard any info back regarding it.

At the moment, this is more a wishful statement than an active case because I do not have Linna's email or any way to contact LK. If anyone does have access to LK, please ask for a resolution to these sound issues on behalf of everyone else. There is no way LK did not know about this because – had they tested – they would have learned about all these unresponsive sound issues at the factory.
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Feb 21, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Tony, want to test your sensitive LK sound unit with the Casa when it arrives soon. Got 5 feet using a cell phone as the speaker. Interested to see how they stack up especially since you have the most sensitive unit.

@Wendy, I might have Linna's email from when I spoke with her regarding buying a unit after this GB ended. If I have it, I'll post it here for everyone to have. If not, I am sorry but I can give you her contact on PL.
Jul 15, 2008
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

At the moment, this is more a wishful statement than an active case because I do not have Linna's email or any way to contact LK. If anyone does have access to LK, please ask for a resolution to these sound issues on behalf of everyone else. There is no way LK did not know about this because – had they tested – they would have learned about all these unresponsive sound issues at the factory.

I emailed Linna and she advises
" I don't know where the problem is - others said sound sensitivity of LK-RGB5 is all right. Also LK-RGB5 is a good product to use software, thats why we offer the ILDA Cable

If you can use the software or SD card to control it, thats perfect'

I havent heard of anyone with the RGB5 having good sound activation - so basicially to me it sounds like shes saying 'if it works via ILDA we dont care"

Also if others did have good sound activation, shouldn't she want to fix mine regardless ? just because others are ok doesn't mean a faulty one is acceptable.
Nov 12, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I emailed Linna and she advises
" I don't know where the problem is - others said sound sensitivity of LK-RGB5 is all right. Also LK-RGB5 is a good product to use software, thats why we offer the ILDA Cable

If you can use the software or SD card to control it, thats perfect'

I havent heard of anyone with the RGB5 having good sound activation - so basicially to me it sounds like shes saying 'if it works via ILDA we dont care"

Also if others did have good sound activation, shouldn't she want to fix mine regardless ? just because others are ok doesn't mean a faulty one is acceptable.

Agreed. It's like saying, 'other's have good green modules, so you should be fine, even though you claim you're green module is DOA.'

We're not being unreasonable here. We all paid a lot of dollars and the unit does not work as advertised, i.e. virtually unusable sound activation. I don't have expensive ILDA laser show software or the required DAC, so I was expecting a nice Auto show triggered by external music. Instead, I have to tap hard on the unit to make it respond or pump 100+ dB of music through headphones pressed against the mic hole. It's unusable and unresponsive.

If you advertise sound-to-light yet delivered units that do not respond to external speakers, 'Houston, we have a problem.' Most companies take care of bad merchandise that does not work as expected right after the sale. In comparison, if this we're an Apple product, they would have given me a replacement computer the moment I told them there was no sound input.

I also had expectations of being a valued customer. I was led to believe that the group buy "deal" was lucrative and, in return, LK was hoping for positive reviews that would help them sell more units. But now it looks like these sound issues will not be addressed because it may very well be a known problem they are unable to identify and fix – or else it's too costly to fix and reduces profit.

LK / Linna: please consider sending me another PD2 that has a working sound input – a unit that responds to external music without requiring me to beat on the case to trigger it. In return, I'll sing praises about LK projectors and send more customers your way. But abandon my pleas for repairing or replacing this unresponsive sound input, I may be you're worst public relations. I can't imagine this thread discussion is helping much. I'm not a happy customer at the moment.
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Nov 6, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Hi all,

I had a play with the sound sensitivity a few weeks ago and made a video of it working set to sensitivity level 5 to a simple beat. The volume wasn't that loud but I do find its best to have the speaker pointing and close to the mic on the PJ.
Last time I played with it I had it set to 9 and found it never goes into blackout mode and also doesn't seem to respond to the music (just dose its own thing).
I found for my PJ that I had to set it down to 6 or 5 to get it to go into blackout mode as my mic seems to be picking up on all the internal noise (which there is little of).
Once set at 5 it seems ok as it will blackout in about 6 or so seconds of no music being played or sometimes to a quite it in a song.

This video I've took shows you it working quite well to a simple beat, but when I play a faster beat/music it doesn't seem to increase its show speed, it pretty much stays at this constant as shown in the video... is this normal for those of you who have a good working mic in your PJ?

My older PJ when the music tempo increases also the show/pattern speed would also increase, but the PD2 it doesn't seem to increase or decrease.

I will get another video up soon when I have time so you can see it working with a music track playing.

Mar 11, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I've noticed some settings go better to music than others. not so much the 3D or beam show elements. the lumia, grating, and universal effects go pretty well.

