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FrozenGate by Avery

Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

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I do agree that getting rid of a website sponsor is NOT a good idea. However, I simply cannot condone keeping a sponsor who lies, threatens and uses shady tactics around his customers.


Well, I ordered a laser from him and I got it. So it's not like he's just taking money and disappearing with it. Right now, my laser stopped working and I'd like to get his help in getting it repaired or replaced (or just get refunded) but I probably will just get screwed by the fact that everyone else wants to jump on the attack bandwagon. He's helped me all the way through the ordering and delivery process, so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't help me now, unless he can no longer do business. But I'm not the only one who could suffer. I'm sure there are plenty of people here with pending orders.

Well, I ordered a laser from him and I got it. So it's not like he's just taking money and disappearing with it. Right now, my laser stopped working and I'd like to get his help in getting it repaired or replaced (or just get refunded) but I probably will just get screwed by the fact that everyone else wants to jump on the attack bandwagon. He's helped me all the way through the ordering and delivery process, so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't help me now, unless he can no longer do business. But I'm not the only one who could suffer. I'm sure there are plenty of people here with pending orders.
What went wrong with your laser? Is it the lens issue?
Honestly, I'd like to think this situation could still be salvaged, but joker would need to seriously re-evaluate his business plan. Getting completely overwhelmed with orders, and then needing to send out bogus tracking information/claim things were shipped when they weren't isn't a good way to run a shop.
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I do agree that getting rid of a website sponsor is NOT a good idea. However, I simply cannot condone keeping a sponsor who lies, threatens and uses shady tactics around his customers.


I agree. IMO just because you pay the forum doesn't mean you should be able to do and say whatever you want with impunity.

Though that's c0ldshadow's decision, not ours, and if we're going to use his forum we must respect his decision.

So that's Laserglow and Sci-Fi gone down the tubes in less than the span of a month. Here's hoping JetLasers holds up.
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Well, I ordered a laser from him and I got it. So it's not like he's just taking money and disappearing with it. Right now, my laser stopped working and I'd like to get his help in getting it repaired or replaced (or just get refunded) but I probably will just get screwed by the fact that everyone else wants to jump on the attack bandwagon. He's helped me all the way through the ordering and delivery process, so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't help me now, unless he can no longer do business. But I'm not the only one who could suffer. I'm sure there are plenty of people here with pending orders.

I get that LEDbeam.

However, the thing that really bothered me was posting customers private information online. You simply don't do that as a business as it can get people in trouble or attacked for no reason. I won't be recommending Sci-Fi as a reputable seller anymore.

What went wrong with your laser? Is it the lens issue?

No. I fixed that. But today, I turned it on after just a couple days since last using it and I noticed that it was much dimmer than usual. I can't even see the beam unless I'm in a dark room with the lights turned off. Even then, I can just barely see it. It can no longer burn anything. I thought maybe the batteries were low, even though it worked perfectly the last time I used it. But I charged the batteries up today and tried again and got the same results. I don't know anything about electronics, but I fear something is fried. I don't know how that could happen though. I made sure to stay within the duty cycle limits. I was very conservative about that. But just 10 days after getting it, it's pretty much toast. I wouldn't know the first thing about what to look for when it comes to fixing it either. Eitan offered a 6 month warranty on it. But how can I take advantage of that if he's put out of business?
I agree. IMO just because you pay the forum doesn't mean you should be able to do and say whatever you want with impunity.

Though that's c0ldshadow's decision, not ours, and if we're going to use his forum we must respect his decision.

So that's Laserglow and Sci-Fi gone down the tubes in less than the span of a month. Here's hoping JetLasers holds up.
Well laserglow has been going downhill for a while actually. They were the best around 5 years ago when they had top notch products and there was little serious competition outside of wickedlasers and optotronics. Their quality and the lack of competition allowed them to charge their high prices. Sometime around 2013 I think laserglow stopped shipping >5mw handhelds to the US and that was sort of the nail in the coffin. They could no longer make good money selling portables to the hobby community so they must have just stopped caring.

At least we still have jetlasers, skylasers, sanwu and laserbtb or w/e they're called.

Too bad our asinine laws prevent US based companies from getting into this market. Optotronics is the only one I know of. They're not bad, but they only sell DPSS blues and greens far as I know.
Well laserglow has been going downhill for a while actually. They were the best around 5 years ago when they had top notch products and there was little serious competition outside of wickedlasers and optotronics. Their quality and the lack of competition allowed them to charge their high prices. Sometime around 2013 I think laserglow stopped shipping >5mw handhelds to the US and that was sort of the nail in the coffin. They could no longer make good money selling portables to the hobby community so they must have just stopped caring.

At least we still have jetlasers, skylasers, sanwu and laserbtb or w/e they're called.

Too bad our asinine laws prevent US based companies from getting into this market. Optotronics is the only one I know of. They're not bad, but they only sell DPSS blues and greens far as I know.

I was going to mention my Laserglow experience(which im sure many have heard by now).

