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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling: Wicked Lasers 1 Watt Spyder III Krypton!!!

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Apr 24, 2012
So I bought this, and like a lot of other people who buy expensive things, realized I need the money for other things that are more important to me.

It has like 10 minutes of total usage, definitely no more than 15.


1 Spyder III Krypton Laser + holster case
1 Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery
1 Lithium Ion Battery Charger
1 Set of Wicked Lasers Spyder III Laser Expanded Lens Cap
1 Krypton Laser Safety Glasses + case
1 Spyder III Krypton Users Manual
1 Lens Cleaning Kit (Unused)

I would hate to see it go for less than $800, but I really need to sell this, so make me an offer I can't refuse. :gun:


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We need a picture of the working laser, and a piece of paper with your forum name, and date with the laser, and other items. Much larger pictures than you are posting now.

Also a LPM reading of the lasers power would help the sale.

Until you provide these things I would recommend no one purchasing this yet.

If someone wants to buy this, please read this thread.

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A LPM is going to be a must with this sale. Not too many WL Spyder III Krypton actually came with 1W of power.
Thats a fair price, LPM results are a MUST if you claim it still works and has 1W output, Its not a vegetable that we would already know from the pictures its fresh or withered!
See some previous For Sale threads for more info.
I PM'd you yesterday
no response yet...

Not saying this is a scam, but this thread is pretty lame for an $800 laser. 1 post, no rep, blurry small pictures, and not answering PMs. HMMM :thinking:
Well it's definitely not 1W. We know the most expensive Kryptons (the $799 ones) they are around 750mW.
Wow. You guys are really impatient. I have a job and I'm usually constantly busy since I'm in the military. I can't take the picture with my name in it yet, because it is not down here with me, it's at my parents house, but I can do it Friday. I'm in the San Diego/Orange County area in California. Where is a good place to get this LPM'ed? I don't know anybody with one.
I have PMed offer to LPM this laser and act as a middle man. Seller denied my offer. I guess he doesn't think that it is necessary to have it LPMed.
I have PMed offer to LPM this laser and act as a middle man. Seller denied my offer. I guess he doesn't think that it is necessary to have it LPMed.

Wow really dude? I said I don't want to send it to some random guy on the internet. I don't know you. Any of you. Fuck it, I'll take my business elsewhere. Not just gonna randomly mail this thing everywhere.
I hear other chinese companies sell 5000mW lasers for less than the price of a Krypton.

Wholesale DHL Free shipping 5000mw green Laser Pointer adjustable star light cigarette/card burn match pop balloons

Not trying to bash you dude but these lasers have been known to be extremely underspec and have very bad characteristics. We are merely trying to help you sell your lasers. I PERSONALLY would NOT pay 800$ for a laser without knowing what I am paying for. Can you blame us?

We can offer you $ but not what you are asking. Thats just too much.

It's your laser so you can choose to do what you want with it but we are "trying" to tell you that NOBODY here will buy your laser for your asking price of 800$ without a LPM AND or a middleman. You just joined here no offense. Nobody here is trying to get scammed.

If you want to sell that laser you are either going to have to drop your price ALOT or you are going to have to get it LPM'd which would require sending it off... Your choice. You dont have to do anything.
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I am not some random guy on the internet.
I am a specific person in California.
I have been a part of this and other forums for many many years. I have developed a reputation with many transactions and interactions both locally, national and internationally.
I have an ebay account in good standing, my personal email, name, and address are all public information and most of which are easily found in this forum.
Now if you want to talk about someone who just created an account on this forum less than 36 hours ago, has no posts, no reputation, no name, no associated record anywhere else on the internet and no verifiable means of validating your lasers' output then the phrase "random guy on the internet" may be applicable. Try to break free of your egocentric world so that you can look around and see the people here as people and not mindless sheep who only exist to give you $800 as quickly and easily as possible. You will sell your laser here if you follow the advice you have been given. We are here to help you. If our help is not appreciated, then lotsa luck.
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