I set my unit on nine and place a speaker directly behind it, less than an inch from the mic hole, and have to play the music at at least a medium level to get it to respond. I'm hoping to be able to save custom shows and download ones others have made once I have software, Im thinking a custom show could be made to go better with music than and auto sound response setting, though obviously involves much more time and effort, as a show for each song would have to be made, still, this sounds very rewarding to me

I just kinda wish the yellow had less red leak, wish the green was more consistant, still it's sweet. I really want to see someone make a vid of a custom show using software and the LK PD2 so we can get an idea of it's full capabilities. does it have capacity for any animation, that sort of thing.
Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

wow lots for me to respond to- but I will do my best.

not to just blow the 'issue' off here in my order of importance
when using any china made projector -
for the best show-
1) a good pro level software with ITS DAC ( they do NOT all play nice togther)
like LSX or Qs and its DAC the FB3
2) a good DMX controller with 19 or more channnels
3) the SD card way
and 4) sound response-

For lower cost PJs you may not even have the ability to use QS-

and trying to add that does not make any sense --

and about the problem with a fix or replacement-

while LK and Linna seem to be great with the help+its nearly impossible to find ANY seller oiutside the USA that rerplaces even the worst for 'free' as thay all seems to make the buyer pay ALL shipping- like the others LK is not exception
Where LK differs is- Linna is willing to send both free parts and some kind of help on a self -fix- shipping the Lk PD2 back to china may be close to 100$ EACH way-
ending by a cheaper way may be a big mistake as you may have other problems- like lost on transit or an inspection by those in china who will make LK pays a duty to complete the delivery -- so saving some on shipping can end badly and i know this from experience- its all about successful returning/shipping and much less about how quick the delivery is.--


The more I read from Miss Wendy the more i am inclined to think hers has a bad part-and i doubt it must HAVE to be an expensive one OR one that requires the PJ to be shipping twice at the owners expense.

While at most sellers this shipping is BS and its clear they just want the buyer to go away LK in NOT like that-

Wendy- have you looked inside to see if that tiny mic is still in place??
We have no need to fear 'Voiding the warranty' issue with Linna and LK unlike the others- and I think she will be helpful no matter how long we have owned our LKs.

Some may say going with the sound response is the 'lazy & cheap' way to use a laser pr0jector-
I do not think this way at all.

BUT once somebody has a better way to control i doubt they will need to use sound response much and therefore not see it working well or poorly as a big issue.--

I wish there was a way to demonstrate how poorly Wendy's is working with a side by side demo of a second LK PDs -- Also I think we may need to think that at level 9 we are not seeing good sound response at all but NOT because the reponse is defective BUT that it may work better at 7 or 8 and it will not stop / move to the beat --- if the music is too loud or the level is not set at the best spot.. it works both ways- too low nothing too high it will never stop - i doubt the 'fix' is this easy but it needs to be ruled out first.

What is NOT a great idea is sending any PJ back to china- any benefit will be lost in the shipping costs.

@ reaper Z.. yes yours too could be faulty.AND if it can be fixed by sending back to china then I believe we can fix it too- plus quicker and cheaper-and who can see any benefit by having the PJ gone for weeks??- just to prove a point is . really.. pointless.

Please ask for help from me- I consider that to be one of my 'JOBS' as the GB 'host'
and there are very few who think this way- I have helped some with Jetlasers that were NOT gotten thru any of my 8 Group buys- JL (& LK) are my 'source'-- my friends and this is what I do for friends-

You may have gotten the wrong idea when Linna sez that with software or DMX you have much better control than with the tiny mic on the back.+because this is a true statement-- not being said to side step the problems--some may forget that English is Linna's second language. Aslo when you send her a mesage fo0rm USA at noon its midnight there- so expecting a reply very quickly cannot happen-- BUt I have sent email at midnight and got instant replies. so there is that. same goes for the weekends and the many china holidays- a message sent on friday morning will not be seen until Sunday night in the USA. --

I have the LK PD2 from James here and when time allows it will be fixed and will work like new--

Wendy while you have yours open trace the mic wire to where it is plugged in and be sure it has not become loose or disconnected LK does not cover everything with white hot glue like the cheap PJs come with- having my choice I will take the ones with NO glue PJs every time.

I know i have more to add concerning the above posts so plz do not think i am ignoring you- and please keep in mind I am far from an expert with PJs only ever built ONE from scratch (so far) but rest assured i DO have lots of super friends that ARE experts -- also I am going much of this work for basically free--- but am happy to help anyone.

last bit.. keep your comparisons to apples to apples and oranges to oranges
there is NO way you can compare the REKE RGB 500 to the LK PD2-
as there are practically NO parts they both have in common.

And yes LK does sell large numbers of PJs to others that re-brand them and these are gotten even cheaper by them than we get at GB= if you want these prices you can get them anytime you are ready to buy 100 to 500 PJs-- ALSO I found one sold from USA that was nearly 3X the price from of Linna- while it may ONLY be the same outside enclosure its specs are the same as ours (so far)--

My personal plan is to use the tutorial P-man made on the aux audio in jack-

have you seen the size of these mics?? by that alone i am surprized they work at all.