I simply stopped buying from them since the customer service I was receiving was horrible, downright! Emails replied every other week, or not at all. Lasers definitely not worth the $100+ extra, pretty much only paying for name brand. Seems like their main focus are lab lasers now(like CNI). I was just in a Skype chat with some fellow LPF members and mentioned that they should purchase a 589nm handheld ASAP due to them increasing in price and limited quantity! In the past I sold my 593.5 thinking I could get another one, and have. However, I most likely will never get rid of this 589nm, since once it's gone. Its gone!!

I was going to mention my Laserglow experience(which im sure many have heard by now).

I simply stopped buying from them since the customer service I was receiving was horrible, downright! Emails replied every other week, or not at all. Lasers definitely not worth the $100+ extra, pretty much only paying for name brand. Seems like their main focus are lab lasers now(like CNI). I was just in a Skype chat with some fellow LPF members and mentioned that they should purchase a 589nm handheld ASAP due to them increasing in price and limited quantity! In the past I sold my 593.5 thinking I could get another one, and have. However, I most likely will never get rid of this 589nm, since once it's gone. Its gone!!

I still like to think the laser community has made considerable gains over the years. Used to be a 30mw dpss blue would set you back $1,000. Now you can use that money to buy a 1 Watt green direct diode, 4 watt blue diode AND a 1 watt 638nm.

Exotic CNI made dpss wavelengths are the only things really getting harder to get. You gotta order a module and do it yourself if you want those.
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The Photonist, well with only 9 posts are we sure this isn't the joker, can a moderator look into this please...

While Joker's shipping can sometimes take a while ( I have bought 2 lasers from him and both were received in perfect condition) You have to keep in mind that Sci-Fi is not a company like SKY Lasers, Wicked Lasers, Dragon Lasers, or Jet Lasers. Sci-Fi as best I can tell is just one guy, Eitan, who builds lasers (even custom ones) to order and is responsible for acquiring parts, building, testing, shipping, advertising, and customer support. His lasers are of professional quality, his pricing is the best, and he will make SURE that all of his customers receive their lasers even if it takes a while. I understand why a lot of people are frustrated with the shipping times, but the guy needs a break. He is incredibly busy and we should all be very happy to have him as part of our community. If you really need a laser within 2 weeks, I hate to say it, but you should not buy from Sci-Fi. But Eitan DOES NOT SCAM, not by the slightest bit, and I plan to buy more from him in the future.

Driver, well with only 6 posts are we sure this isn't the joker, can a moderator look into this please...

and if your not the joker what planet are you from if you really believe that :thinking:

As long as he pays for ads here he is safe to continue his business. His behavior is shit and word is not trustworthy but he will remain here as a seller until he stops paying for ads.

Money runs this forum and as long as you pay you are safe.

Vortish, Please bud don't be sick because what this thread is doing is opening peoples eyes as to what is going on, be happy ;)

To buddybob and redcowboy you have a apology from me for jumping the gun for accusing you of being trolls because of the stuff with joker. I am sorry. Im not going to go in to a long thing about what is going on because I am sick right now to my stomach on what this is doing to the forum any way sorry and gl

LEDbeam, tell you what I will do as I have done this before for the very same reasons, I will repair your laser for free all you have to do is send it to me and pay for any parts my labor will be free to you or any one else in the very same boat as you :D

Well, I ordered a laser from him and I got it. So it's not like he's just taking money and disappearing with it. Right now, my laser stopped working and I'd like to get his help in getting it repaired or replaced (or just get refunded) but I probably will just get screwed by the fact that everyone else wants to jump on the attack bandwagon. He's helped me all the way through the ordering and delivery process, so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't help me now, unless he can no longer do business. But I'm not the only one who could suffer. I'm sure there are plenty of people here with pending orders.

Joker sounds like maybe you scammed your last person at LPF I don't know but there is some pretty damming evidence stacking up against you and you have not defended your self against the claim you offered something and then did not deliver, if a man can not be counted on to keep his word then what can he be counted on for :thinking:

And then to go so far as to send out false tracking numbers more than once, once could be a mistake but I do believe 3 or more people here said they received that from you, would you like to comment on that ?

I think it would be a good idea for you to defend your self if you are in deed innocent of what people are saying about you, that is if you care to keep doing business here as there have been many scammers in the past I know as I have helped get them removed from this forum, we have no room for people who will not follow through on what they say they will do in a timely manner, this hobbie is hard enough to keep going with the stupid people pointing lasers at aircraft we certainly don't need people who lie to customers so you better get on the stand and defend your self if it's possible :whistle:

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i'll pitch in as well....i'll build laser for people.....i'll try to convince other builder to help as well...
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Jokers always been cool with me. However replacement module is still on a slow boat I guess after two months

a silly module u could have bought from china and got it within a few weeks faster, be prepared to wait another month or two if it actually arrives lmao..
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If you were to TRY to buy anything from joker you would need to give him your shipping address.

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