Nice Find Wendy -- same PJs including the LK 3D


any way to tell if they can upgrade before shipping? like Linna did for us on the LK RGB5 (that one KAM does not sell)

My guess is and has been that LK does NOT make these from scratch- and most likely Kam buys from same makers as LK who pays less is a guess?
KAM may be a bigger seller and thus a bigger buyer from the maker- the more you buy in most cases the cheaper they get especially if you are a long time buyer.

at the bottom we find the worst sellers... drop shippers who NEVER even touch a Pj and may have no idea about how they work or fixing them- they have a web store and take their cut- and the actual maker ships direct to each buyer- in the event it needs to go back you will not be sending it to anywhere but the actual makers not THE DROP SHIPPER.
and they count of the cost to return to be so high most will not want to use it- in some cases it make more sense to simply buy another and keep the defective one for parts or repair it yourself- - its simple math-

spend ~$160 (or more) to ship twice or put that cost towards another one.

I will eat my hat if you can find a China seller that pays even one half the cost to return ship a defective PJ- Linna does long time testing on ours to help ensure they will arrive in the best possible shape. and, yes,, she missed the ttl driver issue with the RGB5 BUT w/o software seeing that problem is NOT easy at all- I was not sure mine was not analog until i tested it with QS- then it was quite clear that only the red and blue were modulating. This problem is a small one- and not as expensive for Linna as i thought- they only needed to send us the analog drivers not the whole laser module. so nobody got 'fired' AFAIK. red faced YES.. but it was an easy mistake to make as the two drivers at first look are the same.


Okay- reaperZ- maybe Linna was confused- i do not see any need to have a LPM to replace the ttl driver with the analog one.

Wendy-- KAM is not a retail seller- they send those interested to their UK dealer stores
so KAM will be be NOT quoting any prices for retail sales. Nor do they have sellers in the USA or China-afaik.

still a good find- as i was under the impression that the Lk 3D and Lk pD2.0 could not be found elsewhere-I was NOT told that...btw.. just assumed as in my searches I did not find any the same..

I looked for Kam's return policy and they have none , i guess because they do not sell retail--the maker is likely Lambda--

moar info as i find it--
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Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I htave o go to bed so forgive me for not readin all of your post Len other than to say the sound issue that Wendy has is exactly the way mine is and probably everyone elses. Hers is not a unique case at all.
I'll try to get back to this in the morning. Nighty night and sweet dreams all :)

Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I htave o go to bed so forgive me for not readin all of your post Len other than to say the sound issue that Wendy has is exactly the way mine is and probably everyone elses. Hers is not a unique case at all.
I'll try to get back to this in the morning. Nighty night and sweet dreams all :)


understood-- I have never been accused of making tiny posts that kinda look like I am more interested in post count than content-lol
I DO feel just a little bad when somebody has mistaken a cell phone for a PC even a laptop or tablet. BUT I make NO apologies for those who make this choice-- what is next internet on a ring? looks like using a wrist PC is right around the corner.

so what I tnink we need is something that both betters the sound response but does NOT involved with sending anything back to China.

So we shall waork on that-

For DrZ and Reaperz both good and bad newz-- the swapout is not impossible for us to do but IS a PITA read this from brother George aka laseface---

" The way I accessed the driver was to take the front off, then the top, then the back, but kept cables plugged in, just enough to give some space for access. It was a VERY tight squeeze the whole time. Then, I unscrewed the 2nd level baseplate (holds lasers & galvos) and slid it forward, again not too far, just enough to get screw driver access to the TTL driver, rested the front end of the 2nd level baseplate on a cardboard box to keep it from falling and pulling out all of the cables. Make sure when you plug the cables back in to run all of the red wires above the thick black one. I put the damn thing back together and when I squeezed the baseplate and back plate back together it pushed the wires onto the ANG driver. Had to unplug AGAIN, and run all reds above the thick black cable. It is simple plug and play, just a huge pain in the ass to swap.

More later

so I see nothing here about the need for a LPM- but do see this is not a job to rush..
TY George for the help- glad I am not going to need to remove the side panel.

good luck Jeff and Daryl

if it is any consolation it appears the LKRGB5 has the same tiny mic for sound response and YES I have NEVER seen on the 'instantly' starts up to the music or ceases either- they ALL run a few seconds AFTER the music stops-- I do not think we would be any happier if these did not come with sound response but at least we would not be discussing how poorly these work-- but trust me- once you have a better way of controlling the laser show you will never even think about sound response-- as its ONLY slightly better than no control at all-- its like two tin cans (with string between) vs a landline phone(being DMX) vs a wireless cell (being QS or LSX)-

No matter what you will never get the same from the tin cans as you do from a cell phone..

if this question were asked at the laser show forum I bet they would ask- why?? would you even WANT sound response??
as of all, its the least high tech - that is a fact-

BUT I take seriously the need for improvement over what we have now
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